Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs. Reed 2 b Terri1225: I've visited the resort and agree with Tauristar. If you want an outside location for your reception, the East Gazebo is the best choice, it's beautiful and provides the most privacy (that you can get outside at a popular resort). That's actually where I'm having my ceremony.
To everyone: I was initially planning a reception for about 70 people in one of the ballrooms and was so frustrated at the cost of everything. I don't mind paying the money but I didn't feel like I was getting much for it, it seems like it was all going to fees and taxes. So I've decided to go another route. I'm now working with Jamaica Elegant Weddings (Dawn) to plan my cocktail hour and reception off site. So far my experience has been wonderful. I was able to do with Dawn in 2 weeks what I have not been able to accomplish with RHR in months. The personal attention is wonderful and the prices are so much better (ie: I went from $900 for 3 hours of DJ time to $550 for 5 hours of DJ time). I can go on and on and I'll tell you more if you're interested. My point is, if you're happy and things are working out at RHR stick with them, but if you're in need of another option, I highly recommend Jamaica Elegant Weddings. I would also love to hear some more info about Jamaica Elegant Weddings. Do you know any of their packages prices? Do they charge a fee for their services in addition to the package prices? I'm just trying to figure out if its worth the cost to hire a WC outside of one that a resort might offer. Do you know what locations they offer for receptions? Thanks for any info you can share!!