It's actually been super easy!! This is what we do each day:
My FI makes low fat homemade bran muffins each week so we have one of those for breakfast. (I can post the recipe if you want).
I'm a teacher so during first recess I snack on some of our homemade trail mix (ingredients include pumpkin seeds both hulled and regular, wasabi peas or raisins, sunflower seeds and unsalted peanuts).
For lunch I have a salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, tofu, red peppers and oil/vinegar dressing, and a homemade fruit salad (with 3 kinds of fruit -- grapes, pineapple, blueberries, mango, kiwi, nectarines)
For a snack after school I have a piece of cheese or cottage cheese.
And for dinner we make something that is all fresh vegetables. A good recipe it eggplant, tomatoes, mushrooms and onions in a casserole dish. Or sushi which we make a lot.
In the evening I have a glass of milk and some oranges.
The thing I've found though is that by cutting out ALL processed foods (even granola bars and crackers) we have lost weight and have more energy. We just make everything from scratch and it actually doesn't take any more time than other food we used to make.
For exercise, we live in a 10 floor building so we try to do stairs 4 times a week. Just going up and down 3 times (takes 12 minutes). I also have a workout routine that I can do in front of the tv lol (200 sit ups, 200 crunches, 200 squats and 200 leg-ups).
It's so easy and I feel SOO much better!!