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Everything posted by sungoddess_08

  1. That's perfect! thanks for sending that! I LOVE the 6th picutre, I agree!! how much is that one? Did she tell you? I don't love the colours they have for the chair covers -- the yellow is not great and the other one is really dark!! hmm, I wonder if I should bring my own.
  2. My FI is out Djing for now -- so I am getting caught up on lesson plans for next week - but I'm laying in bed with my heating blanket on, cat at the end and some tea! I love weekends!
  3. ANDDDDDDD!!!! He brought flowers home for me! Today is a great day!
  4. Wow!! I am so behind - I have not started anything!! what are your paschmina signs? I have not started anything like that -- could you give me some tips? What are you doing for programs? And menu table cards? AHH how does it all work? lol...!
  5. I have never had it -- but it's pizza so Like. February?
  6. The fact that my FI just went to go to the liquor store (we are having my mom and dad over for sushi and games) and sent me a text telling me he would be late because he was stuck in the car wash line!! AND that he was in my car! And he filled up the gas!! haha, I have been complaining all week that my car needs a car wash and gas -- but haven't had time to go get it!! <3 it's the sweet little things.
  7. Snorkeling - Terrified (of fish! ew)
  8. Hi! That would be great if you could send the pics! I just tried to send you a pm, but it says you have exceeded your space and cannot receive more messages until some are deleted? I'm not sure! You must have a lot of messages! lol
  9. Golf: Pink Clubs (that my FI bought me last year!)
  10. I am so excited!! I woke up this morning and started making a list of things (what we need to bring, what is available etc.) I'm working on a master wedding list now - carribbeanlover did you ever find those flowers? I'm looking on here and on palladiumaddict and not finding anything!
  11. Used to love (converted back to being a vegetarian!) fridays?!?
  12. The fact that it is Friday makes me VERY happy - it was a long week in my grade 2 class. We are celebrating by making homemade, healthy pizza and I am allowing myself to have a coke Even more -- tomorrow my parents are coming to visit and we are having a homemade sushi feast, and playing trivial pursuit!!
  13. I experienced the same thing -- I would try to get a price list out of the Jalu people and was told to just call him when I get there!! I was turned off after a few emails, I am not sure about their work -- but their communication before was very minimal and I didn't want to risk it. I ended up going with HDC! I am excited!
  14. Maybe he will -- but it sounds like he doesn't know how lucky he is. If he is selfish and not goign to change - she may be better off (sad for the kids though). While I agree with the others that you shouldn't bring it up -- I would drive myself crazy wondering if they wanted to tell ME that they were backing out, but didn't know how. I would be worrrying that they would feel they couldn't tell me or something, so I think I actually would bring it up to my GF - but it's hard to say unless you're in the situation. I still think you should wait and let them come to you, but I can see how it would be tough.
  15. Dislike (I'm really competitive lol). Twinkle lights.
  16. Just wanted to check in and see how everyone was doing -- as far as planning, guest situations, packing lists, diet - anything! I am getting SO excited -- it gets me through the days, but still feels like so far away. I know it will come fast though!! I find myself daydreaming about outfits I want to get for my honeymoon!
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