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Everything posted by Girasole

  1. My friends son got married in Italy & it was absolutely beautiful! After working on our wedding for a year I think we may have saved some money doing a CA vineyards theme but I just love the beach so I couldn't pass this up. Good luck with your planning!
  2. I really like SD5211 (Destination Collection) anyone know what the price range of these are? I love the dresses but don't want to spend too much on my dress.
  3. We knew we wanted an island but didn't know which one so we asked our travel agent to give us photos of certain places (bahamas, bermuda, st. lucia, etc...) and recommendations from her clients on which they preferred & why. We ended up deciding on Turks & Caicos...remote, georgeous beaches, great snorkeling & my FI's favorite...swim up bars ha!
  4. I like # 2 also but go with what makes you feel the best!
  5. Meg u will have to let me know how the resort works with you & how the nonprivate dinner works. I have seriously been considering that also since we don't have a ton of people going (15 -20 tops).
  6. We just (this evening) put some lights outside on our steps but that's all for this year. We are traveling over xmas and still remodeling our house : (
  7. I am getting married @ Turks & Caicos also. I haven't gotten many answers from them on things...my travel agent has answered more questions for me. Makes me a little nervous. Chrissy
  8. 1. How old are you? 33 2. At what age did you/will you get married? 33 3. Do you have children? just 2 spoiled dogs 4. Did you think you would marry the person you are with now? yep 5. Were you ever engaged or married to someone other than the person you are with now? yes 6. Do you want a garden wedding, beach wedding, or the traditional church wedding? beach 7. Where did you/will you get married? Beaches Turks and Caicos 8. First dance - classic waltz, slow and sexy, or fast and spicy? I would love spicy but I have to get the FI to dance lessons! 9. How many guests did you/will you have? about 15 10. Do you want/did you have an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding? simple 11. Vows - traditional or something you make up on your own? traditional 12. How many layers of cake did you/will you have? 2 or 3 (FI loves cake) 13. Is/was your wedding/reception at a hotel? yes 14. When did you/will you get married - sunrise, mid-day, sunset? sunset 15. Did you/will you have your reception outdoors or indoors? indoors 16. Plan every detail down to the napkins or let someone else decide? I like to have planning control 17. How did/will the bride enter? walk down the beach 18. Song to walk down the aisle to: No clue yet 19. Song to make your exit: no clue 20. Will you/did you have a solemn ceremony or a light one? pretty light 21. At what age did you think you would get married? 33 22. Who to invite - practically everyone or a select few? we invited everyone 23. Wedding menu - fine dining or simply delicious? simply delicious 24. Champagne or red wine? Champagne & Daquiris 25. Honeymoon right after the wedding, awhile after the wedding, or no honeymoon? same place! 26. Was your/will your honeymoon be at a place special to you both or somewhere brand new to you both? brand new 27. Who will pay for the bills? we both paid for everything 28. Living together: Not before marriage or absolutely before marriage? absolutely before 29. Anything else about marriage you'd like to say? Have fun, laugh a lot, and enjoy each others company. Chrissy
  9. Good ideas. I have been throwing it up in the air whether or not to do something like this and have been leaning towards it because our resort is so large. Thanks for the sites!
  10. My parents, especially my dad said the same thing but they have booked & are now excited to go. I think it was the shock of not having a traditional wedding for him.
  11. Congrats and welcome to the forums!
  12. I think after reading your last post you just need to remind him how important being fit is to both of you & that you want to work with him to do that. I struggle with my weight all the time but when my FI supports me by doing things with me I feel the most comfortable & want to keep doing it.
  13. Congrats & welcome! My brother is in Philly : )
  14. Hi everyone! I am glad I read this after getting back today from vacation. I will definitly be calling my wedding coordinator & travel agent to get more details on this. future mrs2010 let me know if you learn anything new seeing that we are both probably going to be going through the same frustrations.
  15. Thanks everyone for your feedback! Now to start shopping!
  16. I agree, I don't want to play camp counselor either. I am so excited just to have a relaxing vacation ha!
  17. The guys are doing a golf or fishing trip the day before the wedding & the girls are planning to do a shopping trip or spa day. We also thought beach volleyball & wine tasting would be fun
  18. Yep! I am so excited to go. I have been to Sandals resorts before but never a Beaches
  19. We sent out STD in January but have only had my parents, FIs parents & my best friends & her husband book. A lot of people keep saying, we will "probably" go. At this point my plan is to send out the invitations the 2nd week in January (after the holiday) with an RSVP of Feb 19th. This will give me all of March & April to finish planning & getting the wedding planning @ the resort all set up. I don't know that the gift bags/etc. will take me too long with FIs & my mom's help. Chrissy
  20. Thanks for sharing! Our budget is $10K and right now we are at about $5800 with resort for 2 weeks, "free wedding package", flights (FIs mom & dad are getting these for us with flyer miles), invitations, STD, gift bags and a few items for in them. We still have reception, decorations, entertainment, and attire to get.
  21. Hopefully you guys will work it out. Sit and talk & decide what your priorities are. Do you love each other enough to work through this and start opening up with each other...those are questions you need to ask yourself.
  22. Be sure to find out what the money was "paying off." My exhusband took $5000 from our account to pay for a pregnant woman on the side. (Can you tell I'm always skeptical) It will put your mind at ease and then you can work on trust. It took me 3 years with my current FI to learn how to trust him after what happened in my first marriage, luckily he's very patient & understanding but trust is huge so the best thing your man can do is tell you everything and not hold back. Hope it all works out for you!
  23. Hi everyone. Just talked to my TA & beaches will also be doing the Martha Stewart collections but they haven't sent out prices, etc. I love the Seaside Seranade collection but wondered what all is included and for how many people. If anyone knows I would love you to share. Thanks! Chrissy
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