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Everything posted by Girasole

  1. How was everyone's weekend? I had a great "surprise" shower that was for both my FI & I, I had family from Philly and Pittsburgh come & FI's family from FL & VA. It was so nice to see everyone and introduce our families (after 5 years!). We didn't register because this is our 2nd wedding for both of us but my mom felt so bad only a few people were going she decided to have a "garden theme" shower & asked people to bring plants/bulbs we can plant in our yard. It was great & we have so many beautiful plants and bulbs. It was great and made me feel so good to know everyone loves & supports us. Chrissy
  2. Looks great! I am sure your guests will love them!
  3. Sounds like it will be fun. We went the resort route just for more ease on my part...I would go nuts not knowing vendors, etc... At least with our resort I know they do this so often it should work out well no matter what.
  4. Definitely ask about "hidden fees" for things like set up, etc...
  5. I think next week I am going to start with the Airborne...I am traveling for work & don't want to wear myself down too much, anyone know how successful it is? My FMIL swears by it.
  6. Thanks everyone! Everyone thought the sandal luggage tags were "so cute" and the letter tells them some good info to know about traveling.
  7. Welcome & Congrats!! Sounds like it will be a fun trip over New Years!
  8. Thanks everyone! I am excited to see how everyone likes them. Imuze, 60 people can definitely add up. I think if we had that many we would just do couples bag but we only have a small number coming with us.
  9. Wow! $500 for chair covers...I know our T&C Beaches WC told us there is a "Flat fee" of $250 for any type of set up. Not sure about rental fees, etc.
  10. Ok so I just bought 100 clear plastic vertical ID badge holders with a zipper closure...I only need 10 so once I get them in I will have some to sell. If you are interested pm me.
  11. Thanks Shannon!! I hope you have a great & beautiful day and lovely honeymoon! Take lots of pictures and just enjoy yourselves. I can't believe how quickly this has gotten here! As for name changes...it is definitely a personal decision...me (like dianep) still has my ex husbands last name so I am thrilled to get rid of it, ha! I thought about going back to my maiden name but my FI's last name is easy and short. We just had a friend in CA get married last weekend & he took his wifes last name...omg you should have heard my FI rant over that one, I just laughed at him. Jenny, I hope your interview goes great & you get some very (even more exciting) exciting news when you arrive home! Good luck moving your case. Karen, I wish nursing would change as well...sometimes we are our worst enemies in our profession and now there are so few people going into nursing schools it is scary. (soapbox...sorry!) Amanda, what tanning lotion do you use? I saw someone post Jergens...I have skinceuticals which was recommended by my dermatologist for my extremely sensitive skin and she lectured me about getting burnt but knows exactly where I am going, ha! I used to do tanning beds years ago, plus all the laying out has done so much damage to my skin, now I use suntan lotion all the time and limit my time in the sun. Again, congrats to everyone! Next week I am not sure how much I will be on since I am traveling for work but I wish you all the best & can't wait to share how everything went! Chrissy
  12. I would just put the ice pack on your neck or thigh up until you walk down the isle & then remove it but have 1 for after to cool down a bit but to wear it the entire time might be a tad uncomfortable.
  13. So sorry you had a rough day Karen. Nursing in general is a "eat your young" profession. I had a professor like that in my MSN courses and she was always being "pissy" when someone would question something she said...like she knew all the answers. Just think 1 more week...you can do it!
  14. I ordered the towels from cottonfruit.com - they were a case of 24 for $5/towel
  15. Welcome to the forums, there is tons of great information here to help you decide.
  16. Ha, I love this thread, too funny. When I got married the first time my husband was pretty drunk & I was a little tipsy but we were exhausted and just crashed. I know with my future DH that I definitely don't want to get too drunk & really just enjoy our night together and hopefully have a little fun : )
  17. I ordered our cups online from a company called Party Innovations. Custom Logo and Personalized Products - Napkins, Cups, Ribbons & More at Party Innovations You had to order a min of 50 but we are using them at home & for our picnic this summer.
  18. Our budget was $10,000 and right now we are sitting at about $10,200. I still have to get my manicure/pedicure before we leave which will be about $125. I also bought 2 dresses & am still trying to sell 1 to recoup some costs. But I think we stayed pretty darn close : )
  19. So yesterday I took my e-ring to the jeweler to get polished & cleaned so it sparkles just as much as my diamond wedding band...I hate not having it on
  20. Dianep, that is awesome about your dress! Lady Di, I had a friend that got a spray tan for something (I can't recall what) but 2 or 3 days afterwards it became very streaky. I would definitely ask the company you go to how it will hold up with chlorine & salt water. JT I wish I could do that but I would look like a lobster if I put oil on, ha! I wish I would have gone to the tanning bed but I ran out of time and next week I am out of town for work all week.
  21. I spent about $75 each on my bags (everything) but we only have 7 people coming not including us and we bought the guys their favorite sports team flip flops (kohls) rather than old navy like the ladies. The towels I bought bulk and I found most of the little things at target for a low price (suntan lotion, hand sanitizer, shout wipes). I think if we had more people we would have just done 1 bag per couple rather than 1 for everyone.
  22. Ha, that would be hysterical to see your FI's face with those cut outs!
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