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Everything posted by Vanessa56

  1. Your bags and welcome books are awesome!! Thank you for sharing. Congratulations!
  2. I chose NOW Sapphire for a variety of reasons. I like that their wedding package is "all inclusive" and that they're not trying to nickel and dime you (like some other resorts). I like that the price for the stay is reasonable for my guests, it's family friendly and it's a medium size resort, so I will be able to spend more time with/see more of my guests.
  3. I am also having a small wedding - probably about 20 people or so. Our guests are all over the spectrum in ages, and not a huge dancing group overall. I am considering a DJ, but I really do like the idea of keeping it more casual. One of the things I'm struggling with is that I feel obligated to give the guests a complete "wedding experience". If I decide not todo the DJ, I am considering taking the guests on an excursion.
  4. My Fiance and I were concerned about this as well. What we decided to do was to switch over to another hotel for our "honeymoon." We will be staying at our wedding hotel for 5 nights, and then we'll switch to the other hotel for our honeymoon for another 5 nights. Hope this helps!
  5. Amy - you are sooner than I am, but I am feeling the same way. Have you had any contact with the resort? Other than reserving my date, I have not spoken to them at all. Quote: Originally Posted by AmyG Thanks for posting the pics Petal Keine!!! How's everyone doing these days now with the holiday out of the way?? I'm feeling a litle nervous with less then than 75 days to go. :-/
  6. That sounds like a lot of fun. I'm sure your guests will really enjoy it.
  7. I can't see the pictures, but I wanted to weigh in. I love lace for beach weddings. The fabric is light and elegant!
  8. Lianee - please let us know what you find out. I had no idea the photographer was only there for an hour. Thats a bit upsetting, but if they let you upgrade and pay only the $200 difference, then I don't think that's too bad. I was still expecting a little more. It makes sense now why you don't get that many pictures with the package - they're not there long enough to take more!
  9. On our website we included information about ourselves (for those guests who have not met the other half), contact information for travel agent, a message from our travel agent, FAQ, RSVP page, and registries. Hope this helps!
  10. I have never thought about wearing a veil, and I am still not considering it. I am sorry you got those reactions. I personally don't think it's a big deal if you don't wear one.
  11. Ladies, Thanks so much for the feedback. We're trying to do the wedding on a tight budget, so the feedback is very helpful. We are also going with the Divine package, so we were considering using the hotel photographer to save some money. I guess we'll have to wait to see how many people are coming or work a photographer into the budget otherwise. I have also heard good things about La Luna photographers from some of the other ladies on the board.
  12. Has anyone considered using the hotel photographer, or have any information on the hotel photographer?
  13. Lauren, Thanks so much for the information and pictures! Like the others, it puts me at ease about the resort. I have never been there and will not see the resort until 2 days before the wedding. I did some research online, and I could not find another resort that beat the value that NOW Sapphire provides.
  14. Hi All, I just wanted to bump this thread to see what new brides think of this idea. For many reasons, having a laid back reception with no dancing would suit our styles best. However, I feel that doing so "cheats" our guests out of the wedding experience, and since they are traveling so far to come to the wedding, I feel like I owe it to them. Any thoughts?
  15. Great idea on the new thread! I am getting married at NOW Sapphire on April 21, 2012.
  16. I looked around at various resorts in Mexico. The resort that I found that provided the best value to our guests was the NOW Sapphire (along with its sister resort, NOW Jade). I looked at a couple of the resorts you mentioned, Dreams Tulum and Azul Sensatori, but both would have been more expensive than the NOW resorts.
  17. Hi all! My name is Vanessa and my Fiancee and I plan on getting married in early 2011 in the Dominican Republic. We're still in the early stages of planning and have not chosen a resort yet. Thanks!
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