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Everything posted by Boo

  1. Hi Elizabeth, not sure if you are still on here, this is Kate from the Kate and Cam duo that are getting married on November 19, 2010 - cant wait! - anyhow just thought I would introduce myself, Cheers!
  2. Amber, your dress is beuatiful, looks like it would be fun to wear too I think if the 'fake' flowers are your bouquet, it should not be an issue, but if its rose petals that are to be scuttered on the ground pre-ceremony or thrown for your exit, they may have an issue with that, if the plastic goes into the ocean it cant be environmentally friendly. Just a thought.
  3. there is a great thread on here about different flowers, I havent pick my out yet, but I have about 10 pictures of what I want, they all start to look about the same (my 'inspiration board' is on there) here is a link to that flower thread http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...5/index28.html
  4. Kym your flowers are super pretty, def. going into my flower inspiration / idea board
  5. Done and Done, I saved this thread to come back to it as inspiration when I do the BD shoot - your picture looked beautiful.
  6. Lily I am getting chiavary chairs for USD 6 per, that includes a cushion, they have white and gold wooden chiavary chairs - see a couple posts back for the name of the vendor, Gabi is really good (atleast in responding, tell her Kate from Nov 19, referred you for USD 6) I have a couple quotes for lounge furniture, its expensive, Gabi will be able to get you some quotes, she has same day turnaround for her emails, its crazy SDBeach Girl, we are only having the tall tables for our cocktail hour, then the regular round tables for dinner I would have loved to do lounge furniture for our cocktail hour, I dunno if people will be able to just stand around for 1.5 hour cocktail time, especially as we will have grandparents and little kids... but its just too much for our budget SDBeachgirl, we went with the deck as well to avoid having to rent the dance floor, but all the pictures that I have seen of it it looks great - note, some of the dance floor pictures I have seen also have had a bucket of old navy flip flops by it, saying dancing shoes, ie. I think they may restrict the footwear that is worn on some of them... We considered doing just the ipod for our reception although we are expecting 50+ but the one thing that is leaning me towards still having a DJ is the cold fireworks, I think that would look very neat, have any of you girls heard of being able to hire just the cold fireworks by themselves?
  7. we are using a Fuji equivalent for our guest book, I have seen it all over the place but here is a link for at the knot - hope that helps Wedding Favors - Wedding Favor - Wedding Favors Ideas)
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by kymkymkym Boo - I just googled Maroma and OMG it is so nice, your ceremony will be BEAUTIFUL!!! Thank you, I am sure every ceremony is going to be special and beautiful, how can it not be? At the end of the day all that other stuff is just that
  9. the tables I talked to Ana about sit 8, I think they are the standard ones but maybe confirm with her just to be sure
  10. Jeepers creepers can I just say this site is being super slow last couple of days - I am addicted to this blog though now - at first I just thought it was my home computer but it was doing the same thing at work
  11. Thanks Lily, yes E M told me the same thing, she said to just relax and take our time and that this isn’t something that had to be settled right away - can I just say I love E M! If nothing else she sent me a super funny email today, two as a matter of fact, like the lady actually hears your questions and takes the time to respond, that alone is worth it! I love the pool area too, we went back and fourth from the deck to the pool and back. I think you can change your location just to one that isnt taken. Kym to answer your question why Secrets Maroma - google. Ha ha I searched for beaches in Mexico, long story short Maroma beach is one if not thee best in North America. As we are inviting families the ‘solution’ that was reached is spend the first 4 days with everyone, move day 5, on day 6 have the wedding, day 7 most people will leave and we have another honeymoon week by ourselves. The beach is beautiful and I am a Taurus so I am quite stubborn, but splitting up the day is very expensive and I would not recommend it unless you are willing to literary battle it out for it.
  12. There are two weddings a day at DRC, so I think it more depends on how flexible you are and if the other bride wishes to have the reception at the same place, both at DRC and Secrets Maroma I was the second bride. We wanted our ceremony to start at 3 pm at Secrets, but there was another bride at 4 pm, so we are starting at 2 pm, and our cocktail hour is only 1.5 hours. Then at DRC we wanted to have the reception at the deck, and it worked out because the bride who snuck in there before me is having her reception right on the beach - I just hope that Ana separates the two of us sufficiently - can you only imagine with the music, etc? I will trust that they know what they are doing.
  13. No worries, they are from November 17th On my screen this is page 114, you can only see 29?
  14. Girls check out thread 52 and 54, that blue linen and brown wooden chairs is what I wanted, the blue linen does have a line down the middle, and can be rented for USD 10 - which I actually think is aint that bad. The wooden chairs however I was initially quoted USD 15 per, yes USD 15 per, insane? I have since found them for 1/3 of the price but as I am already renting white chiavary chairs for the ceremony at USD 6 per, I cant seem to be able to justify spending another USD 5 per...Just thought I would give you girls a heads up before you fall in love with the set up and find out and its not the free one. The one chairs with the orange bows are one of the included set ups, sand the orange bows obviously
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Ashlynn039 Do you know what chairs come with dinner? And now that you mention it I never even thought of the cocktail linens not going all the way to the ground! I'm thinking I may bring some stuff down with me.. like sashes for the chairs.. not sure yet though. Around thread 50 on here is the deck set up pictures and I think the white wooden chairs are on there, there are two free set ups, the other is the stretchy material over the chairs and tables... I have pictures on my home computer, but check this thread I think around 50 or 55 are the pictures - if you wont be able to find them, let me know and I will post the two free set ups for dinner on the deck
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Ashlynn039 Do you know what chairs come with dinner? And now that you mention it I never even thought of the cocktail linens not going all the way to the ground! I'm thinking I may bring some stuff down with me.. like sashes for the chairs.. not sure yet though. Yeah I saw some pictures of a 'basic' set up and they didn’t go all the way to the sand, maybe like a foot or two off even so you clearly saw the legs of the table and I didn’t like that, again not sure it might change a million times over the next while, but most of what I saw I did want to upgrade. My colors, and it is a bit vague but around turquoise/blue and coral/pink/orange - I figure its Mexico so colorful is good (hope it all comes together)
  17. Ashly so far I am renting them from the resort, we are renting 3 sheets of material for the wedding gazeebo on the beach, cocktail table linen as it urks me not to have the linen go all the way to the sand, then linen for the dinner tables and cake table - I think thats it...plus chairs for the ceremony, and I am right now against renting chairs for dinner, it just adds up too quick and I dont know that anyone will even notice
  18. oh yeah totally, its like you want this flower then its this much, oh wait you want these for a wedding, well then its double, ha ha - yeah our cost for linen has definitely exceeded expectations, that being said I think I might have to go light on the flowers / centre pieces - I figure the beach the sand should be 'enough' décor
  19. Just to throw my two cents in here, I found that Del Sol the two principals were not really much cheaper than E M, our second choice was Cecilia Dumas (dont let me sway you though) most of her pictures on her website however are not in the area of DRC, I loved loved loved the bright colors and how playful it all seemed, but you have to take a fairy off of Cancun to get there
  20. Thanks girls, with this wedding stuff I find sometimes its hard to know whether my sticker shock is justified or not, but I just could not see myself spending the 2+ grand on an album - whew glad I am not alone. I am at work right now and it wont let me open Picaboo but I cant wait to hop on to their site once I get home, thanks for the tip!
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