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Everything posted by sungoddess_08

  1. No problem! I think it will suit you - based on your pics. I have actually never had my hair done at a place like that though so I am not sure how long it will take -- it shouldn't take too too long though! It'll be worth it!
  2. I agree -- c'est la vie! But, I definately think that unfortunately weddings are a time when you see others true feelings and how their friendships are in reality -- whether genuine or not. I'm sure it's a blessing that she backed out -- but if she's going to do so in such a disrespectful and immature way, then you do not need her in your life anyways!
  3. I love that one!!! I think you will be much happier with it because it will be up, and not so hot!!! I thikn it's great!! It shouldn't take too long either.
  4. Vacuum everyday!! Would you rather drive an hour to work each way or take 2 buses?
  5. I was just reading the latest reviews on trip advisor and looking at pictures!! How bad is it that they have a picture of japanese deep fried ice cream, and I'm craivng it sooo bad now!! lol 3 more months! ahhhh
  6. Yeah that is what she suggested to me as well - I'm sure it's beautiful!!! La Uva has the nice patio apparently!!! 22 days ! Oh my goodness. I would be packed with my bag, and myself, at the door waiting! lol
  7. 22 days!! SOOO exciting!! Can you all take lots of pictures for me? I'll still have 2 more months to wait!!! I would love to see pics of the beach ceremony set up, the beach party and the restaurants where the reception is held. Do you know where you're having yours yet? I haven't seen pics of either, but I hope they have a patio.
  8. Carribeanlover - I love the vase you found. Where did you get it? I saw some, but I was worried about transporting it back home. That one is perfect though, and small.
  9. p.s. carribbeanlover -- did you look at la vie en rose? I saw those rompers there awhile ago!!
  10. I like it a lot!!! I'm just wondering if you'll be hot!! I get really hot so I am thikning I will need to wear my hair up!! But if not, it's gorgeous! Ohhh I know what a romper is! lol...thanks!! About the morning flight - -just think, you'll be on the beach with a drink in your hands by 12.
  11. I would definitley keep the surprise and just go to JFK - again, what airport is great!! It's not that bad -- and if you really want to surprise him, it's worth it!
  12. It does not include food -- most of us are having the beach party after the reception where we will have food. The 9/person does include drinks (and the bartender).
  13. It's 9/person for 3 hours I believe. The cost is for the bartender to be there...and Carolina says it includes decoration of the area and tables/chairs
  14. like. waiting anxiously for your wedding day?
  15. Why is it that my TA is insane and pressured all of us to book ASAP and now 3 months later when the rates have gone 300 dollars she says, "Oh well, luck of the draw". AND when I inform her that my grandmother has been diagnosed with cancer last week, and would really appreciate if we can get their deposit back she says "Oh yeah, that's unfortunate, but that's not the way it works -- a deposit is a deposit". She's so nice when she wants us to do what's best for her. Whew. I feel better now.
  16. March 2010 Melissa & Mark, March 3, 2010 - Iberostar Bavaro Jennifer & Cory March 13 2010- Palma Real Punta Cana Amy & Robert March 13, 2010 - Dreams Punta Cana Kim & Ron March 17, 2010 - Dreams Punta Cana Diane & Devin March 25 2010 - Paradisus Palma Real Anna & Lawrence March 26 - Majestic Colonial Erin & Pat March 27 2010 - Dreams Palm Beach JenP March 27,2010- Moon Palace Lindsay & Seth March 28 2010 - Paradisus Palma Real April 2010 Ken & Carla April 12, 2010 - Grand Oasis Marien Courtney & Michael April 13, 2010 - Grand Palladium Punta Cana Tracy & Mike - April 13, 2010 - Grand Palladium Royal Vanessa & Eddie April 16, 2010 - Majestic Colonial Steph & Jason April 16, 2010 - Grand Palladium Palace Punta Cana Alli & Darren April 19, 2010- Majestic Colonial Punta Cana Tammy & Ryan April 19, 2010- Grand Paradsie Bavaro(Alli were getting married next door) Mylène & Jenrené April 19, 2010 - Grand Palladium Punta Cana Crystal & Tyler April 20, 2010-Gran Bahia Principe Punta Cana Jennifer & Trevor April 21, 2010 - Gran Bahia Principe Punta Cana Helen & Scott April 21, 2010- Gran Bahia Principe Punta Cana Dianne & Adam April 21, 2010 - Grand Palladium Punta Cana Jess & Aaron April 22, 2010 - Majestic Colonial Punta Cana Stacey & Eric April 22, 2010 - Dreams La Romana Holly & Shawn April 26, 2010 - Bavaro Princess Erin & Jeremy April 28, 2010 - Dreams Punta Cana Amanda & Craig April 28*, 2010 - Grand Palladium Punta Cana May 2010 Lara & Mike May 3 2010 - Majestic Colonial Jennnifer & Trevor May 11th 2010 - Majestic Colonial Nicole & Matt May 13, 2010 - Majestic Colonial (Hey Jennifer, maybe we'll see you there!!) Rosa & Larry May 15th, 2010 - Excellence Punta Cana Heather & George May 15th 2010 - Dreams La Romana mary & joey may 21st, 2010- dreams punta cana Lauren & Nate May 18, 2010- Majestic Colonial Sara & Adam May 22nd, 2010 - Indecided, Punta Cana (Palladium, Dreams, Iberostar or Excellence) Iris and Mike May 27, 2010 - Majestic Colonial Rebecca and Hector May 27, 2010-Grand Palladium Punta Cana Shanelle & Michael ~ May 28, 2010 ~ Paradisus Punta Cana Susan & Roberto ~ May 28, 2010 ~ Dreams Punta Cana Valerie & Jake May 29, 2010- Dreams La Romana Melissa & Jason~ May 31, 2010 Paradisus Punta Cana June 2010 Bobbi And Tyler: June 4th 2010 Majestic Colonial Jen & Joe: June 5, 2010, Dreams Palm Beach Nikki and Stacey: June 10, 2010 Excellence Punta Cana Kate & Devon: June 12, 2010 Paradisus Punta Cana Lynette & Daniel : June 12, 2010 Dreams Punta Cana LaToya & Micah: June 18, 2010 Dreams Punta Cana Michelle & Wesley: June 19, 2010 Moon Palace Casino, Golf & Spa Resort Punta Cana, DR Sungoddess_08: June 28, 2010 Grand Palladium Punta Cana, DR July 2010 Natasha & Benjamin - July 2, 2010 Dreams Punta Cana Jessica & Hudson - July 5, 2010 Dreams Punta Cana SabBrew- July 6, 2010- Ocean Blue & Sand Asheley1316- July 8, 2011- Bahia or Majestic Lynette and Darnel July 13, 2010 - Dreams Punta Cana Tracy & George- July 16, 2010- Paradisus Palma Real James and Jessica- July 17, 2010 -Paradisus Punta Cana Laura & Zach July 15, 2010 - Majestic Colonial or Grand Palladium Palace Jenn & Andrew - July 21, 2010 - Majestic Colonial, PC Liz & Miguel - July 26, 2010 - Undecided location {Santiago, Puerto Plata, or Punta Cana August 2010 Jeanette & Julio - undecided Punta Cana, (PPC or PPR) Aug 2010 Linda & Robin: August 3, 2010 - Paradisus Punta Cana Jess & Eamon: August 7, 2010- Melia Caribe Tropical Denise & Julio: August 7, 2010- Punta Cana- Melia Caribe Tropical Ashley and Eric: August 31, 2010- Paradisus Palma Real September 2010 Nadia & Serge: September3, 2010- Dreams La Romana Jennifer & Elvin: September 4, 2010- Dream Palm Beach October 2010 Autumn & Dominic - Oct 16th, 2010 - Dreams Punta Cana Michele & Andrew - Oct 19th, 2010 - Majestic Colonial Luciel & Emil - Oct 23th, 2010 - Catalonia Royal Bavaro Monica & Brandon - Oct 29, 2010 - Excellence Resort Punta Cana January 2011 Ashlee & Daniel - January 12, 2011 - Paradisus Punta Cana July 2011 Ashley1316- July 8, 2011- Bahia or Majestic July 2011/ 2012 Yvonne and Andrew- last week of july 2011/ 2012 (money dependant), dreams la romana
  17. Wow! those are great lists -- I love lists though. Carribbeanlover - what is a romper? And I am going the teeth whitening also -- I wasn't sure when to do it though...what kind are you doing? Or are you going somewhere to get it done? Are your flight times 100% determined? Ours aren't -- so that is holding me up a bit, we have FI's family who live in Quebec flying out of Toronto with us, and as of now we have a 6:20am flight time -- sooo we'll have to figure out what we're doing the night before. Also -- how are you doing the programs? I want to do that, but I thought that some information (i.e. beach party time - and menu) weren't to be known until we get there. I would love to hear what you're doing!!
  18. I just wanted to pop in because we are getting soo close!! most of you have a little over a month!! I am addicted to BDW right now because teachers' college is on March Break right now -- so I'm doing lots of planning/research! How is everyone doing? What do you still need to get done?
  19. Sour cream - everything I can't eat. Healthy baked goods.
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