Welcome! We decided on T&C because we wanted gorgeous beaches & great snorkeling. We also knew going into it that it would be more expensive than other islands so we were prepared that a lot of people wouldn't be able to attend.
Finley, love your hair and bags! I will have to catch up, I have pics but haven't uploaded anything yet. FI told me today that he thinks our guests will think they are going to the academy awards with all the stuff I put in the OOT bags, ha!
I got my FI a tungstun band that was on clearance and so glad I did because it matches my e-ring perfect...we paid less than $200...mine on the other hand, ha!
Each year for Christmas we give them money...because I look at them as family & they always seem to struggle. This past year her husband helped us with some work on the home we bought but wouldn't take any money for it so he got a new dremel & they got a much larger than normal check for Christmas. My FI & I always seem to be the "nice guys" which sometimes is great but other times is so frustrating. Thanks everyone!
Today I am in panic mode...work is crazy and now I am second guessing my dress. I decided on a short wedding dress, 1 so it's cooler and 2 so I am not too formal against FI. Now I am wondering if I should have went with a longer dress but we leave May 4th plus I think FI would have a heart attack if I bought another dress.
Hi Margin...I know I am counting the days...I can't believe how quickly it comes upon you. I haven't had any more problems with the WC in Miami, now I am just waiting for the big day to get here. Good luck planning!
We decided not to do TTD, it looks like fun but we are doing our photos with a photog the day before the wedding with our family so we can get some really nice family pics. Plus it costs more & as of right now, everything is paid for : )
I called her after it happened & told her it was ok & even helped get most of their money back. I guess I am just annoyed by the whole situation. We (FI & I) knew they were struggling with money for some time and asked them multiple times if they could afford to go & they always said yes. We even gave them $1000 for xmas and thought maybe they would use it for their plane tickets. Nope. Thanks to all of you for your thoughts : )
Kelly, we have a small group & we had to pay the additional for everyone other than us & 2 guests but we decided to upgrade to the 1 hr cocktail reception so it was $250 plus I upgraded my flowers to the roses which cost $350 (ish).
Jenn, we are going with just the cake but I know I asked them if we can add an additional tier (my FI LOVES cake!) and they said all they could do was a sheet cake for $100 which I thought was ridiculous since I just wanted a small round 10 inch cake for him to take back to our room for the few days after our wedding.
So about 2 weeks ago my best friend & her husband emailed me to tell me they can't afford to pay for their plane tickets, they have already paid for their room. So after more emails she got all of her money back except for $100 but I was so annoyed. Here is my best friend for years and she couldn't even pick up the darn phone to call to talk to me about this. I understand money is tight right now & yes I would love to have them at our wedding but don't want them to go in debt doing it. The approach is what just irritated me. So now it's 2 weeks and I haven't heard from her since. I don't know if she's embarassed about it or what but FI & my mom are planning a "surprise" shower for me which she is supposed to do stuff for but to my knowledge hasn't yet. Has anyone else had this process upset a friendship? I love my friend but I'm just so annoyed right now and not that she can't come but more the way she has been dealing with all of this and trust me she's normally a vocal person, ha!
Just wanted to vent a little...