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Everything posted by ChicagoPT

  1. I ordered from the ny wholesale site. They are pretty good quality. It turned out to be $4 per pashmina. There was a minimum but I dont remember what it was (maybe $100). Shipping was free!
  2. My colors are pink and orange so I got those. But I also ordered white and black so it matches the ladies outfits. 4 colors in all.
  3. We are spending $3500 for day of wedding pics and day after ones too in town. No photobook but we get the rights to them.
  4. The sun in chicago! Its still chilly but everyone is outside!
  5. Im getting married at Las Caletas on November 21s but our guests are staying at Dreams from Nov 18-(23-27). Just wanted to include myself because I will be there too during some of the november weddings! Yeah!
  6. DISLIKE! Those guys are gross! penis straws, cakes, buttons, etc at the bachelette party?
  7. April- I just looked at the website and just laughed my a** off! Hilarious! I think my favorite is the rainbow wedding.
  8. like...but they are way too expensive in chicago clothes for dogs?
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ He does his OWN laundry?? That's unheard of in my house so I'm a bit jealous. I hate when I get home from work and DH is sitting on the couch in his underwear and I ask him to do something minor and his response is "I worked all day, I'm really tired". Ummmm buddy look at the big picture here.... I left the house before you and am home AFTER you, which makes my work day longer..... idiot. Yeah I made him do his own after he washed MY laundry in hot water! He hasnt touched it since!
  10. My FI will unload the dishes in the dishwasher but not the silverwear. If I dont do it, ALL of them end up in there. Also, he does all of his laundry in hot water. Who does that?!
  11. like the idea but havent tried it Twilight series?
  12. like..but only the frozen drinks. Kate Gosselin on Dancing with the stars?
  13. totally agree. We are having possibly 70-80 people. $800. Ouch! But I really would like that extra hour. Hmmm...what can I skimp on?
  14. I love this thread! The model is so freakin skinny! I would like to lose some weight but dont want to look like her!
  15. like (most of the time) going to bed early?
  16. Compared to the photographer we chose...its a great deal.
  17. Yeah! so happy that you finally get to vacation down there! Have a great time!
  18. So sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to you and your family. You will be in my prayers.
  19. I want these dresses without the pricetag! They are $215. Has anyone seen anything out there like this that is a little cheaper?
  20. We sort of have the same issue..my FI's little sister will be 16. We will be having an open bar so she will definatley have access to it. We are just letting his parents deal with her and decide how they want to watch her.
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