Does this lady work for a company? What were her prices like. Your shots are HOT!!! Your Fi is going to be pumped! When is you flight to leave for ROR. We leave Jan.29th @ 9:25 am with Air Transat...we should get a drink down there since we'll be there the same time!
Her prices were reasonable. I picked her because she gave you a cd of the images after the shoot, and I wanted to have them to do what I wanted with. She also offers to do a book for you, but it was out of my budget...too bad cause it looked great, better than the one I whipped together! She will come to your house or do it in hers. (I went to hers) I was suprised how young she was, and it felt a little awkward (but thats just me) but the shots turned out amazing! PM me with questions if you like! We should get a drink, I just noticed your date! We are leaving here with Air Canada on the 28.
You look so great! Welcome home!