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Everything posted by Boo

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by NaM WOOT that's my wedding You were such a gorgeous bride! Between the perfect bridesmaid dresses to the fun atmosphere, Sol did an amazing job capturing your day, wow!
  2. I would be curious to know if there is enough light as well, I so far have considered those lights under the table USD 30 per, candle centre pieces, and lanterns (quoted small size cost $ 100 USD per 5 lanterns from Ana). Have any of you ladies thought of brining Chinese lanterns from home and having Ana set them up? I really like the look. I also came across the Mexican paper flags and thought of stringing that as well... As a heads up: Ana did offer to put up some complimentary tiki torches - we are expecting 50 to 60 guests and she said she would do 15 of them, this only works if you are doing your reception on the deck, they cant do that for the pool area
  3. Yeah I heard the wind can cause havoc for candles on the table, that is why I love this idea - I figure if you have the candle an inch or two away from the top the cylinder itself should protect the flame from blowing out. I am doing orchids for an accent color for my bouquet and it would be great to put some orchids in the cylinder, is that liquid just water? would we then have to find floating candles and simply place them on top?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by ebernard4985 I am going to try to do something like this for my centerpieces. I want them to be simple, but I also want to use candles or maybe floralytes to add light since it is dark on the pool deck. To make these yourself it is about $10 a table. You can get the cylinder vases from dollar tree! wow those are beautiful! exactly what I had in my head! are you girls making these and brining them with? how would you make something like that? so gorgeous!!
  5. We paid 25% down and the rest is due within 1 week, seemed ok to me Good points Dmitri - mind you I shuddered at reading the if the pictures get damaged and we get no pictures, limited liability on behalf of the photographer, yikes! Best not to think about that
  6. Any idea when the upgrade to the server will be complete? Sorry I am just addicted to all the great information - thanks for having this, I dont know how other ladies pland DW without this forum.
  7. ha ha yeah I guess sometimes no news is good news, it feels like deep breaths and take the plunge
  8. Shaks that is what I was afraid of, I tried serching them on this forum but no luck, unless I am totally blind This vendor has been quick to respond to my questions, but I just wanted some confidence that they will come thru, we only have one chance to get it right, and so its making me kinda nurveous Thanks for responding though, I was afraid that that was the case
  9. Do any of you ladies know why this forum has been so slow of late? it keeps on kicking me out.
  10. I finally heard back from Ana regarding the fire dancers. The cost is USD 1,000 for 6 dancers for 45 minutes, actually not bad in my opinion although funny enough I think 45 minutes might be too long, I though half that time so that the guests dont get bored, maybe its just me. I have asked Ana to let me know which company it actually is so I can see pictures ahead of booking and will let you ladies know.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by ebernard4985 I attached the document Ana sent me that shows the bouquets which are included in the package. I am having difficulty uploading the other ppt with the additional cost bouquets, so I will try to upload it as a word document. I sent Ana a picture of what I wanted (http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:T...ly_bouquet.jpg) and told her that I would like 3 smaller bouquets that match it for my bridesmaids. She quoted me at $100 per bridesmaid bouquet and that mine would also have an extra charge as well. Just send her a picture of what you want and she will get back to you on prices. those mini-calla lilies look so beautiful! great color as well, I like a punch of color!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by ebernard4985 When I asked Ana about rehearsal dinner options she needed me to give her specifics... number of people, what we wanted, ect. Earlier in the thread there is information about rehearsal dinners. I want to say that you can have it at the buffet if you'd like, and they could reserve a spot but there is an extra charge per person. We have decided to charter a private catamaran sunset cruise in lieu of a rehearsal dinner. The resort is all inclusive, and again I do not feel it is necessary to pay extra for food! Friday night before the wedding day we are taking a bus to Playa del Carmen and we will go on a two hour sunset cruise. It is about $25 a person with transportation, so we opted to give our guests something different in place of the rehearsal dinner. This is just another option if anyone wanted to do something different! That sounds like fun, who did you book thru? I too like that it is a bit different
  13. lcraney welcome and enjoy the process! and the time really does fly by, we got engaged in Oct09 and I was like 13 months, plenty of time... it sneaks up to you
  14. Okie hoping third time is the charm (last ditch effort)
  15. ha ha I feel the same way, the moment we had our reception contract in hand I was sending over our deposit for Elizabeth, she has been great to deal with, cant wait to see your pictures on the E M blog!
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