I love this, I just find it so funny how we get sucked in by our guys...and they love to flaunt that they have "gamer" chicks, with work & my job right now I have about 3 nights a week that I raid ICC but that's about it. Healing, I started healing in Wrath but I love dps but for now I heal so I can always be guaranteed a raid spot, ha! I am on Steamwheedle Cartel horde side & my toon is Luva (lvl 80 resto shaman), Gira (lvl 73 warlock), Margherita (lvl 68 pally), Caicos (lvl 53 mage) - my FI & I have been playing for 4 1/2 years together so I have racked up a lot of toons. Gira was my main pre-BC but then I rolled my shaman & love her so the other ones I just mess around with now if I'm bored doing dailies : )