Hello all,
I am so grateful to have this resource available and meet you all. We are getting married Nov 18, 2010 and are still trying to decide between Akumal and Tulum - basically it is down to which one is cheaper
So unfortunately I have heard that there is no longer outside photographers allowed at the resort but I can't seem to find any information as to whether Conrado Gonzalez is still the resort photographer? I am curious what kind of experience the previous brides had with the resort photographer?
I asked Claudia Rodriguez to be our photographer prior to finding this out and offered to check her in so we could still use her, she said that she was not willing to go against resort policy. Any suggestions?
Also, did anyone have live music for their ceremony? What did you think? Would you change anything?
haha. I know this is a lot.
Can't wait to get to know you all