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Everything posted by Mccrary
For Sale size 36 DD Felina Bustier never worn just tried it on with my dress and decided not to wear it dress offered enough support.  $60 or make me an office IM me or leave me a message  http://i749.photobucket.com/albums/xx131/jeca657/DSC00104.jpg  http://i749.photobucket.com/albums/xx131/jeca657/DSC00106.jpg
I have these two ruby necklaces for sale. The first has three stones and was purchased at zales with gold and white gold. The second is a one stone and has never been worn or removed from the case. Asking $80 each. If you are looking to buy both $140. PM me if interested. I also have these great shoes that have never been worn. I have tired them around the house but never found anything I wanted to wear them with. They are gray with a four inch heel in size 81/2. They are very comfy. asking $40 PM me is interested
I am having trouble finding a good place to find bridesmaid dresses. I dont want anything that is very formal but I also dont want something plain. I am also looking at keeping it under 100 dollars. Preferred chocolate colored dress with ivory accents. Any suggestion as what are good site to look or and photos would be great.
OMG your wedding looks so beautiful and it sounds like you all had so much fun. Reading your review I feel like I will be looking at the same thing. We are getting married at Dream Tulum and we are having about 20 people (total not confirmed yet) and we have already booked Sascha Gluck as our photographer. I am glad to hear you had such a great time. Congrats.
Quote: Originally Posted by northernflasher Hiya, we took a trip to Playa Del Carmen where you can buy maracas everywhere! They are the really nice round authentic ones in a wide varietyof colours, assorted shapes, most with cute handpainted scenes on one side such as fish, birds, flowers etc. They range from $1 - $2 each and you will definately get a better price for bulk orders. If I were to change one thing about my pre wedding planning it would be to schedule in a shopping trip prior to my wedding and buy my maracas in Mexico. I wasted so much time, stress, energy not to mention valuable luggage space bringing them from home. Save yourself the hassle and go authentic when you get there. Happy shopping Michelle Are you able to buy other things there at playa de carmen? I am thinking of doing the whole Mexican thyme with Maracas and the colored small blankets for the tables as decorations and was wondering if we could also purchase those there. Or what other cool thing you saw to purchase as decor. Thanks
I am so excited just bought my dress yesterday it is Madison. It was the first one I tried on and everything else that I tried on after just did not compare. It was great. We returned to the shop later the same day with my bridesmaids (mother and mother in law were with me the first time) I tried on the dress a third time with the veil and hair flowers and we call cried it was the one. Cant wait. Love Maggie Sottero
Does anyone know of a place to find guyaberas for men? Or is there anyone on the forum who sells them? They are for lack of better terms light cotton shirts for men found in mexico? We are having trouble finding one in Brown to match our colors.
I am in San Jose would like a get together. I see there is a few of you who have weddings coming up this year and some who have already had there weddings. It would be great to be able to get together to discuss what we are doing for our upcoming weddings and what the preparation looks like. Right now I am debating decorations.
I dont know when I should send out invitations? Three two months in advance? How long should I give for RSVP to be returned a month? Help please I want to make sure I give our guest enough time but at the same time I dont want to send them out too soon that people forget about them at the bottom of the mail pile. I just sent out of STD this past week. So there is a heads up I guess
Here you go I hope I uploaded them correctly. Like I said I got these from another DWB on the forum so I am more than happy to share. If you make your own I would defiantly get the tools I mentioned above it made it so easy to sure and get them all done in a day. Or a night with my girlfriend over some beers. JH STD.doc BoardingPassTicketJacketTemplate.ppt
So this forum has been so helpful to me I want to provide me two cents on the boarding pass Save the Date. First thanks to all the ladies who posted their templates because I have used them. Thank you Thank you. So I would recommend or almost a must to buy these items - Fiskars Rotary cutter $39.99 - Perforation Blade $7.99 to use with cutter above. - Fiskars Paper Trimmer- $19.99 - Fiskars Dual corner punch- $9.99 I also used a hand held perforater but that was before someone on the forum recommended the Rotary Cutter it's in the picture but I wouldn't recommend getting it. I got all of the items 50% off I used coupons for all of them I just had to purchase each one separately not a big deal. <a href="http://s749.photobucket.com/albums/xx131/jeca657/?action=view¤t=DSC01891.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i749.photobucket.com/albums/xx131/jeca657/DSC01891.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> If you have any questions please feel free to get a hold of me I am by far no expert but I felt with the help of other on this forum I have done a great job.
We are looking for a photographer in the Maya Riviera for October 15th 2010. I have seen some beautiful photographers on here and the internet but many who are out of our budget. Any suggestion for a 6-8 hour day full day preferred but not in the budget for about $2500? I know it may be asking for a miracle but we can always try
I have already printed and started on my boarding pass save the dates but am having trouble with the perferator I bought it is a small almost square like circular perferator. Any brides out there DIY and what did you use? I am especially having trouble with the jackets I cant cut a straight line to save my life. Any tool suggestions? This is going to take longer than I thought at the rate I'm going.
Quote: Originally Posted by krista.baird I also feel that way Amy! I think it's also that there are so many little things that I didn't consider, and once you start thinking about all the little details and items, things start to add up. But yes, it is a wedding, and just think how wonderful it will be! Plus you are probably saving money by doing a DW anyways! I know I am! A basic wedding here is anywhere between 10-20 grand, not including a honeymoon. A photography package alone costs more than what my DW is going to cost, plus you get a honeymoon out of it! and you get to get married in one of the most beautiful places on earth! Everytime I start to get stressed, I try to stop, breath, and imagine myself on the beach in my wedding dress and I get so pumped, nothing else matters at that point! Get pumped girl!!! Thanks I think I also needed that. We have been reconsidering or my I have been reconsidering when I start adding up all the prices. But its will be saving over a traditional wedding and its what I envision my wedding day. Walking on the soft sand to the one I love with a beautiful ocean and breeze in the back ground.