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Everything posted by Girasole

  1. Wow, hope everyone had a good weekend with parties! We celebrated my nephews 2nd birthday this weekend, so much fun, he is adorable. Now to get back to work & planning...so I still have (that I can think of) Vows (ugh) Music Welcome letter/message Gift tags for my bags (luckily the bags are done) Getting FI's khaki pants/dress shoes (only for certain restaurants) Getting my straps altered on my gown (too big) Make sure we have enough clothes for the trip Pay balance for photographer... Hmmm I still feel like I am forgetting things.
  2. When we bought our house in October I bought the Cabrio set & I love them.
  3. I'm not so much nervous but just stressed. We have so much stuff we are working on with our house right now, work is crazy busy with a bunch of travel this month, and to top it off the "surprise" shower is coming up in a few weeks & I just found out all my FI's family is flying in for it, ugh.
  4. I found cute starfish hair twists that I will be putting in my hair & my hair will be 1/2 up & 1/2 down. I just hope my bangs grow out a bit, my stylist cut them a little shorter than I am used to this last time.
  5. Congrats! I am getting married a few days after you in Turks & Caicos
  6. I hope they find your parents dog. It is so hard when this happens & so stressful because they are a member of your family. Before we got our italian greyhound from my future brother-in-law they had her in a kennel in FL & had a similar situation happen but here we found out someone took her in & treated her as their own. Personally I think the kennel sold her since she's pure bred and a beautiful dog but my future BIL had to take them to court to get the dog back. Now we have her but I can't imaging putting my dogs in a kennel especially after that happened so I pay friends/family to take care of our 2 when we go away. Long story short...knock on doors too, you may find him in someones home.
  7. I am addicted to getting achievements...like this week...I was 98/100 mounts so what did I do, switch to tailoring & leveled it high enough I could make my last 2 mounts to get an achievement, ha! There are some people that are wow crazy but we play with a bunch of friends, FI's brother, and lots of couples we have met through the game so it's not hard-core, althought we have done that in the past but it feels like a second job. Holidays are fun! Sunday starts the spring quests, I just wish they would add new ones so I had something to do too!
  8. I love this, I just find it so funny how we get sucked in by our guys...and they love to flaunt that they have "gamer" chicks, with work & my job right now I have about 3 nights a week that I raid ICC but that's about it. Healing, I started healing in Wrath but I love dps but for now I heal so I can always be guaranteed a raid spot, ha! I am on Steamwheedle Cartel horde side & my toon is Luva (lvl 80 resto shaman), Gira (lvl 73 warlock), Margherita (lvl 68 pally), Caicos (lvl 53 mage) - my FI & I have been playing for 4 1/2 years together so I have racked up a lot of toons. Gira was my main pre-BC but then I rolled my shaman & love her so the other ones I just mess around with now if I'm bored doing dailies : )
  9. Ha, you look at it like me Cristi! I really wanted to get him a grill but he is on this don't spend money until after the wedding kick but really I can't wait until after because I can get my dining room floors, ha! Maybe I'm too practical.
  10. Thanks Everyone! My guess is he will love if I say, lets not do gifts to each other. I think that we are having this great vacation/wedding that might be enough. I'll check out the other thread too.
  11. If I was having a "normal" wedding I would want to get my FI a gift but now that we are going away we haven't really talked about this much but knowing him he won't even think about it, ha! Any ideas out there for what to get FI as a wedding gift. I bought him a really nice watch a few years ago when he got promoted but typically we buy what we want so I am having a hard time thinking of something. Thanks!
  12. Ha, I get a kick out of you guys talking about NY, not because you live there but my FI was there for a month in February for work, he stayed near JFK airport but most of his work was in Manhattan but he hated it. He's a country boy, grew up camping/hiking Yosemite in CA and then went to FL to go to college so it was definitely amusing to hear him tell me about his weeks there.
  13. Ha Calia, that would be so much fun! In my current guild we have about 6 couples so we have a lot of fun. We are playing horde currently. I have too many toons to count as well...BE Warlock, BE Mage, BE Pally, Troll Shaman, ... I am looking forward to cataclysm too, right now I am looking for something in the game & just can't put a finger on it.
  14. We do ours by my FI weighing himself before holding the luggage & while holding the luggage, we have always been a pound or two off @ the airport but that's not too bad.
  15. My bathroom is FINALLY (after 6 months of gutting/remodeling) FINISHED!!!
  16. Living free for a year is a great option. Just be careful, it might impact your relationship not only with hubby's family but also your relationship.
  17. I bought a variety & a few extras to take so if I got the wrong size they can swap them out : )
  18. This is a great thread. Has anyone that breaks out easily found something to use that won't completely breakout their skin?
  19. Committment is about you & your FI. If you feel the ring is important you may want to make sure he understands why...he may just be thinking you don't care since you have started planning. I know my FI is clueless when it comes to things & even thought we discussed marriage a lot, I had to tell him, I need a ring first, ha!
  20. Sophie...my dermatologist recommended skinceuticals self tanner & she recommends after letting it dry for 15 min putting on moisturizer and letting that dry before putting light cloths on. Avoid too much on hand, elbows & knees and use gloves to apply it or wash your hands really good after application. I love tanning beds but after a recent scare with skin cancer I have decided to avoid them.
  21. that stinks! I am so sorry. I hope you are able to get some of your money back & find another dress.
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