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Everything posted by avong1228

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Micas de Miralls Hello , yes we are available for that date and we answered to you !;-)))) Hope to hear from you Sincerely Federica & Arianna MICAS DE MIRALLS Micas de Miralls - The Wedding Planner I also just sent you an email. Thanks, Angie
  2. I'm interested in the swatches as well if there are extra sets. Also, any discounts for ordering 5?
  3. There are a ton of photographers that will shoot your wedding weekend just for the cost of the flight and hotel which turned out to be cheaper for me than to get someone local. That way, if you resort charges an outside vendor fee it's waived since they are staying at the resort, in most cases.
  4. What a beautiful wedding!! Where did you get your dress you wore the day after (fuschia long dress)? It is gorgeous!
  5. I am not positive I will wear a veil but am brining one. If it's too windy than definitely no but if not, are brides wearing the veil and hair flower or veil for the ceremony and hair flower for the reception? Thanks for any advice! Angie
  6. Welcome Nicole!! Congratulations! The whole non-alcoholic beverage thing is weird, I know. Prices may change for 2011 but right now it's $10pp for alcohol per hour outside of the dinner time (3 hours). Vendors I am using: Photographerecided to fly one in - Gwendolyn Tundermann DJ: Doremixx All other vendors are through the resort Like Kelie said, they'll send you a "Romance Calculator" to help you figure out the costs with add ons etc. Good luck planning!
  7. OMG, that is crazy! You are trying to give them your business and money and spend the most special day of your life there and they treat you like that? Im so sorry!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by krista.baird I got my bouquet made through Jdleggans on etsy as well. They are so real looking and feeling! I also asked her to put in a starfish charm and she was able to do that as well! They are so beautiful in person! Etsy :: Wedding Package - Custom order for bairdkrista I have also been looking at getting these clutches for me and my bridesmaids what do you think? 1 Pleated Wristlet/Clutch Choose your fabric by syl2830 on Etsy Those clutches are so cute!
  9. My dad my not come due to health reasons either so I love the idea of my FI meeting me half way. Either that or having my big brother do it.
  10. A picture would be great. I'm pretty sure about everything but the bag!
  11. Gosh, that sucks! I'm really sorry to hear that. I was in the same boat ... had no idea how the blocked rooms worked so I never did and still have not. My TA keeps assuring me that its not a problem so I am a bit nervous now. I hope it all works out for you.
  12. It really depends on how long they are staying but if you scroll back a few pages, I think we all shared what our guests were paying. Mine are coming from Charlotte, NC mainly and for 5 nights they are paying around $1180-$1400 depending if its single or double occupancy.
  13. I think they do have a script but I thought if I could do my own than why not! We are just doing symbolic. I may cut some things but that is basically it! Angie
  14. I've seen a few really cute templates from other brides but how do you get them to print that way in Vistaprint? Do a custom print? I'm confused? Or does someone have another template? The one I've seen has the Country name or your logo in the middle and the wording along the outer border of the card. Any advice is helpful! Thanks, Angie
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelie11 Hey avong...you do sound productive!! What are you putting in the ceremony script? Do you mean your vows?? I don't think I am going to do a program since I only have my sister and FI's brother in the bridal party. Instead, with the welcome gifts in the room, I am leaving an itenerary of the weekend wedding events. No we'll write our own vows too but the entire script. I've stole most of it from other brides but here goes. Please share your thoughts. Too long? Opening We are here today to participate in a most joyous occasion; to celebrate one of the greatest moments in life, by acknowledging the wedding of Angie and Blake. This beautiful setting should remind us that, like the ocean, human life is an ebb and flow- The life of the spirit and emotions- moves in cycles. To be in a relationship does not guarantee an eternal summer. To make a sincere and honest commitment does not promise, an end to all struggle. What a good relationship does offer, much like this ocean, is the opportunity for renewal. It recognizes the abiding, shared hope that after every fall and winter, spring and summer will come again. On behalf of Angie and Blake, I welcome you and thank you all for gathering here on this beautiful day to witness their marriage ceremony. The fact that you all have travelled such a great distance to be here today is a testament to the amazing amount of love and support they have. Many of you have given them much happiness, love, warmth, and guidance through the various stages of their lives. They would like to sincerely thank you all for being here to celebrate their big day. A special and respectful acknowledgement must also be made to those friends and family members who were unable to attend, or have passed on, but whose spirit remains alive and strong in all our hearts. I have also been asked by Angie and Blake to thank their parents for the wonderful lives they have given them, for the hard work and guidance they have provided, for their everlasting love, support, and encouragement. It is from them that they have learned the true meaning of love, friendship and family. Ceremony The marriage between Angie and Blake does not mark the beginning of a new relationship; rather, it is an acknowledgement and celebration, of a relationship that has been flourishing for a long time. Marriage has been described as living in love with your best friend. Love is one of the few constants in the universe. It is reality, affinity, and communication. Only love is capable of joining living beings by their deepest essence, uniting, completing, and fulfilling them. You have chosen to walk through life together. There is no truer statement of love. The choice was not made by any one moment, but by being together you grew to realize that you belonged together and that you fulfilled each other’s needs. You have come to thrive upon each other’s presence, loyalty and wisdom. The foundation of your love is profound friendship. A friendship you have nurtured until at last you realized that you wanted to be together always. The commitment you make today will be the foundation on which you will build your life together. I would like to invite Holly Cameron, sister of the groom, to share one of the best descriptions of love written by Paul in his letter to the Corinthians: Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited, it is never rude or selfish, it does not take offense and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people's faults, but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope. It is always ready to endure whatever comes because true love does not come to an end. Angie and Blake would you please face each other and join your hands. Vows Bride and Groom will share personal vows they have written. The Rings Angie and Blake, your rings are intimately associated with your intent to honor and treasure the vows you have made today. By exchanging rings, resolve to live your vows and not to let them drift in shallow promises. Believe and trust that the words you have spoken have the capacity to create the marriage, family and life of your dreams, and that the rings you exchange will have the power to return you to your vows. Blake as you place this ring on Angie’s finger please repeat after me… Angie, I give you this ring, as a sign of our marriage, and a lasting reminder, of the vows made between us today. I give you this ring, as a reminder that I will love, honor, and cherish you, in all times, in all places, and in all ways, forever. Angie, if you accept please say I do… Angie as you place this ring on Blake’s finger, please repeat after me… Blake, I to give you this ring, as a sign of our marriage, and a lasting reminder, of the vows made between us today. I give you this ring, as a reminder that I will love, honor, and cherish you, in all times, in all places, and in all ways, forever. Blake, if you except, please say “I Doâ€. Angie and Blake, the vows you have just taken, pledging your love to each other, mean far more than mere words ever can. And may you always put these vows above the things that make life smaller. Angie and Blake, remember to treat both yourself and each other with respect, and remind yourselves often of what brought you together. Give the highest priority to the tenderness, gentleness and kindness that your connection deserves. When frustration, difficulty or fear assail your relationship – as they threatened all relationships at one time or another – remember to focus on what is right between you. In this way, you can ride out the times when clouds hide the face of the sun in your lives – remembering that even if you lose sight of it for a moment, the sun is still there. Give to one another new experiences of joy. Challenge one another so that you may grow. May the love you hold for each other, now sealed in marriage, continue to mature with the passing years. May you never take each other for granted, but always experience the wonder of your union. Be slow to anger, quick to forgive, leaving no tracks of resentment behind each day. We who are present today, hope that the inspiration of this moment will never be forgotten. May all your days and years to come be filled with vision, joy and passion. May the love you now share continue to grow, and may the happiness you bring to each other be a continuing part of your life together. May you continue to laugh often and enjoy each other every day, steadfast in hope and confidence, believing in yourself and believing in each other. May your love be a sanctuary and a source from which you draw strength to live your lives with enthusiasm and imagination. May the people you touch in your lifetime know how much you love and care for one another and may you love one another forever. Commitment of family and friends Ladies and Gentlemen, Angie and Blake have demonstrated in your presence today, their belief in their love, and their desire to live together in matrimony. If you also believe in their love, and wish to add your blessing on their marriage today, please respond now by saying……………WE DO And are you all willing to sustain and strengthen this marriage, by giving Angie and Blake the public commitment of your love and support, through all the ups and downs ahead of them…If you are willing, please say……….WE ARE Pronouncement Now that you have joined yourselves in marriage, may you strive always to meet this commitment, with the same spirit you now are now shining. We all bear witness to this ceremony you have just performed, and this bond that has been formed today can be broken by none. In the City of _________ Mexico, as your officient today, October 15, 2010, I now pronounce you husband and Wife. Ladies and Gentlemen, Family and Friends Mr. And Mrs. XXXXXX, you may kiss the bride………
  16. YOu have to pay $10pp for alcohol and if you want hot hors d'oeuvres its extra as well. I think we've decided to do a pre wedding site visit August 6-9! I think it will make me feel better seeing the place.
  17. What is everyone doing for programs? I'm thinking of making my own program fans. My first DIY project! While I have time, I am working on the ceremony script as well. I feel like I've been productive!
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