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Everything posted by SouthernSweetie

  1. Wow Guys, this is some great advice! I'd never considered doing a boudoir session before reading this post, but this sounds like a great gift for my FI!
  2. Girl, these invitations rock!!! Will you PLEASE share the details (shopping list, where you got the starfish, how you made the outer sleeve, etc.)? I absolutely LOVE these, they look professionally done!
  3. What a great idea! I'm sure that it has to be cheaper than the traditional STDs. I checked out her website, but I couldn't find anything that looks like yours. Did she create the boarding pass post card just for you?
  4. Thanks for all of your insight. Grading the services helps a lot. How was your cake? Did it taste good and was it visually appealing? I saw in one other review that their cake was a disappointment. My FI isn't making a big deal of much, but the cake is important to him.
  5. Thanks so much for the feedback, Guys! I would have been sick to get bad reviews after sinking so much time into building our website!
  6. I've started building our wedding website on mywedding.com. Its free and so far has been problem-free. I've already invested an enormous amount of time into it, but if it is problematic, I'd rather cut my losses before putting any more time into it, and especially before the "go live" for our guests. I hope that this is not a case of "you get what you pay for."
  7. We're using mywedding.com. Its a free website, is user-friendly, and has an RSVP page. I'm still in the building stages, but almost done. I have TONS of info on it as not to get inundated with phone calls and emails. I tried to cover EVERYTHING. So far, no limitations with the website. I will let you know if I encounter any problems once we "go live."
  8. These are super! I especially love the ribbon. Thanks SO much for the cost breakdown, that helps a ton. Congrats, job well done!
  9. I picked the same package. Let me know if you get any responses. So far, I'm seeing that most brides are choosing the "free" wedding and just adding on things that they want a la carte.
  10. I'm using the same agency: Destinationweddings.com. What is the name of your TA? We have a very large group and I really need someone who is on top of her game. I'd rather change early in the planning if I need to. Thanks!
  11. I'm definitely interested, these rock! Please post the info when you get it. Maybe by then I will have enough points to open it.
  12. Congrats and welcome! This is a great forum, awesome ideas & advice.
  13. 1). Keep the colors, they definitely work 2). I vote for one tequila, two tequila....It's a perfect match for the favor. GREAT IDEA!!!
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