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Everything posted by Boo

  1. In terms of sunset November 19th has a sunset time of 5 though, so mid October you will have an extra 1.5 hours of sun with a sunset time of 6:20ish, that is why we are starting so much earlier too - just in case
  2. rdsj, in order to get all the pictures in, our ceremony in November starts at 2 pm, ends at 2:30, we will have coktail hour until 4 pm. In the meantime 2:30 till 3ish we will take group pictures then 3 to 4:30ish just the two of us. Reception will be set up by 5, food served at 5:45. I think most people enjoy just being able to hang out back in the room or sit by the pool with a drink. just my two cents.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by kymkymkym I have not ordered my wedding linens yet and I probably won't be ordering from weddinglinensdirect since i'm not sure if they ship to Canada or not - but I have found some comparable sites that do for sure! I think for the sashes I'm going to do satin, no reason why - I just like the way they look Our wedding colors are Aqua(turquoise) and Fuchsia so I will probably alternate them between chairs... Not sure about table clothes or anything yet though. Kym let me know if you find some great sites, my colours are tourquise and coral/pink so pretty close. I tried getting linen from the resort and sorry to say girls they are very blah, I get that coral is a bit of a an odd colour but pink, they should be able to do pink
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by lilly129 As for linens, flowers and chairs I was planning to just give Ana pictures of what I want and use whatever vendor they use for that stuff. I emailed Ana a while back and had mentioned that my colors were pink and orange and I wondered what color linens I could choose from - she said the resort rents the upgraded chairs and linens so our choices aren't really limited. Am I confused on this? If we wanted upgraded chairs and linens are we supposed to find our own vendors? I'm getting married in September - the sun sets at 6:47 on my wedding day so I'm getting married at 5:30 - I've also heard the best time is the hour before the sunsets which is why I chose that time. Thanks ladies for not making me feel like a diva! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one stressing out about hair and make up! For the ladies having problems with your TA - if you're not too far along and are considering changing I've been working with Berman Travel and they've been super wonderful! Oh for sure I think by far the easiest thing is to go thru Ana, that way you only reall have one point of contact. Maybe I am just being too picky, but I find, for example I settled on coral coloured linen (coral is tricky to begin with but I said that a shade of pink is fine too, rather than full on orange) anyhow, I got the yeah ok got it. I made sure to attach the look of what I want, a heavy looking satin with a big satin bow that goes all the way to the sand. Once I got confirmation that we are on the same page I have been asking every vendor including Ana to send me back a picture of what out of their stock they think of using to fill my request. The pictures I have been getting clearly indicate that there is a break down in communication. That is why I have contacted a # of vendors. I am most likely being silly I am just supe worried that we only really get one chance to get it 'right'
  5. Has anyone found a great vendor for linens and flowers? I have been in contact with the vendor that I was recommended by Secrets Maroma but although they have been lightening fast in replying the lady seems to really completely miss in the mark in terms of what I want... I checked out the vendor section but cant find linen referrals, what are the rest of the DRC ladies doing? I am looking for a nice coral in satin to dress the cocktail tables, extra linen for the wedding gazebo, rose pomanders for the chairs, and pintuck turquoise linen for the dinner tables, also I am brining or renting star lanterns again Ana doesnt understand that they are to hang above not on the side as per a common picture that is floating around here. I have emailed Mishka who does maracas but I am at a loss of who else to contact. Thanks!
  6. Khara (I guess that is your name) you did such a fantastic job, your maracas look adorable!
  7. Laura, I have seen pictures when they are hang over top the tables and look beautiful. We are having a buffet dinner so instead I considered putting it around the buffet dinner to decorate. I am upgrading all the dinner table linen to turquoise overlays but its expensive for the buffet, so I might just keep that table white and do turquoise flags. Also I am already sold on star lanterns for up above For a basic one tone ones they are as cheap as USD 5 Solid Color 5 Point Star and for the prettier multi-tone USD 8-10 Star Lights, Hanging Lanterns and Lamps from Divine Planet Out of curiosity would any of the ladies here be interested in these ones I am done for a couple of bucks each? star lanterns.doc
  8. I am thinking of buying the chinese lanterns and bringing them as well, you ladies brought lights as well though - the resort didnt provide that never would have occured to me
  9. Any of you girls doing the mexican wedding paper flags I love these guys but they are expensive Hand-cut custom Wedding Papel Picado banner strings also came across this Mexican Decorations * Papel Picado Banners I am thinking we are going to do the marachas for the ceremony although I also considered the straw fans, hard to tell if its going to be hot or windy but figure by Nov the guests should be fine. I saw one of the ladies posted pictures of a stick with many string at the end for after the ceremony looked cute and now for the reception I am liking this idea of mexican fans and chinese lanterns? or would that be too much? Ana quoted me a crazy amount for chinese lanterns have any of you girls just bought the lanterns and brought it with, does Ana have the lights?
  10. Any one using the traditional Mexican paper wedding flags? I love them but so far cant find anything that is not too crazy expensive I especially love love love Hand-cut custom Wedding Papel Picado banner strings There is also this Mexican Decorations * Papel Picado Banners
  11. ebernard I am in the same boat, I have the contract but havent paid the USD 100 deposit although Ana did mention the deposit in one of the emails I have repeatedly asked her how to pay it and she just answers the other questions that I have, I must be naive but I am not concerned
  12. jenna would love to see pictures, I think gray/white/blue accent around the eyes is what I am going to go with as well [email protected]
  13. Great thread, thanks ladies, I with some of the girls who are considering putting their hair up as more of a just in case rather than finding that to be the optimum look, I have long hair that is very thin, enough of it, but it wont hold a curl and I can just see myself playing with it within 30 min of it being done - do you ladies remember way back the Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt wedding photos, how she had it curled and just pinned the veil always though that is what I would do - years later I am looking at low bun updos with flowers and no veil
  14. Hi lady, I am getting married on Nov 2010 and besides 1 or 2 names buried in some of the threads I could not find who you liked as the hairdresser? also are most of you ladies putting your hair up? keeping it down?
  15. Ashly the wine room looks really fancy, but if I remember correctly it fits max 18 or 20, so for a small rehearsal or a private dinner it works great. You do however have to buy wine, USD 80 per couple, to reserve the room.
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