5 1/2 years ago I was going through the worse divorce (my point of view of course). My ex-husband cheated & got another woman pregnant. I swore I was done, I would just focus on my career. In the meantime I met J online and we started chatting. He too went through a divorce & we found comfort in our conversations. 6 months after filing for my divorce it was final & I met J in person. We had so much fun together & he made me laugh, something I hadn't done in a long time.
He drove 2 hours to see me every weekend, even in snow storms. In July 2008 we started talking about getting married but we wanted to wait to get engaged until x-mas (we are both type A planners). One day while we were at the mall he suggested looking at rings & I found one I loved but of course, July wasn't in our plan. My birthday was at the end of July & I was not feeling well & he insisted we meet for dinner after work but I wasn't "allowed" to go home first. We went out to dinner with my family & then went home, when I opened the door there were candles, rose petals, roses, everywhere. And in the middle of our bed was a heart of rose petals with the ring box in the middle of it. I was shocked & when I turned around he proposed. I feel blessed that I have been able to find someone that truly makes me happy.