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Everything posted by avong1228

  1. The site looks great!! If I don't hear back from anyone by the beginning of next week, I'm calling! I know my wedding isn't until October, but that is no reason not to respond to my emails. Frustrating!
  2. I want to find a nice white button down shirt ... long sleeve (he wants to roll them up) that is inexpensive. Any suggestions? I found a nice linen blend shirt on Old Navy but it's short sleeve.
  3. Wow, great find! We recently went to the jewlry store he bought my ring from and I was in shock in how much bands costs. This is fantastic!
  4. I got lucky...my FI is a graphic designer so I got to customize it exactly the way I wanted. Just realized I'm missing the passport info. We'll need to add that! Has anyone heard from Cecilia or Daniella recently? I sent an email last week and nothing.
  5. By the way, just finished our wedding website! Let me know what you guys think and if I am missing anything. Feel free to share yours as well! Angie & Blake | 10/15/10
  6. I like the idea of floating candles but that would mean I would have to bring the blass container with me which I am afraid of. Any advice there?
  7. It all adds up so quickly doesn't it? Thankfully my sister who is also one of my BM has offered to host the cocktail reception so that is very nice. What is everyone doing for decorations, linens, centerpieces, aisle decor, etc.? I am leaning towards very minimal as I think the beach scenery is decor enough ... plus everything is so darn expensive. I think I'll bring my own chair sashes and maybe overlays with no centerpiece and that's really it. Do you think that will work or what else can I do that won't cost me a fortune?
  8. Jaccat15, do you mind if I ask what the cost of the catamaran is and who you are using?
  9. Kelie, so you are paying for 3 dinners ... welcome, rehearsal and the reception? Wow! I'm not sure my budget can swing that! We think we'll have 50-60 ppl so that would mean over 12K in just food! Am I calculating that right? I am already feeling the crunch so don't think I can handle that! For our rehearsal dinner, Perla had told me that we could have it in the buffet area and all I would have to pay for is the servers at $65 each and that I'd need 4. If I can swing it last minute, I may ask for just apps and drinks on the beach or somewhere. Ladies that have been there ... any good ideas on locations for this besides the beach?
  10. Lauren, great to hear that your visit went well! Is anyone doing a welcome reception? I want to but don't want to pay for it. I was thinking about just telling them to meet at one of the bars one night and just take it over. Do you think that is doable?
  11. Featherchick, I'm so sorry to hear that! They told me there are 2 weddings a day but promised it would not be the same time as mine. That makes me nervous! Looking forward to your review and any pics you may have.
  12. My wedding is 9 months out ... when should I expect to get a cost breakdown from them? I assume they do that. I really want to know what it will all cost and am getting a bit worried. We don't have the final # of course but I suppose we could give them a rough estimate.
  13. Interesting! How does it work? Do they give you a diet plan to follow? Do you have to buy their food?
  14. Don't get my started on trying to lose 10lbs!! I'm going to start going to a personal trainer probably 6 months before the wedding. hoping that works!
  15. Which mug did everyone get? So many to choose from! Also, is there an option to get your monogram on one side and some kind of saying on the other?
  16. I would have to agree ... matron of honor. Right now I am doing everything on my own. If you use destionweddings.com, do they also have to be your travel agent? I already have a TA and love him.
  17. What kind of room is everyone booking? My first thought was to book the standard room and hope for an upgrade ... do you think that is even possible?
  18. How exciting!!! Can't wait to hear how it all goes ... I'm sure it will be great! What are the cost for the centerpiece options? I haven't decide on a package or custom either. Waiting for her to let me know the price differences.
  19. I believe its a $300 outside vendor fee. Laurenvuitton, can't wait to hear about your trip! Congratulations to all the new Paradisus brides! My STD are on the way and I hope to have them sent out by the beginning of Feb. What is everyone doing as far as make up goes? Does anyone know if there is a make up artist at the hotel?
  20. I want to do this too but am awful at putting them on myself. I guess I'll just have to keep practicing!!
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