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Everything posted by AchiCAp0547

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by OceanWonderland Cheri, I think once you get down there you should still ask for the $20 menu. Because someone definitely posted that they still got it and they were married in January this year. It wouldn't hurt to ask... then let us all know if they let you or not Maybe Aurora is the one steadfast with the silver or gold menu, but the other WC are more flexible? I'm still keeping my fingers crossed. That's a good idea... it doesn't hurt to ask !! Are you going to have menus made for your tables? I have the gold dinner right now, but IF they let us change to the $20, or IF we decide to use the silver menu, I don't want to bring down these menus and not use them. I'm not sure how that works...
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by maxandkatie If you check out my links, we used the resort photographer. We love our pics! Let me know if you have any questions. Best of luck to you in your planning! Your picture are beautiful!!! You have so many... with the ultimate package it said we would get 50 photos, then I thought we had to pay extra for the others?? Is that what you had to do, to get all of them?
  3. Just booked Samuel Luna photography for 7 hours.... hope it's all worth it! ***fingers crossed***
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by oasisgirl "I'm thinking of decorating the canopy on the beach. What do I do? Do I just buy yards of tulle from the fabric street and the WC knows how to drape it? Or do I need to make it into some shape? I'm totally lost." THANKS!!! Hi! I am just bringing a bunch of tulle, I am unsure of how much I need so I'm just bringing two spools of it. The WC will have to decorate the canopy =) I'm assuming they know how to do it, it looks like every bride has the canopy decorated!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by OceanWonderland I think the fire dancers are every Saturday. Dreams resorts are pretty predictable in terms of entertainment. They have 7 days worth of it, and it just goes on repeat (karaoke, fire dancers, comedy, fiesta, etc). I don't know the schedule for every day, but I'd rest assured that they will continue with fire dances on Saturdays. I think it would be cool to walk your wedding group over to watch! That'd be fun Also, for any of you girls getting married soon (or have just got married in 2010), did any of you inquire about the $20 menu? I know a lot of you have the silver or gold package and that includes up to 20 guests, but I'm hoping someone might be in a similar situation to mine where I have a whole lot of guests coming and the $20 menu would definitely help the budget. Not looking forward to potentially spending 5K on dinner reception. I know one girl mentioned she somehow got the $20 menu in January, but she didn't say how, so it sounds like it MIGHT still be an option, but I'm hoping other brides ended up getting it as well. Hi OceanWonderland! I'm getting married on May 21st, and we're having about 50 people come. So I did want to pick the $20pp option, Aurora said that wasn't available, only the silver or gold option. bummer.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by taranyc Hi. I've asked a few times what lighting options they have and their cost...they have light columns (whatever they are). Anyhow, I sent another email today asking for pictures and prices. I'm hoping they have something like the photos on the dreams riviera cancun site (Dreams Riviera Cancun Resort & Spa) check the last two photos. I will post their response once I have it. tt Ohhh, the last picture is nice... I bet they charm an arm and a leg for that though =) When I asked Aurora about the lighting, she just told me I should buy those "luminaries". I don't think this should be such a big deal, the resort should have options, I shouldn't be worrying about how people are going to read the menu. Geesh. Oh and my wedding band came... and the jeweler must have made the WRONG SIZE for me, so now they're fighting me, telling me I have to pay a 10% restocking fee to get another ring. (It's an eternity band, so difficult to size) HAHAHA of course, just another speed bump!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by jerzygirl85 I was just wondering about money cards that people may bring to the wedding. Are any of you having a box that people can drop the envelopes in or are you putting someone in charge of collecting them? If someone is collecting them, how will you let your guests know? My MOM told me to walk around with a satchel that was attached to my wrist to collect envelopes in!! HAHAHAHA LOL LOL, she's very old school =) I think if people give envelopes, I will just give them to my mom to hold for me... she can carry around a satchel, I'm not!!!
  8. So I'm still having a problem with the lighting issue. My reception was moved from the dolphin pool to the relaxed pool, where I don't see any lights!! Aurora said I could buy luminaries for $2 USD...I'm not sure exactly how much light those will give off... Does anyone have any thoughts on this- Buying numerous Floralytes (Cheap LED Party 'Floralytes' $1.34 Wholesale LED Submersible Lights) and putting them in little glass candle holders, then filling the candle holder with crystal fibers or diamond vase filler... Think this is a good idea for lighting, or stupid/waste of $ idea? Am I thinking too much into the lighting situation??
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by vlynnw I was wondering if any of you that have already been to Tulum know of a good place to buy maracas. It's what we plan on using as table favors but I think I would much rather get them while I'm down there rather than have one more thing I need to figure out how to pack. Hi! I know you are asking where to buy in Mexico, but if you cannot find a place, I am ordering Maracas from Party supplies, crafts, party decorations, toys: Oriental Trading. They have a couple of different styles. =)
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by jmb0902 Just an FYI - I wouldn't count on candles for any kind of light... we had pillar candles inside hurricane glasses and those wouldn't even stay lit (they put dessert plate on top of them, so they were lit but didn't help the "look"... haha). It's just so windy that they just don't stay lit. Exposed candles like tealights would have no chance! Oh geez... I was concerned about the wind, so I thought if I put the tea lights in glass holders they would stay lit... guess not. I don't want to get battery operated lights, thats cheesey. Oh I don't know what to do then!!! yikes
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Cheri Hi AchiCAp0547!! Love your decorating ideas! Please let me know if you'd be interested in passing any of it down. I'm going for the whole "fun" Mexican concept too! I'm arriving on the 21st and my wedding is on the 25th. I'll see you there!! Sure! Anything I use you can have it. The only thing I would be concerned about is if guests take the donkeys/moraccas/sombreros etc. as "souveneirs". (mmm I guess I should be careful lending them out before my wedding just incase people take them as souveneirs, I never thought of that) I wouldn't if I was a guest, because I wouldn't want to lug anything back with me, but who knows. I am bringing a bunch of clear glass candle holders, I doubt very highly ANYONE would take those, so that might be a sure thing, you can have all of those, just bring tea lights for them =) oh and May 25h is my birthday!! xoxo
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Amymarie Are there any other Brides for May 19th, 2010? I will be bringing my own decorations and pay for the extra luggage, I don't trust customs to clear on time. I am still undecided if i should have my reception indoors at the ballroom or at the relax pool. I am starting to feel stressed about planning, but mostly for the reception back at home. I think with the help of the planners at Dreams things will go smoothly. __________________ Hi Amymarie! I am getting married on May 21st!!! So I'll see you there =) I am bringing down a couple of things...my wedding is not going to be a typical "elegant" beach wedding- we're putting mexican themed little donkeys and maracas and little woven sombreros and BOTTLES OF TEQUILA on serapa colored placemats in the center of the tables. Our reception is now at the relaxed pool so I'll probably bring A LOT of candles for lighting as the tikki torches are $150 for 3 at the resort... I don't think you'll have trouble clearing customs, just bring receipts so I hear. Don't feel stressed out! If you want to use some of my decorations you are more than welcome to, I am arriving on May 16th to the resort =) Just remember to give them back by Friday of course! hahaha. xoxo
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by cbbt1985 Does anyone have thoughts on the dolphin pool for a 5pm wedding? I'm worried kids will still be out when we have our reception!! Our ceremony is on the beach (on the side towards the ruins) and the relax terrace is on the other side of the resort..so the dolphin pool seems like it would be best to keep everything together..but I'm concerened about the guests. Would it be worth it to set it up at the adult section where it would be more quiet?! I really appreciate your feedback! It is so tough trying to imagine how these things would work!! Hey Girl! I wanted my reception at the dolphin pool for a 5pm reception also, but Aurora emailed me to "offer" me the relaxed pool, so I guess I have to have it at the relaxed pool. I've read some reviews where the brides were initially worried about kids being in the pool, but it wasn't an issue. I think the dolphin pool will be BEAUTIFUL as you can hang up lights/lanterns on those columns. Kindda wish I had that location, but I guess the relax pool will do for me!! =)
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by AmyandRich The way it was explained to me is that there are going to be 3 or so weddings... everyone will need a reception dinner. They will ask you to choose a first and second choice and then the cordinators will work together to make something happen. My first choice is the dolphin pool. I like that it has colums and is on the beach. It has an elegant look to it. Lighting will be low, but you can see. There is not a lot of room for a dance floor here, and it will be a small hike to get to a bar that is open (the pool bar closes at night). My second choice is the Seaside grill. I have a small group (18 of us) and I don't mind having a dinner in a resteraunt with other diners... the seaside grill is open air and on the beach. The Relax pool is probably the largest area next to the beach. There would be room for dancing. The pool is lit up, a bar is close by. It is a pretty open area...you'll have the ocean as your backdrop here. This is a tie for my second choice! The pool is a big rectangle with concrete on all sides... you can set up dinner tables on one side and a dance area on the other. There's even room to put a few tables in the dance area for people to put their drinks on. There is a nice disco tech there... if you want to use the dance floor there. I hope this helps!! I think your real deciding will happen when the cordinator takes you on a tour and shows you in person where your options are. I am bringing a wedding day itineray to pass to my guests with blanks spaces... so I can fill in the final choices when I'm there. Hi! Thanks so much for the input... I'll stick with the relaxed pool, I'll just put up a lot of candles for light!! xoxo
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by taranyc Photos (link): my save the date and florida engagment photos...taking nyc engagement photos in april. whoops...here is that link. engagment photos pictures by ttorricelli - Photobucket xo, t Hi tara! I can't see the photo's, bummer, only the first 3- those look awesome! =) I'll try again later, maybe there is something wrong with the server right now. I also PM you, if you want the pic's Aurora sent me I can email them to you! xo
  16. hmmm... so... Aurora emailed me today and said that"We would like to offer you the Relax Pool Terrace for your Reception dinner this location is more private and Elegant and perfect because you will have music please see the pictures in the attachment and confirm me that you want to get it." I thought I wanted the dolphin pool, uhhh so I guess now I'll have the relax pool, HAHAHA. Is there enough light at the relaxed pool for a night reception?!? hmm... seems not so much. I guess I'll have to buy candles or something!
  17. Hi Amy! Where did you chose to have your reception? I've never been to dreams, but from what I've seen online, and read, I thought I wanted to have it at the dolphin pool.... for some reason Aurora emailed me today and said "We would like to offer you the Relax Pool Terrace for your Reception dinner this location is more private and Elegant and perfect because you will have music please see the pictures in the attachment and confirm me that you want to get it." The relaxed pool seems very far away from the bar, and I don't know how well the lighting will be as our reception is at night... hmmm... I don't know what to do?!?
  18. I'll budget in $150 for a set up fee just to be on the safe side =) It only works out to be a $15 difference for me. I am so excited...I just want to be in mexico. At this point, I've come to the conclusion that just as long as Rich (my fiance) shows up, (which he will because we're flying down together HAHAHAHA) everything will be GREAT.
  19. I agree- the ocean in the background will be enough decor!! =) I am going totally with the mexican theme, and we're putting tequila bottles on the tables with little cards on how to taste the different kinds of tequila, and little mexican decorations, we're also hanging up mexican paper cut out banners!! So I asked Aurora some more questions when I returned my packet of info to her: I told her that we are going to put tequila bottles on each of the tables, and other small decorations. We also have mexican cut out banners to hang. I thought the fee for a set up was $150, but she told me the decoration fee is $3 usd per person...weird? I also don't like the fillings for the wedding cakes, so I asked if we could have vanilla she said yes. That's about it for now =) xo
  20. Beautiful.... congratulations, and thank you for all of the information!!! xo
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by jerzygirl85 I haven't gotten that form yet and my wedding is a month before yours!! Don't worry about people that don't go! I have some family that never even responded to my invitations. At first I was pretty upset, but after a while I just didn't care. The most important people to me are going and that's all that matters. Try not to stress out over it. I'm trying not to stress... thanks for the positive words. If you want to private message me your email address, I can send you the forms. I am not sure when they are supposed to send it. It says on the actual form that I need to give it to my WC 15 days before the wedding, so maybe Aurora just sent it to me early.
  22. Hi All, Just want to let everyone know, I'm not sure if anyone else had this question but I did... Aurora sent me the wedding packet where I need to fill out all of my information before the wedding. One of the parts was- I needed to fill out an excel of all of my guests attending, and their flight info. I have had a lot of problems with both mine and my fiance's family/friends either 1) never sending back their RSVP and we need to keep calling them to get an answer or 2) they sent back the RSVP but never booked, now a year after we sent out the invitations the price has gone up (obviously) so now they don't know if they are going to come or not. So we don't really have a final head count for me to send back to her. So I asked her, if I put a name down as they are coming, but then don't actually end up coming, do I need to pay for their plate? (We have AROUND 45 people coming, but I don't know exactly) She said no, we can give the final count once we get there and pay then. I see all of the pictures of the weddings here at Dreams Tulum, and everyone for the most part has bridesmaids and a bunch of family there with them. It's hard to explain what my fiance and I have gone through with our family and friends, but to make a long story short- we have no bridal party, some of our closest friends couldn't be more Inconvenienced, and aren't even coming, While others are complaining- "why are you getting married so far away this is soo much". (the weddings of our friends we've been in, we've never "skimped" on them, always gone above and beyond and given more than we could even afford) The only family members that are coming are our parents and his brother, all of our Aunts and Uncles, my sister and brother, think its ridiculous that we're getting married in Mexico and don't want to get their passports or have any desire to go to Mexico so they're not coming. I just wonder if anyone had this problem, I hope not, but I hope I'm not the only weirdo who isn't important enough to most of the people in my life? Don't get me wrong, we do have a handful of people who are excited, practically my whole office is coming because they're excited to go to Mexico and drink tequilla. Thank goodness or else we'd have no guests at the wedding. I'm so sorry, this isn't the place to rant about these things, but just yesterday my "best friend" from college EMAILED me she isn't coming because she waited too long to book and now it's too much $. My best friend... good thing we decided against the bridal party. Sorry again for ranting, I'm just at a loss.
  23. Awesome review. Congratulations!!!! This almost made me cry, I'm so excited, I hope my wedding turns out as nice as yours!! =) xo
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Butterflyf369 Hi Ladies, I got back and am now a Mrs. We had a wonderful time and will be writing my review and posting my pics. Anabel was our coordinator and she was really wonderful to deal with. I did find that some of the stuff that Auorora quoted me was completely different when I met with the coordinator: - Blood work- only charged $165 instead of $175 - No set up fee for putting out my decorations (There were only 19 of us) - We had our reception at the Dolphin Pool and went with the silver menu. We did not have to pay the $750 (wasn't even mentioned in discussions with Anabel) - All is all it worked out cheaper for us to go with the free package and add the upgrades Hope this helps. Thanks V. Hi Butterflyf369 =) Welcome back, and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! xoxoxoxo
  25. Thanks for the uplifting words girls... I needed that! Snicker Doodle- I am so excited for you! I'll be thinking of you this weekend! Every time I have been to the Caribbean, I feel the weather forecast has always been bleak for some reason, but when I get there, the weather was always awesome! I'm sure they have some areas covered where they have activities for the guests just incase it rains. (I’ve also heard that it’s good luck if it rains on your wedding day, um, not sure if that is comforting or not, but that’s what my mother always tells me!) These are the questions I asked Aurora, and her responses in blue: We would like the reception (approx 40 guests) at the dolphin pool (if we change from ultimate package to the paradise package). What would the breakdown for dinner per person be? If you change for the Wedding In Paradise you have to pay $750 usd for private event at the Pool Terrace and $55 usd+tax+service for Silver Dinner or $65 usd+tax+service for Golden dinner. I do not want the gold or silver menu, because I do not like the food. For our reception I'd much rather have taco's/burrito's/quesadillas/rice and beans and other traditional Mexican foods. So I thought that would be the regular menu? We can offer you a Buffet Menu if you have 40 or more people please see the menus in the attachments but the cost are the same Silver Buffet Menu $55 usd+tax+service and Golden Buffet Menu $65 usd+tax+service or we can offer you a Mexican Buffet Menu for $55 usd+tax+service I’m thinking we are going to stay with the ultimate package, and the gold dinner, I really didn’t want a buffet at my wedding. She did send me the Mexican food buffet menus for the gold and silver options; I’m not very skilled with this website, so if you’d like a copy my email address is [email protected] let me know and I can email them to you! (or if they are already on here somewhere and I missed it, sorry!)
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