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Everything posted by sungoddess_08

  1. I just noticed that some of you girls are at less than 2 months until your wedding day!! AHHHH!!!!! So excited for you!!!! How are you getting through the days? I'm overexcited already right now!! lol
  2. I'm not a breakfast eater either -- but I don't mind snacks like oranges/fruit salad or some nuts/raisins. My FI also makes low fat bran muffins. I can post the recipe if you want later (once he gets home lol) but it's just egg whites, 1 tsp of oil, whole wheat flour etc...it's good fibre and a good light snack in the morning. Hard boiled eggs are also really quick to make.
  3. We do that as well -- split our clothes 1/2 and 1/2, I also pack bathing suits and one outfit in my carry-on. I'm a little paranoid about lost luggage!! It happened to me coming back from Italy (at least it was coming back!) But it works!
  4. I'm sorry to hear this - but it is totally understandable. I think you just need to focus on the fact that you two are together now -- and also, think about your ex FI and the things that happened or reasons you are no longer together. We all have pasts, but you need to remember that things happen for a reason, and if we knew what would happen in the future we wouldn't live life the way we do. Just try not to take it personally (I know it's hard -- especially about his parents.ouch!!) and tell him how you feel. I'm sure he feels 100% that he wishes all those things were only with you, and not his ex!
  5. Another week, another dissapointment!! lol, I don't know why I put myself through this show!!! I can't believe she left -- I think she will come back though based on the preview for next week!! ahhhh!! I love Tenley now too! She's so sweet and genuine! And her family is really nice!
  6. I keep thinking about this too!!! I'm being sooo disciplined until June (it's actually been really easy), but I wonder what I'm going to do in the days up to the wedding. I am bringing my shoes/stuff for the gym but the drinks are killer! and the buffets!! omg. I havent' heard of anything, but I'm going to check back to this to see if anyone says anything!!: )
  7. Thank you!! I have heard that line -- and tell myself that's all it is. We aren't close at all -- we had a family falling out 4 years ago, so I don't talk to them anymore (but they are all close still). So by bringing it up it would cause more family drama that we don't need. I'm just going to do what the other ladies suggested, and not let her (or the family) find out any details - it will save me the stress of being upset when she copies something else. Also, this has gone wayyy back to when my mom and dad first got married -- and her mom did the same thing to my mom. So I think it's in the genes lol. But, you're right -- I need to forget about it and focus on My Day!! Thanks!
  8. I just requested to join -- but like others, there was no space for me to add my name. Please accept!
  9. Thanks for sharing!! I was actualyl hoping to hear from a flight attendant or pilot over the next few months! It helps to hear the others perspective, and see how you enjoy flying! I NEED movies or tv shows playing to distract me - once they turn the movie off, I'm done...and start panicking about every sound that I hear. It also terrifies me when the pilot comes on and says "have a seat" because I feel like if HE is saying something, it must be really bad. Thank you for sharing -- any other inside info you could give would be very helpful. I've looked at lot at that website that shows "youtube" videos of planes taking off and landing - but it still makes me really anxious. I just hope I don't have another panic attack on the way there.
  10. I actually like Gretchen - but I thikn it has a lot to do with editing. I feel for her, and I also don't like Vicki and Tamra because of it -- they are WAY to catty for their age. Are you kidding me If my mom was like that I thikn I would be VERY insecure -- they act like 10 year old girls. I don't know, I think Gretchen is my favorite, but I dont like Slade so we'll see how that goes. lol
  11. Meh - I guess it may seem that I am overreacting, but if you knew the history of our family you'd see I'm not. My parents go get a car -- her parents get one a bit better - My parents buy a new house without a hot tub, they buy one 2 months later with a hot tub. They are very materialistic, and competitive with their own friends and family -- so it may seem I am being narcisstic, but I guess if you knew the family history/drama you'd see my point.
  12. hahahahaha I know!! my mom said I should tell her I'm pregnant and then say "gotcha" ahha kidding of course. They are not invited - so I won't be telling them any more details. I just think it's CRAZY!! ahhh...
  13. I have this cousin who has ALWAYS copied me, always...since we were little. I decide I want to do something, suddenly she does too....I want to go to a certain grad school, she does too etc. It has always been obvious and VERY irritating. I should mention that we don't talk to that family -- I am informed about waht she does by my grandma. We haven't talked to them for about 4 years....for many reasons, and we don't have any intention of starting. So over the summer we made small talk on facebook one day when she was trying to add me -- I told her our wedding date was October 2, 2010 which it was before we decided to move it up to June. So, she thinks it's October 2 -- (none of them are invited to our DW, so they have not been informed of the update). SO....she began dating this guy 5 months ago and NOW THEY ARE ENGAGED!!!! After 5 months....AND they set at date - October 16, 2010 TWO WEEKS AFTER WHEN SHE THINKS MINE IS!!!!!! I wish I could make this stuff up. I am so annoyed and irritated, even though I know I shouldn't be. She is a copycat, but it just bugs me because while I'm not a bridezilla, and don't even want them a part of my wedding I want to have my time to shine -- She had to go and be level with me, instead of just letting me have my time. Maybe I sound like a baby, and I probbaly am -- but this is just the LATEST of what she has copied, and it's the biggest and most important one to me. Okay -- that's all, just needed to vent - what do you guys think? Is she crazy!?
  14. No way!! You don't have to invite her! I have the same issue - we don't talk to my dad's family at all -- aside from my grandparents once in awhile. We aren't inviting any of them, and saying that its only immediate family (siblings, parents) and close friends. And I wouldn't feel obligated to go to hers!!
  15. I"m so sad! I missed it last week - so I tried t watch it on Bravo, but it's only for US residents-- not Canadian. I don't know what to do! lol...I thikn I am going to miss tomorrow too!! ahhhh
  16. Does anyone watch this show?? or any of the other RHO somewhere! lol.. I love this show, it's my guilty pleasure - it's soo bad, but I love it.
  17. I am so sorry to hear this. It breaks my heart -- I have a 4 year old nephew who I have been upset about lately because he's growing up and not needing his aunt anymore! It's silly but I've been having a hard time with it -- this really made me realize that he's healthy, happy and growing up -- and I need to adjust to that. I am so sorry to hear about this, and I wish the best for them - I believe in the survival rate and thikn that you have to stay strong and think positively. <3
  18. I am so sorry to hear this. It breaks my heart -- I have a 4 year old nephew who I have been upset about lately because he's growing up and not needing his aunt anymore! It's silly but I've been having a hard time with it -- this really made me realize that he's healthy, happy and growing up -- and I need to adjust to that. I am so sorry to hear about this, and I wish the best for them - I believe in the survival rate and thikn that you have to stay strong and think positively. <3
  19. I wondered the same thing!! ALSO --how long does it take and does it matter (as far as paper work being ready etc.) how close you do it before you leave for punta cana? We leave June 22, so I would like to do it as close as possible to that.
  20. I am worried!!!!! she is hopefully around supportive people though.
  21. I am SOOO mad haha. I wonder who chooses to leave and why. It frustrates me that I'm so addicted!! haha especially because every Monday night at 10, I feel like I should have done so much more with my life. bahh well. haha...I like Tenley the best - -I'm not a fan of Ali, even though they seem natural I don't like her negative attitude and stuck up attitude. I feel Tenley is really sweet and nice. I also can't stand Vienna but I feel like they are building her up to be wayy worse than she is...I can't think of anythign she has actually done to the other girls besides talk about her dates, which they all do.
  22. Has she emailed you back from two weeks ago when I sent you that new email address? I'm sorry you have a cold!! I am worried I am getting one too!! I would love to see the favors - I'm struggling with thikning of somethign that is light enough to carry on the plane and also nice!
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