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Everything posted by ChicagoPT

  1. Sorry girls Ive been super busy! I will put some up tonight! Professional photos aren't in yet though.
  2. HI girls! I had my wedding on Sunday and it was the absolute most beautiful wedding ever! Everyone said it was the best wedding they have ever been to. Kelley and Brad are awesome. The day was relaxing. It went by quicker than you can imagine. I come home next week and will write up my review and post pics. Oh...about the table seating...we had 52 and it was tight but it all worked out just fine.
  3. Ali- Kelley sets all of that up. You dont even need to worry about it. Kelley will email a couple of months in advance asking about specifics including hair.
  4. Jen- I leave this Thursday. I cant believe how time has flown. We will all have to meet up!
  5. Congrats Nessa! Cant wait to see your pics! I leave this thursday for my wedding! I cant wait!
  6. I would highly suggest using their facebook page. We were having problems with getting a response about some reservations a couple of months ago. FI posted this on their page and got an almost immediate response. They hate when anyone puts anything negative on it. BTW-Tania is another group reservation coordinator. We went through her while negotiating rates.
  7. aprilmay- did you make them yet? If you didnt, why dont you make some that stand on their own? I made mine into a pyramid kina triangle shape. Then you dont need to worry about bringing more things down.
  8. Dont worry it will work out. I had over 20 people booked on mexicana and needed a couple of rooms at dreams and everything fell into place. People do cancel at dreams pretty often. I checked their website every single day and sometimes a few times per day! They finally did open up..and my wedding is thanksgiving week.
  9. When I asked what restaurants were open, they told me they wont know until the week before. There could be 1-2 restaurants closed every night dependent on capacity. Dreams does give out sheets and they also post them. Here is the email I received.... Following you find the restaurants schedules: BREAKFAST: Oceana from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM World cafe 7:00 AM to 11:30 AM Co co cafe: 7:00AM to 7:00 PM (only for coffee) LUNCH: Seaside Grill 12:00 PM to 4:30 PM Barefoot Grill 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM World cafe 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM DINNER: Theme nights 6:30 PM to 11:00 PM Seaside Grill 6:30 PM to 11:00 PM Porto Fino 6:30 PM to 11:00 PM El patio 5:30 PM to 10:30 PM Oceana 5:30 PM to 10:30 PM Unfortunatelly at this moment I can not know if some of the restaurants will be closed for that date, according to the occupancy can be one or two of them closed. We can give you more exactly information 7 days prior to the arrival date.
  10. thanks! We are having the bonfire after the fiesta but at 9pm. Samantha said the mariachi starts at 830 and goes till 9 so I didnt have it start till then. Im not sure they can reserve tables for 53 people though. I think we are going to have people go to the fiesta when they want. I just looked at my emails and Felix (reservations) said all the theme nights start at 630. Not a big deal but I wonder what time it really is. Im guessing whenever they feel like starting it!! Ha!
  11. Hi Girls- Im working on an intinerary for our group. Does anyone know what time mexican fiesta night starts?? I know it goes until 9pm. Gowiththeflow- thats so exciting!! Im going to look Elizabeth's assistant up. We booked Elizabeth for ours. Did you see her latest wedding on her blog?? They had both her and Nate!
  12. Here are the pics. Hopefully they work. These are setups for 53 people. EASY Seating Chart.ppt Empty Seating Chart.ppt SAMPLE seating chart.ppt
  13. So Kelley sent it in powerpoint web app...whatever that is. It wont let me save it. She sent me 3 different setups. Looks like tables are in between 6-9 people. They are setup next to each other in all various ways. Looks like you can put them anyway you want in between the buffet and the beach. When I get home, Ill ask FI if he can figure out how to save it.
  14. Lesley- Im having 53 people. Kelley emailed me a bunch of pics of table setups. Let me look through my emails and ill post them.
  15. thats funny you ask that...I am sitting here at my computer writing up the playlist!! Kelley said he is good about playing what we want...he sticks to the list. I guess he is young and fun. Not sure though how he gets there.
  16. For November brides- if you are looking for rooms on sold out dates, dreams just released a bunch of them! I am so happy!!
  17. Hair and makeup is still $220. I think there might be a cap on how many people you can have...I think its at 80. But I cant imagine that they would say no and not accomodate you. I was in PV in January and it was amazing weather....about 80 and sunny everyday. No rain at all.
  18. yes, she contacts you. She emailed me in august for my november wedding. She makes planning super easy!
  19. My sister inlaw and my mom are planning mine. My mom is actually doing most of the work including paying. As long as your aunt isnt upset or anything, I would say let her plan away! I think it was a little hard for my mom to not plan the whole big hometown wedding so I let her go crazy with the shower. I wouldnt worry about proper etiquette. Its so different now. When I searched online it says that it is fine for the mother to throw it if there is no one else able to do it.
  20. thats the exact dress I got from my bm's!! They are super cute. Only problem is they make small chested girls look VERY flat..and ones with bigger chests VERY big. Oh well. Perfect for a B cup.
  21. I just checked mine and sunset is at 6:19! Hmmm...I wonder how that is going to work?!?!
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