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Everything posted by Pastryqueen_Tanya

  1. Thanks for all the tips at the end! I love your jacuzzi washing machine! LOL!
  2. THANK YOU! The necklace arrived earlier this week. I love it! I can't believe how quick it go to me! I just wanted to say thanks for helping me out, I leave next week and I was worried it wouldn't get here in time. I wish I had asked for 3 total...too late now! But thanks again!
  3. I had seen on-line a game called loveopoly and I thought it was neat...FI and I had agreed on a really tight budget...so I bought the game of Life and customized it to be the game of 'our life'...I changed all the career cards to be jobs we have had or would love to have. I used pics of the houses we grew up in and have lived in...and used pictures from our whole lives to cover the game board. It turned out great but have to admit it took an overwhelming amount of time!
  4. Hello Ladies! Thanks for all of the kind wishes! What would I do without all of you fabulous ladies??!!! UPDATE: No surgery!! YAY! They released me today! Hooray! It turns out it was a Pulmonary Embolis (blood clot in my lung). The treatment was just a couple of shots and some close watching... I am able to fly next week if the rest of the tests come back okay, but the Dr. sounded confident. Whew! No scuba diving (sad) but if thats the worst of it...who cares!Surgery really would have sucked! I am convinced it was everyones kind thoughts. This really put some things in perspective for me. If everything doesn't get done it does not matter. As long as I get to marry my honey! Whoo Hoo! Thanks again ladies. I really appreciate all of your kind words. Tanya
  5. I am feeling your pain. I was just released from hospital and I leave for my wedding in 6 days. It has just put things into perspective for me. Some things just aren't important...I am so sorry for your pain, as I am also in a lot. Go ahead and feel sorry for yourself. It has been a lot of planning, but I am sure everything will be okay. Best wishes!!!
  6. Thanks Nadine! Just a sideline, if you need an agent in town (calgary) mine was fabulous! Just PM me and I will get you her info.
  7. My Photog is awesome! He has some amazing pics of a wedding in Cuba I think...his website is PHOTOPHILCRO He is in Calgary
  8. Someone suggested using melted candle wax to seal the vase. That's my plan...
  9. I made my own by laminating business card size ones. Instead of the loops I used ribbons in our colours. I don't think people will care. Just a 'budget' idea.
  10. Okay. So I was admitted to the hospital yesterday with severe chest pain and trouble breathing. They don't know what the problem is but it may be a blood clot or something requiring surgery. I am leaving for my wedding in a week!! Or not. All my planning. I could scream! I know I shouldntbe thinking about that. Everyone keeps telling me to forget about it but I can't. I can't believe I might miss my own wedding!!! Thanks ladies!! Just needed to let that one out.
  11. I am also trying to decide what to do. I think we will probably go with the brown ones, but since I have to pay for some for our reception maybe I will end up with white!
  12. Oh! Thats why we chose Jamaica, I remember a girlfriend telling me the hassle of the translations! We were planning to do the same thing if we went to Mex...sorry, I just wasn't thinking!
  13. Oh... I was also wondering why you ladies chose the symbolic over the legal?
  14. Does this lady work for a company? What were her prices like. Your shots are HOT!!! Your Fi is going to be pumped! When is you flight to leave for ROR. We leave Jan.29th @ 9:25 am with Air Transat...we should get a drink down there since we'll be there the same time! KRIS Her prices were reasonable. I picked her because she gave you a cd of the images after the shoot, and I wanted to have them to do what I wanted with. She also offers to do a book for you, but it was out of my budget...too bad cause it looked great, better than the one I whipped together! She will come to your house or do it in hers. (I went to hers) I was suprised how young she was, and it felt a little awkward (but thats just me) but the shots turned out amazing! PM me with questions if you like! We should get a drink, I just noticed your date! We are leaving here with Air Canada on the 28. NADINE! You look so great! Welcome home!
  15. Like everyone else we ran in to the same problem. We are also going to ROR, and people were like "how much?!!". Whatever! I tried to please everyone...and now its about us. 30 people booked and it will be a blast. I will not miss most of those that did not book. Go and Enjoy! It will be amazing no matter who is there, just stop listening!
  16. I bought some fabulous sandalwood fans from a place in franklin mall by T&T in calgary (less than $1 each). I haven't seen any of the palm ones tho. I ordered parasols from weddingfavours.ca, and they were great. Michaels also has some pretty fans in the wedding section. White and sandalwood. I thought with the 50% coupon they would be a great price.
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