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Everything posted by Girasole

  1. Congrats Winnie! So glad everything turned out well. As for me...I am more stressed I think about being away these next few days for work, not so much the wedding but I am taking lots of vitamins so I don't get sick, ha!
  2. So I am getting ready to leave for my business trip & really hoping I can get my music done, finish packing, my little snack bags (for guests), and oh my mani/pedi on Sunday!
  3. Boy I know how you guys feel...my boss set up this big education session for 3 days that I have to help teach...4 hours away and it's Wed-Friday this week...we leave monday night! Ugh...I don't have my music CD done, we are not packed, I am stressed plus we have a big IT project we just rolled out for testing & of course I am the point on that so Monday I have a big conference call I can't miss for testing...I need a drink, ha! Anyways...I am a nurse...worked ICU for many years & now I work for an agency that helps improve patient safety in our state. Basically, I am a consultant to 98 facilities to help them with patient safety initiatives.
  4. Jennifer can you PM me with details (i.e. address, etc so I can calculate shipping costs?) or email me @ [email protected]
  5. I have 90 of these to sell if anyone needs some please let me know. I paid $0.39 each plus shipping for them and am willing to sell them for $0.30 plus shipping. Payment via Paypal Zipper Badge Holders - Id badge Holders - Prox holder at Security Imaging.com
  6. Welcome Stacey! Congrats on your May wedding!!
  7. Amy it looks so awesome!! I can't wait to hear how everything goes when you get back!!
  8. There are a few of us getting married in Turks, check out the Islands thread which will give you tons of information.
  9. My FI would die if I had 5 bags of just luggage of wedding supplies, ha! Luckily we got to see all our family that is going except for 1 person so we asked them if they would be ok getting their bags early so we can use more luggage space for clothing, etc. I can't believe...1 week and we leave!
  10. Very cute dress & not a bad price! We don't have a MOH or GM.
  11. Congrats & welcome to the forums!
  12. What a great thread! FI & I bought our house last fall & finally now are getting to the outside projects since it is warming up a bit. Yesterday the family threw us a "garden" wedding shower which was great & I got tons of bulbs, plants, etc...so I will be looking here now for all kinds of information : )
  13. I am wearing a short wedding dress...I went back & forth on it but ultimately, I wanted it casual & I don't want to be too hot so I got a nice short (right below my knees) flowy dress
  14. Can we add Kelly too? It's Kelly1214 (she's been swamped with moving right before her wedding) she is May 14th in Turks & Caicos.
  15. Congrats!! Welcome to the forums, you will find tons of info here!
  16. Girasole

    New Bride!

    Welcome to the forums & congrats on your wedding!
  17. Girasole


    Congrats & welcome to the forums!
  18. Sounds wonderful!! Congrats & welcome to the forums!
  19. Congrats & welcome to the forums!
  20. Welcome to the forums, you will find a lot of great information here!
  21. Congrats & welcome to the forums
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