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Everything posted by ChicagoPT

  1. That's the exact centerpiece i sent my wedding coordinator minus the flowers at the bottom! Super cute and cheap!!
  2. I also agree with the other girls. Do it for you if thats what you want. I think we have much more pressure since we have destination weddings and will be in a swim suit all week too!
  3. My wedding is november 21st. I hope the prices drop too! this is turning out to be the most stressful part of the wedding now! Â
  4. I am getting suppper excited! Kelley and I are planning all the little details now. We did decide on the DJ. It was too stressful worrying about the music on my own. Did anyone have fireworks there? I cant believe the cost...$1200 for 2 minutes!! I wish. How is everyone elses planning? the only major thing we have going on is mexicana's bankruptcy. Still trying to wait out the high prices on flights for those (including us) that need to rebook flights.
  5. We just booked it through dreams and samantha too. It was really simple. She even helped pick a time as friday night is fiesta night and she didnt want any of our guests missing the band. For the rehearsal. we are just showing up to a restaurant too. We have 52 people so Im hoping if we go early enough we will all get seated fairly quickly.
  6. We just called our credit card company and they refunded both tickets in full for our return flight! No waiting for the money! But now our return flights are super expensive.
  7. One person got a message that they were changing our flight to mexico city to PVR with a layover. We had originally picked this flight because it was direct. So I had EVERYONE call that day and fight with mexicana. They actually allowed everyone to switch to a direct american flight. It was so stressful because they told some people no and some yes. So a few people had to call all day to finally talk to someone that would change it. I cant tell you how lucky we are that we did it that day....they filed for bankruptcy later that week.
  8. Lo- what are you guys going to do? We have one couple that setup a contingency plan with american if mexicana cancelled their flight. I think they know someone that works for american so she set them up. But I have 2 other couples that booked through travelocity. They will rebook flights as soon as mexicana formally cancels them but it doesnt seem like they are any time soon.
  9. here is the website for refunds. http://mexicanainforma.com/refund-procedure-us-canada/ Â We have 2 couples on it still. We had switched 25 people the day before bankruptcy. thank God. Good luck with switching. It looks as if everyone will get refunds.
  10. here is the website for refunds. Â http://mexicanainforma.com/refund-procedure-us-canada/
  11. We are! We had 25 people switched from mexicana to american the friday before they filed for bankruptcy. They had switched our direct to a layover in mexico city. What luck!!! But we still have 2 couple flying it. Anyone know what they can do? Do they get a refund?
  12. I just looked through all my pics but they arent very clear. Ughhh. PS..put this in the dreams PV thread...someone there is bound to have some pics!
  13. check out http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/user/mishka+designs Ive looked through her blog and the maracas they make are amazing!
  14. thanks amanda! thats the same one I found! we are going to use their charter bus.
  15. Amanda- what is the website? When I google it, many different transfers come up.
  16. We switched all of ours to american. We did it the day before they filed. Thank God. We had 22 people on mexicana and just didnt want to take the chance.
  17. I guessing that might be why. We are staying at dreams and only need transport to the marina in PV. I can ask Kelley who they use..but it might be puerto vallarta adventures. Also, I think there is a marina tax that you need to add if they didnt already. I guess using las caletas, they already have access to it and we dont need to pay.
  18. Nessa- we already got the transport from las caletas. It is 10 dollars a person. I didnt think it was that bad so we went with that. Let me know about the airport though!!
  19. Well I found a couple different companies..one with a charter bus. www.puertovallarttours.net/bus-airport-transfers-groups-htm This only works for us now that we are having over 30 people come in around the same time on all different flights. The price is $190 but it breaks down to between 7-9 dollars a person depending how many use it. Nessa- I think they have vans too.
  20. its just such a pain though to use a bunch of taxis and I would want to pay for everyone to make it easier. I would prefer a chaffeur van to just pick everyone up.
  21. I almost wanted to say forget it, we will stay somwhere else but we have 27 rooms booked and it would just be too much trouble to have everyone switch. Im just trying not to worry about it and it will all work out. You do need to check online everyday though to see if anyone cancels. Even if the suite is the only one open, they should allow you to book that night.
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