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Everything posted by soontobemrsdow

  1. seeing all this stuff is giving me so many ideas now just to put it all to work! thanks ladies!
  2. Congrats...you have beautiful pictures to always remeber the day with!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by katelynn I am also getting married at the Bahia in May 2011 and I am also a Canadian bride...too cool! haha How is everything going with your planning so far? Yay! There's not many of us Gran Bahia's compared to ROR's lol. My planning is not as well as others on this site I'm sure! lol....We're really jut starting to get into things now...looking for dresses and starting to make some playlists, sending out our save the dates. I never really got into planning because I didn't have a date booked so it didn't really feel real yet I guess lol. How's your planning coming along?
  4. Hey girls I'm happy to say I'm a new addition to the gran bahia wedding dates...hopefully! lol...we faxed beverly over our info but its been quite a few days since we've heard back if she got it all or not so we're kinda starting to worry but if everything did work out fine we're getting married Jan, 11, 2011!
  5. Think about it this way and hopefully it will make you less stressed....if you were to get married at home you would more than likely only have picked one main entree. As a chef I've worked many weddings and maybe out of every 20 weddings we have 1 that will give their guests a beef, chicken, fish option. People understand so choose what you and your fiance like! Just be sure to give beverly any info on what certain people are allergic too, to make sure your not stressing about it when you get down there! Hope that helped!
  6. my in laws stayed at shaw park this past feb...not for a wedding though. They said they loved the feel of the small resort and every room faced the ocean and the staff was very friendly. there even planning on going back after our wedding in jan to stay for another week, so that must say something.
  7. Username: soontobemrsdow Name: Sara & Randy Location: Gran Bahia Principe Jamaica Wedding: January, 11, 2011 In JA: Jan 8 - Jan 15
  8. Thanks so much for the ideas ladies....i like what each of you did and will take all the ideas back to the drawing board and I think we'll switch it up a bit in places then I'll post again with what we're going with!
  9. Hey everyone! so we made up a little std rhyme to go with our magnets so any feedback that may make it better/more flowing would be greatly appreciated because I know for sure there are parts (like January and scary lol) that don't really work that I would love to change but can't think of anything. so heres what we came up with: He proposed she said yes! Where we're getting married though you'll never guess. It wont be in June or July, but the cold month of January. Don't be alarmed, outside won't be snowy and scary. It's gonna be really hot we can promise you that. You wont need a parka, boots, or a hat! So where are we going, well we'll tell you now. We're going to Jamaica mon, so now you know how! We're heading down Jan 8th-15th so you've got a bit of a wait. We're gonna have an amazing time so be sure to save the date! We generally like it along those lines but if you've got something better in mind and don't mind giving it up it would be a great help! Thanks and can't wait to hear what everyone thinks!
  10. Thanks for everyones input guys! It's so frustrating but I'm giving her one more try then I'll probably head on to hopefully lucky number 3! I'm not glad by any means to hear other brides have been through the same problem as mine but less stressed now to know it's not just me suffering through this all alone! And congrats sungoddess on the deal...here's hoping everyones experience ends like yours does!
  11. I really have but I would like someone who lives close to me that we could meet. I'm sure everyone on here are complete pros but to possibly have a TA from another province or even another country seems weird to me. plus who knows what my mother would say about that! lol
  12. why is it that people say "what" when you ask a question to only answer the question before you even get a chance to reask it?
  13. Why is it that I'm seriously contemplating going onto my third travel agent to help us book this wedding? You would think that being gift wrapped 20+ customers would motivate these people to do their job efficently. With my first travel agent I understand it was too early to book but she flat out lied to my face. Twice. Ya see you in another life lady. My new travel agent is so nice and was waaay more organized than the first so I thought I was set. Not quite. I met her over a month ago and everytime I contact her now she'll have the quotes by the end of the week "I promise, you'll have the info in your hands Friday" Yup pretty sure it's been about 5 Fridays now. And here I was thinking a destination wedding was going to be less stressful
  14. I'm just waiting to get some quotes back from our TA and hearing your experience terrij and seeing all your beautiful pictures is really making me confidant we're picking a great resort! Congrats by the way!
  15. hey sunstarsmoon thanks for the reassurance! i know in my head there is a lot of time left but just seeing how much some other people have done gets me a little worried. About booking the date with the resort yes I can but at the same time I don't really want to incase I can find a better deal somewhere else. I guess my main problem is I'm not too picky about where we go but finding a good resort at a good price for my guests is what I'm most concerned about so to lock in on a place thats giving me a quote of $2000 which I know will go down makes me nervous it wont go down enough. I guess it's kind of a double edge sword...book a resort now for the wedding date and hope the price goes down or wait to book a resort until later and hope there is still a free wedding date left. lol...such is life i guess.
  16. Congrats on the engagement and welcome to the forum! Mexico sounds like a good choice, you can usually get fairly cheap prices as well!
  17. I have no idea how some have you have booked your flights already for january/feb. I've been given the run around for months now from several TA's saying the info isn't out yet you can't book. The one place we wanted came back with a quote of over $2000pp which is totally out of our range so I've literally done nothing and seeing everything you girls have done (booked rooms, bought dresses etc) is really starting to freak me out thinking I'm never going to get anything done. I just ordered our STD's with a vauge jan 2011 more info to follow but really am wondering how you girls got your quotes already? Are you booking at these high prices and hoping they will drop and you'll get a price adjustment? I'm dying to get this part of the wedding planning over with cuz it's like a huge weight, everyones constantly asking us if we know where and when and why not and its really starting to stress me out so if you guys could let me know how your going about booking your flights/packages already that would be so helpful!!
  18. lol beat me to it! Remembrance Day - Heros
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