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Everything posted by sungoddess_08

  1. Well I will be taking it to another seamstress this week hopeflly -- but I realized that to avoid the length (it's made of chiffon) I am going to try to find some white heels. I wasn't planning on wearing shoes, but I will need some for the reception anyways...so I may aim for that and then avoid taking it up at the bottom. I would recommend getting it online if you aren't too worried - my FI sister did and her dress was AMAZING and a few other people as well. However, I would not order from Milanoo....and I would also recommend buying it far enough in advance that you have time to play with it. I don't regret it, I just hope I can find someone who will take it in! Even with alterations it will still save me 650 dollars!!
  2. I went to a wedding this weekend -- and I defiantely blew my diet. It made me sad...but back to the gym tomorrow!!! And diet started again today!! lol
  3. I agree -- most of the people who write ANY reviews online are reporting a bad experience. Of the last 6 resorts I have been to, I have NEVER written a resort and they were all fantastic. So, you have to take the comments with a grain of salt. People who take the time to review the resort, have motivation to..! I loved all of the ones I went to, and read all the reviews but never wrote any.
  4. Well the thing is -- the rates on the internet may change again -- and go up. So if those people want out of the group rate then fine -- but then you may lose it for other people who will need it once the rates go back up (if they do). Ughh -- it's such a gamble. I had the FI mom doing the same thing -- finding her own rates and then telling family members to book online instead of with our TA. FI changed her mind though.!
  5. Well the thing is -- the rates on the internet may change again -- and go up. So if those people want out of the group rate then fine -- but then you may lose it for other people who will need it once the rates go back up (if they do). Ughh -- it's such a gamble. I had the FI mom doing the same thing -- finding her own rates and then telling family members to book online instead of with our TA. FI changed her mind though.!
  6. Well I'm not so happy now - I worked with Milanoo but I DO NOT recommend them. The dress does not fit, and I talked to a seamstress who said it would be really difficult to fix because of the chiffon and gathering. I tried contacting Milanoo asking for an exchange as they did not follow my exact measurements and they will not do it. This is way too much stress, and I'm worried that I'll end up paying more in the end.
  7. We decided to stay another week, but at a different resort! We wanted to be able to relax with our guests the week of the wedding, but also have a honeymoon alone the week after! We are really happy we did it -- and depending on your tour operator and the resort, it is often only a few hundred more to add the extra week!
  8. I haven't been reading this thread -- but I ordered my dress online and received it 2 days ago. I went to bridal stores before I purchased it to decide on the style I wanted. I ended up ordering it and it cost 150 including shipping!! I was able to send in my exact measurements. I am very happy with the dress, I love it!!! I will need to make some further alterations as I think they measured a little conservatively (the length is a little long, and the bust bulges at the sides a litle bit). But even with approx. $100 in alterations, I still come in at 250!!!! And I LOVE it!! I would recommend it to anyone - I am so happy I got the dress I wanted for 600 less than the one I tried on!!
  9. Thanks for sending me the document Lisa!! I am going to a wedding this weekend, where I know there will be wine that I will want to have. In preparation of this, I have not had wine in more than a month (or booze of any sort!). Think I can do this guilt free? Any other suggestions for the ever-tempting wedding food!! Ahhhh....worried already.
  10. I agree!! That is the reason I wanted a DW - to avoid planning!! haha, so I shouldn't let it drive me crazy!! I'm still working on that though!
  11. Again, I agree with the others! My parents decided on a set amount - but they love to go to AI so that wasn't an issue - They would be going on a trip around that time anyways, so to them it's not coming out of the set amount. That being said, we love to travel together so it's just a great thing happening on a family trip! I definitely feel you should say somethign -- but to your mom, in private maybe. That way he won't feel offended.
  12. I am not sure -- I have a confirmed time because I have been really firm about what I want. We are having a renewal of the vows ceremony, so no Priest is needed. I have been firm with her so I'm hoping that it will stay put at 5pm. I don't want anything earlier. Dno't worry though once you get down there the time you want may change. I know the week we were in Cuba, it rained EVERY DAY at 5:00pm, so I would want my time changed if that were the case. It's all weather and location realted -- but you never know!
  13. Me too!!!!!! At first I was like "aww" but it's getting to be too much -- and it just makes the show seem really fake. It's almost TOO dramatic and TOO set up -- like, walking out to ask if he has to give all the roses, like pretty sure he would have known he didn't want to before the rose ceremony. I'm getting annoyed -- and I really don't like Ali or Vienna so I don't want them to win. It's addicting though -- I dont' know what to do lol
  14. Well I've been sticking to the gym regime -- well not GOING to the gym, but I've been still doing stairs for 20 minutes/night and then working out for a total of an hour (on various things). I feel better and actually lost 5 pounds already!! Woot!! The healthy eating is a big part of it -- and I'm up to 300 sit ups a day, 200 squats, and 100 side crunches (100 on each side!) Sounds crazy but goes by so fast, and is addicting! lol how are you ladies doing?? 5 months!!
  15. I got my dress today!! It isn't fitted yet - but I tried it on and it makes me sad that it needs so much work. It is WAY too long (about 4 inches), the bust is about 2 inches too big and sticks out at the sides -- and I feel like the bottom is too pouffy. Now, I DOOO love it absolutely -- and I know it just needs to be fitted, but I didn't get that "feeling" of excitement because there was so much wrong! I can definately see the potential -- but has anyone else felt like this?
  16. I hope you are okay -- haven't heard from you in awhile! Stay strong. We're here if you need us!
  17. I cannot BELIEVE he kept her -- oh my goodness.. I am soo mad, and really want to not watch it anymore.
  18. Even though I'm not participating - I just wanted to share that I've lost 6 pounds in the last 2 weeks!! Wooo! That's all Great work by all the other ladies who are particpating! Good luck!
  19. Can anyone tell me what this diet includes? It says I cannot open it - I guess I do not have enough points (I'm not sure how many you need though) I'd love to know what it is as my wedding is in June!! Thanks!
  20. I was wondering the same thing!! I feel like I have lots of questions that have already been talked about. But it's one of those things, that until it crosses your mind -- you don't necessarily think about lol. I am wondering about after the ceremony mostly - I am hoping to keep our time of 5pm, so dinner will be around 7:00-7:30ish? But then I am not sure what to do after -- I dont want people to call it a night, but I also don't want to spend the extra $$ on a private beach party. Oh the decisions.
  21. I am so sorry to read this - I cannot even imagine how you must feel right now. I agree with the other girls though - you need to stay strong and hold your ground, with whatever you are feeling. You do not deserve this, you are a beautiful girl and deserve much better than this treatment. Stay strong....whatever the outcome is, you'll make it through.
  22. I am brutal -- we made a stop and I bought 2 more!! But I couldn't decide between two colors, so for 10 bucks each I got both (well my FI got me both as a pre-wedding present!) Caribbeanlover - I hear you, my friend actually has Crohn's but I should have known about the certain food types you can/cannot eat. It must be frustrating, but it sounds like you know how ot handle it well...which is good. Is it more of just a lifestyle change once you are aware of it?
  23. I agree!! I started out with 4, but eventually got down to 1 maid of honor -- and I'm asking my FI two sisters. My friends are all students, so it was tough for them, but instead of saying "no" and that they couldn't afford it (which I would have COMPLETELY understood) they did the same thing -- avoided emails, texts etc. I finally just came out and asked them and they ended up opting out. It was hard, but it was a relief to not have to wonder if they really wanted to be in it or not.
  24. Well I'm not sure about sizes - the bathing suits were just in small, medium, large -- but you can mix and match. It's worth a try -- I am not sure about Zellers as I havne' tbeen there in a long time! 13lbs won't be too hard I don't think -- there are lots of healthy snacks you can eat (or St. Hubert lol..I am going there next weekend on our way through Montreal!!), but you should be able to do it in a healthy way!
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