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Everything posted by mekanabr

  1. Welcome and congrats!! I wish Cuba could be an option for us! Good luck with your planning, picking a resort is the toughest part (trust me, I've been trying to pick one since November...lol)
  2. Congrats and welcome, Lisa! Good luck with your planning!!
  3. Welcome to the forum Susanna and congrats!! Best of luck with your planning!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs. Reed 2 b Terri1225: I've visited the resort and agree with Tauristar. If you want an outside location for your reception, the East Gazebo is the best choice, it's beautiful and provides the most privacy (that you can get outside at a popular resort). That's actually where I'm having my ceremony. To everyone: I was initially planning a reception for about 70 people in one of the ballrooms and was so frustrated at the cost of everything. I don't mind paying the money but I didn't feel like I was getting much for it, it seems like it was all going to fees and taxes. So I've decided to go another route. I'm now working with Jamaica Elegant Weddings (Dawn) to plan my cocktail hour and reception off site. So far my experience has been wonderful. I was able to do with Dawn in 2 weeks what I have not been able to accomplish with RHR in months. The personal attention is wonderful and the prices are so much better (ie: I went from $900 for 3 hours of DJ time to $550 for 5 hours of DJ time). I can go on and on and I'll tell you more if you're interested. My point is, if you're happy and things are working out at RHR stick with them, but if you're in need of another option, I highly recommend Jamaica Elegant Weddings. I would also love to hear some more info about Jamaica Elegant Weddings. Do you know any of their packages prices? Do they charge a fee for their services in addition to the package prices? I'm just trying to figure out if its worth the cost to hire a WC outside of one that a resort might offer. Do you know what locations they offer for receptions? Thanks for any info you can share!!
  5. This is what I want to do for our rehearsal dinner too, thanks for sharing the info!
  6. That is the sweetest proposal! So unique! Congrats!!!!!
  7. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!! You'll find tons of info on here. Best of luck with your planning and enjoy your engagement!!
  8. Welcome and congrats!! I'm in a similar position, fiance is getting his PhD so we're trying to keep the costs low.. We're thinking Jamaica bc you dont have to get any documents translated, but haven't made a decision yet. Good luck with your planning!
  9. Welcome and congrats!!! Good luck with your planning and enjoy!
  10. Welcome and congrats! Good luck with your planning!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by virgotech757 well i am getting married at Iberostar. We went to MoBay last year just for some R&R and ended up at IRH Grannd. WE were in love at the gates. Went to visit some of the other tops resorts and I didnt like them at ALL. They had that nasty mold and wasnt very modern. I also love the fact they do one wedding a day giving my guest and me tht one on one attention. I have pictures of the resort from our trip......it is a clean resort with lots to do on site! Can you post some of your pics from your visit or email me a few ([email protected])? I'd really appreciate it!! The pics on their website aren't that great so I'd love to see some more. Also, do you have any info from the WC about their wedding pricing/locations etc? Would love any info you have to share! THANKS!!!!
  12. Congrats and welcome to the forum! Use the search function to find brides that have been married at your resort, you'll find great info from them! Good luck with your planning!
  13. Congrats and welcome to the forum!! Best of luck with your planning!
  14. Welcome and congrats! Sorry I can't answer any of your questions, but search the forum and I'm sure you'll find the answers you need. Good luck with your planning!
  15. Welcome and congrats! Have you picked a location at the resort to have your wedding?? I loved that resort bc of the sugar plantation aquaducts...unfortunately the resort was too expensive for our guests. Good luck with your planning! I'm sure your wedding will be beautiful.
  16. Welcome and congrats! I'm looking into Jamaica bc its seems fairly affordable, maybe try there. Good luck with your planning!
  17. welcome and congrats! Good luck with your planning!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by ronsoliman Hey DC, MD, VA Brides, we are just neighbors...give me a shout when you are in my area. Hey there! I'm pretty sure I met you at the Bridal Show in Arlington a few weeks ago...great stuff!!! Can you tell me about your packages for destination weddings? I keep meaning to email you but since you're on here, even better My wedding is in July 2011, haven't picked a location yet...hopefully Jamaica. Thanks!!!
  19. mekanabr


    Welcome to the forum. It sounds like a wonderful idea! Good luck with all of your planning!
  20. mekanabr


    Welcome and congrats!! Do a search for Dreams La Romana and you'll find tons of info on it. Good luck planning!
  21. Welcome and congrats!!! I am a bride on a budget too... trying to narrow down a great location is the hardest part. I was super frustrated a few weeks ago, almost to the point of giving up on a DW and I realized that we you can't please everyone. There are going to be ppl that you thought would def come and they wont and ppl are going to bitch about prices etc etc...BUT the ppl that want to be there with you and for you on your special day will make it and regardless of who is there, as long as you and your fiance make it, thats the most important part right?? Don't get overly frustrated, keep yourself happy! Good luck!!! (and let me know what you figure out, I am stillllll searching lol)
  22. mekanabr


    Welcome and congrats! I'm in the same position, torn between a few great resorts and I don't know which one to choose! (not to mention I dont know which island to choose either... agh!!) GOod luck with your planning!!! This forum will def help you with your decision!
  23. Everything looks great! Def worth all the hard work, good job! Love the boxes, keep them natural, they are perfect! I might have to steal that!
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