Hey everyone!
so we made up a little std rhyme to go with our magnets so any feedback that may make it better/more flowing would be greatly appreciated because I know for sure there are parts (like January and scary lol) that don't really work that I would love to change but can't think of anything.
so heres what we came up with:
He proposed she said yes!
Where we're getting married though you'll never guess.
It wont be in June or July, but the cold month of January.
Don't be alarmed, outside won't be snowy and scary.
It's gonna be really hot we can promise you that.
You wont need a parka, boots, or a hat!
So where are we going, well we'll tell you now.
We're going to Jamaica mon, so now you know how!
We're heading down Jan 8th-15th so you've got a bit of a wait.
We're gonna have an amazing time so be sure to save the date!
We generally like it along those lines but if you've got something better in mind and don't mind giving it up it would be a great help!
Thanks and can't wait to hear what everyone thinks!