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Everything posted by Boo

  1. are these the mugs you got Custom Travel Mugs, Custom Printed Travel Mugs, Personalized Travel Mugs, Travel Mugs ?
  2. thoughts / purchases so far: - ceramic/stainless steel mugs upon arrival - marachas by mishka at each chair of ceremony, with tug - personalized water at ceremony - pashminas for ladies, cigars for guys at reception - if I can find them cheap a couple fedora hats as well for reception problem that I am having is I already got some pashminas in New York a month ago and since our confirmed list increased, so now I am short about 8 pashminas, I hope I can find the exact colour and size online!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by knacarato HELP! So I'm getting married in the Dominican Republic- I found a dress I like but it is out of budget and I'm worried it is too formal for the beach. Also- its ivory and I'm planning on getting married in a white gazebo.... do you guys think the ivory will contrast with the white too much? Do you think this is too formal?? Groom is going to be wearing khakis and a white button down shirt. Really appreciate your input as I am doing all dress shopping on my own. It is easy to get lost without a second pair of eyes. CIMG0425.jpg picture by knacarato - Photobucket I love the top of the dress and the belt, looks like it totally fits you! I say go for the dress you love, at first to keep it more casual I said I dont want a train nor a veil, well guess what the dress I bought has a train and I will be getting a veil. The colour is off white/ivory as well and it never even crossed my mind to be worried about a white linen gazeebo. Gof for it!
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