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Everything posted by sungoddess_08

  1. I am really lucky -- FI has been incredibly helpful, and always offers input! I however, am not a detailed person so I've had to come to him with an idea, and he's helped me put it in place! haha...so I'm the opposite but I think most FI's are like yours. It's a guy thing!
  2. I'm excited -- I'll be in the non competing category, but I am here to cheer you ladies on!! Congrats on sending the pics and starting the challenge!
  3. I'm going for my dress fitting today!! 74 days!!
  4. Wow! I'm glad I came across this thread. I was thinking of sending my FI and his 3 groomsmen on an excursion. I have it narrowed down between the Outback safari (300USD total for the 4 of them) and the 1/2 day Snorkelling and Catamaran tour (59USD per person). Budget wise - the catamaran is better for me, but the Safari has gotten rave reviews!! any suggestions? or other tours to recommend?
  5. I am in the same boat - except it's the opposite. I'm still a student so my friends that I was going to ask, are unable to come. My Sister is my MOH and my FI has already asked his 3 fridnds to be in the wedding!! So as of now we have 3 groomsmen and my MOH. I am distressed about how they will walk in - and I really think we should only have the MOH and the Best man stand up at the front with us - but I dont want the other guys to feel left out. I have no idea what to do.
  6. I've seen this thread but never posted because I didn't think it affected me -- until yesterday morning when I woke up, sat straight up in bed and realized "omg, I'm going to have different tan lines than my dress" So yeah - here I am now scanning over the last 4 pages, wondering how I'm going to manage my tan lines for the week I'm there before the wedding! My front will be fine - but the back will be difficult.
  7. Thanks for the kudos! It's definately been hard work - but finally paying off. I have some recipes and routines that I live by, but I still allow myself a treat once in awhile
  8. I've been to 9 amazing resorts - and never posted a review for any of them! Think of all the others like me!
  9. Wow!! 10 weeks -- when I read that I was like "wow, when is she getting married -- 10 weeks would be manageable" then I noticed you're 3 days before I am! hahaha -- I like the sound of 10 weeks better than 2.5 months though! Thanks for that !
  10. We're been working out and eating well since January so I've lost 10 total!! but the 3 in the last week was from working out (running and doing stairs every night) - I also have a routine that I do each day (200 sit ups, 400 leg-ups, 200 crunches and 100 squats). I'm not sure what it was..BUT it was even through my Birthday weekend so I got lucky lol
  11. Re: lotions Yes, you can use your own lotions (i.e. the cheaper one from walmart) its just a way for you to buy theirs lol! I never knew this either, until I worked there! They won't damage the beds don't worry.
  12. crap - i didn't read hte post above haha..(great minds think alike though) mexican sunsets - Sex on the beach (drink lol)
  13. That I go for my dress fitting tomorrow - AND it's free starbucks day tomorow (just bring a tumbler and it's free! and my friends and I had set a date to go in the afternoon before even knowing this!
  14. Agreed - no matter what resort you look at - there will be some people who review it poorly. I would not stress because it's your day and nothing will ruin it, unless you let it.
  15. Oh okay!! Yeah that's great then - I'll do that! and support the others.
  16. Okay, I have good news and bad news! Good news -- I've lost 3 pounds since last week so that's 3 of the 5 I wanted to lose!! Bad news -- that means I may not be able to partake in the support!! Ahh -- I wanted to so bad, I like the accountability and support. I'll see how the next few days go!
  17. Wow -- you gave them 1000 and they didn't even use it for the wedding? That is very upsetting. Unfortunately, the process of planning a DW has also tested some of my own friendships. Some people do not know how to handle situations like this, and don't understand that honesty works best. I had a friend tell me she and her husband could not afford to come on the trip, and it was devastating for her to have to tell me, she could not belive she had to miss my wedding etc., then I found out she booked a trip to Mexico with another couple -- I was speechless and we have not talked since. I sent her a not so nice email (immature on my part, I know - but I was caught up in the moment) and expect that to be the end of of our "friendship" I believe you have done all you can do in your situation, now you just have to focus on those who WILL be there to make your day wonderful!
  18. It's nice to hear the other side of things!! She understands and you have a competely valid and amazing reason for missing the wedding! Perhaps you can do a joint family trip in a few years? That would be fun!
  19. Hi Carrbbeanlover -- THanks for the update!!! I was thinking of you this morning when I woke up, "She's getting married today!" I was just about to try to find what time, so I could think of of you and wish the best! I'm sorry to hear things aren't going as smoothly as you'd like - although, I'm preparing myself for the same thing becasse when you have a lot of people all in one place for longer than an afternoon that tends to happen! Drama -- well keep your eyes on the gold and enjoy your day! Can't wait to hear all about it...I'll start making a list of questions lol...!! Congrats!! You'll be a beautiful bride!
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