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Everything posted by Pastryqueen_Tanya

  1. I have to agree!! I love the second one. It is so flattering on you! But go with your heart because they are both gorgeous!
  2. After having such a fabulous experience and feeling so amazing when I was done it pains me to hear you had a bad experience. I do not know how I would cope with that, I was feeling pretty crappy when I went in. I think you should find a recommendation and do it for your first anniversary. I am soooo sorry for you!
  3. Everything looks so great!!! Have a fabulous time! I have enjoyed checking out all your projects.
  4. Those are great! What are youplanning to do with them? Wish I was going to mexico! Thanks for posting!
  5. I mailed my STD about a year out so people started thinking about it, and then as soon as our details were all figured out I finished my invites and mailed them with the wedding info as well as the AHR info. (about 7 months prior). We wanted everyone to have as much time and notice as possible. However, we are finding that hardly anyone has RSVP'd for the AHR since the invite went out so long ago. We should have done a seperate invite for the AHR. I am now sending an EVITE to remind everyone to RSVP..maybe a little tacky to do that tho!
  6. I am having mine 2 weeks after we get back and I am already feeling crazy and rushed about those details! I am impressed with your 6 day planning skills! Well Done!
  7. Thank you so much for sharing! All of you mexico brides were on my mind when I heard that the flights were being cancelled! I am so happy you had such a beautiful wedding! Thanks for sharing your pics!
  8. What an amazing looking cake! Actually all of you looked fantastic! Great PIcs!
  9. Thank you so much for posting! This makes my budget look ridiculous.
  10. WOW! Glad I found this thread. I just ordered 3 parasols from weddingfavours.ca. Cost $40 including shipping to Calgary. I called them because I leave on Jan 26, (2 weeks) and she assured me that with the cheapest shipping option it would get here in lots of time. Thanks for this thread. I did buy a parasol from Chinatown. It was great, but all they had was white or white with badly painted designs. I checked out about 10 different stores. I was looking for some colours. I think the one I got in chinatown was $15. So it was actually cheaper to order the ones in the colours I liked from the website! YAY! Thanks ladies!
  11. Well Ladies! I was at Dollarama today and they had craft sand (lots of colours, sorry I didnt pay attention to which colours) for $1.25, lots of great vases, bags of shells of $1.25. Plus they have all the valentines stuff out. Lots of great love themed things for your OOT bags! Just thought I would pass it on! I was at the one on 32 Ave NE, but I am sure they all have the same things. I was on the hunt for large sparklers...has anyone seen any? Thanks guys!
  12. Okay...Calgary Micheals on 32 ave NE....lots of 'flowergirl' and 'bachelorette party'...not much else...I suggest trying another store!
  13. Thank you! I have been torn because I like the emails, but at the same time I get about 75 a day...At least I know how to get rid of them now! Thanks as always ladies!
  14. No. It's a total surprise for him. Can't wait to see his face!! He will be totally shocked cause I am kind of shy.
  15. Sadly I too can relate. Its unfortunate, and really hard to let it go, but you have too. Just let it go and do what you want! I tried to please a lot of people, everyone said they were in, once i booked a lot of people changed their minds and told me it was too expensive or other lame excuses...Whatever! It will be fabulous and they will miss it. I have learned some valuble lessons about some people and will not miss them. SOrry for your trouble tho. It sucks!
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