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Everything posted by soontobemrsdow

  1. I totally agree with you FurutreMrsYak about just being able to show up and not being difficult. Even my bridal party is starting to say I'm too laid back and easy going and need to be a bit more demanding lol. But this is totally why I chose to have a DW, to have a fun relaxing easy going time with those who mean the most to us! Yaaay Donie Jordan!!! That must have been so stressful on top of all the rest of the regualr wedding stress. Congrats on getting it all figured out!!
  2. I also went there for a vacation about 3 years ago. It was a nice resort, it's not huge but not small either so you kind of got the best of both worlds. The staff are really friendly and most speak decent english so the language barrier isn't bad if you don't know too much spanish. While we were there they were renovating the restaurants and the ones we went to that hadn't been renovated yet were fine so I'm sure there really nice now. The beach is beautiful!!! I don't remeber ever seeing seaweed buildup and we never had to get up early to reserve chairs either. I'm sure you'll love this resort! Any other questions feel free to ask!!
  3. You're going to be a future Mrs. Williams and that is the name I'm giving up to be a Dow! LOL....Congrats and have fun planning!
  4. I hear Negril has an amazing beach so I'm sure you made a great choice! Congrats and happy planning!
  5. Congrats and happy planning!
  6. Congrats on being an early bird! There's nothing wrong with that at all...now you have more time for DIY's! Trust me I didn't think I was going to go crazy with my DIY's but the ladies on this forum are so helpful and have so many great ideas it's so hard to not want to! Happy planning!
  7. Hi there and congrats! I'm definatly in the same boat as you and I feel that you should go where you want your wedding to be as long as you talk to your VIPS and they say they're ok with the price. We talked to ours and worked out what everyones max would be then worked around it from there. Hope it works out for you!
  8. congrats and welcome! I'm so happy we're getting lots more 2011 brides now! you'll find tons of info here...it helps a lot!
  9. Hey and congrats on the upcoming wedding! Bahamas sounds niiiice. Happy planning!
  10. Thanks so much for posting this! I don't have powerpoint and was trying to figure something (very unsucessfully i might add) out in paint! lol.
  11. Hey girls I contacted Melani to ask her about dates for Jan 2011 and she said they're not starting to book for 2011 until the end of March. I see some other brides choosing different resorts that already have their dates booked for up to June 2011. I really want this resort but am worried that the dates will book up super fast and then I wont get one! lol...paranoid I know. I was just wondering if you guys were worried about the same thing and how you worked around it because I really want to send out my STD's since its only 10 months away and really I wanted to give everyone a years notice, but with no real info to give people I feel kind of silly to send them out now. I guess I'm just not too sure what to do. Waiting around for another month kind of makes me feel a little nervous though!
  12. I see all you girls getting so much done and knowing your dates and everything and I think whats driving me most crazy right now is I contacted the WC from the resort we want to book and she said they wont start booking dates until the end of March! I really wanna get my STD's in the mail and really start planning things but I feel like until I know the date for sure I don't want to get ahead of myself. I think I'm just getting concerned because I'm looking for Jan 2011 and I see all you girls with your dates for up to May and June. I'm sure I'm worrying for nothing but theres only 10 months to go and I really haven't started doing anything!!! PS: Tifuhhknee those are the cuetest std's! and I know what you mean about getting addresses from the FI's side. I have all the addresses for my family and maybe 2 for his. lol.
  13. When I got my first job in the service industry they told us that a person who had a good time will tell one person about it...a person who had a bad experience will tell 10. Plus people who have had a bad experience I find exagerate, so what they say is horrific is probably not that bad.
  14. I'm so glad to hear this! I always thought when I got married it would be my mom I would go to, instead it's her I'm trying to stay away from! She just wont drop it on how much she hates the idea even though I told her we're set in our ways. She's the only one giving us a hard time but it's hardest to hear when it's coming out of your mothers mouth. You gave me hope she'll come around and actually enjoy herself while we're there because all she's saying now is how she's going to sit in her room for a week!
  15. Thanks so much girls for your input...I'm feeling much better now that all of you think it is best to send them out earlier rather than later!
  16. It's so sweet he included your daughter to show that she meant just as much to him as you do! Congrats!!!
  17. We dated for a short time and broke up because we lived so far away from each other. I started dating someone else a few months later and right away felt like everything was wrong with the realtionship and it just wasn't the same as it was when I was with Randy. We got back together a few weeks later and everything was perfect as if we had been together forever. I knew he was meant to be mine forever!
  18. aww i love that he said he needed socks! such a cute story. congrats!
  19. Ok so I've been trying to find out the answer going through some older threads but I just can't find the answer anywhere! I'm getting married in Jan 2011 and want to send the STD's out by Feb so it gives guests enough time to save money if they want to come, since I know that will be the only way a lot of our family/friends can come is by saving. My TA says we can't start booking things until Feb/March at the earliest due to flight schedules not being released until that time so my question is if I can't book things until March or so what do I put on my STD's? I know we want to get married the last week of Jan but don't want to put a certain date on the card incase we can't get it. I also know we want to get married in Punta Cana but again, don't want to put a certain resort because when we book we're going to try and find a good resort at the best available price at the time. My FH and I think it's fine to put STD Jan 2011, Punta cana...more info to follow...with our wedding website for guests to go to but I'm getting a lot of mixed feedback on if it's ok to be that vauge or not. You ladies are the experts out there so please help meee! I never thought I'd be getting this stressed out over STD's!!
  20. I'm a very outgoing person and love loudness and excitment. I always expected that he would do something wild or exciting because that's always what he led me to believe. The only thing I wanted was for it to be a surprise. One saturday after one of the hottest days and longest weddings ever (I'm a chef) I was so looking forward to going home. I wasn't in the best of moods so I was looking forward to going home taking a nice long shower and relaxing on the couch. When I pulled into the garage I saw there was roses taped to the door. I was so confused and looking back now don't know how I didn't realise what was going on. Once I got in the door no lights were on but I could see dim lights coming from the living room. Once I turned the corner there he was...roses scattered and I Love You spelled out in candles. He did the most traditional and romatic propsal ever down on one knee and everything! Afterwards he explained to me that he knew that I never in a million years would have expected him to propose like that so he knew it would be a complete surprise! I'm not usually a girly girly but looking back now I'm so glad he proposed the way he did! It was perfect!
  21. We dated for just over 5 years before he proposed. By the time we get married it will be about 6 1/2 years.
  22. Yay no one can call me crazy anymore! I'm getting married Jan 2011 and everyone I've told has always been like thats sooo long. In my head I'm like thanks I know. lol. Wow I'm impressed most of you already know where you want to go and everything. We just visited our TA and they said no prices will be out until March or April so right now we're just browsing places and have found a few we like but don't want to get stuck on one place incase it's too expensive when the time comes to book!
  23. soontobemrsdow


    Hi everyone my name is Sara and have been engaged for a few months now. We started planning an at home wedding then realised it wasn't what we wanted at all. We're just not that kind of couple I guess. We're not going to get married until Jan 2011 sometime and have no idea where yet either! We're not picky so it's so hard to choose! Right now we're maybe thinking dreams Punta Cana but think it might be a little out of some of our guests price range. I'm so excited I found this forum and look so forward to meeting you all!
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