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Everything posted by drbride83

  1. I have no idea if it's hard to reserve a weekend wedding date, as I did not choose one. I know the wedding coordinators don't work on Sundays so that only leaves Saturdays and they usually want you to arrive atleast 3 days before the wedding so they can plan it in time. So unless you are arriving early in the week then it may be difficult to get a Saturday date?? It's really probably because people are there for the week, so it doesn't really matter what day since every day is basically a weekend!
  2. So I just got an email from Yessica today saying that my wedding coordinator has been assigned and it will be Carolina. So looks like you girls get assigned your official wedding coordinator at least a month before your wedding? I had assumed mine was Yessica since she's the one I've always been emailing with (prior to Sharron leaving). Yessica said that Carolina has all of my emails so not to worry she has everything under control. So fingers crossed it all goes well! Anyone who's already been married had Carolina as their coordinator? What was she like?
  3. Congrats Keight and Firenzerose! I hope you girls have a great time and amazing weddings!! I will hopefully get to hear about them before I leave in a month! It is crazy how fast the time goes! Question for the girls who have already been married at DPC: Have any of you had the "Assorted Dominican Appetizers" in the Silver Dinner Menu? What are they? Are they any good? We are still debating whether we want to try these... Also, the new prices for 2011 are up on the DPC wedding guide, so if your budgeting make sure you have the current prices! I was surprised with some of the things that went up in price.
  4. Congrats Eliana! Love the pictures! Alykay - You can get paper lanterns in a bunch of different colours from this website: http://www.weddingfavours.ca/, they have three different sizes (just type in paper lanterns in the search box), I didn't order lanterns from them, but I did order my wedding favours, and I didn't have any troubles. They are based in Ingersoll, ON I'm on Feb 7, almost down to one month left!
  5. Sorry if this posts twice since it didn't post the first time! Tink - I remember reading in the thread that you could get a huppa instead of the arch if you didn't like it. It cost something like $350 for it to be decorated with flowers and $150 for just the linens (Prices will probably change for 2011). Try going back through the thread to find the picture I saw in here of it set up on the beach. Thanks for the info about the disco, Yessica did get back to me and said it opens at 10:30pm but she didn't mentioned when it closes so I will assume 2am for now! In other news, I was able to switch my reception to the Portofino terrace!
  6. Anyone know what time the disco opens/closes? We are going there after our reception is over.
  7. I didn't do it in any special way, but I had already asked my bridesmaids because we were orignally planning on having a wedding at home. When we changed our minds and decided on a destination wedding, I talked to them again before we officially made the decision to see if they were still okay with being bridesmaids given that we are now doing a destination wedding, since it's a lot of money for everyone. It's probably a good idea to be upfront about the costs if you haven't done so already, and tell them you understand if money is an issue but you would love it if they could be a part of your day. I'm sure which ever way you decide to ask them they will be happy and excited!
  8. Thank you ladies for the departure tax info, I had heard different info and I figured the girls here would know the best! Alykay - I am also doing a starfish theme, I'm not sure where your from but I ordered stuff from weddingfavours.ca (canadian site). I got starfish bottle openers and some other things (straw fans, personalized ribbon, etc) from there. http://www.weddingfavours.ca/p/4470/Starfish+Design+Bottle+Opener+Favours.html They have a bunch of different wedding theme things and a couple starfish/beach themed items, most of it's similar to what you can get from weddingstar.com if you've ordered from there. http://www.weddingfavours.ca/c/COLL/Themed+Bridal+Collections.html I hope that helps or gives you some ideas!
  9. Lyndsay or anyone else! - did you need to pay a departure tax of $20 when you left Punta Cana?
  10. Congratulations Lyndsay! Thanks for posting that video, you all look gorgeous! Definitely gives me an idea of what to expect. Our wedding is in 2 months!
  11. That really sucks Jackie as I am sure you can't wait to see them! That's really annoying that they didn't tell you this before! Can any of you girls who have gotten married at DPC already send me a picture or post pictures of what your cake looked like? I just want to see what kind of cakes they can do, the ones I saw on their website I didn't really like. I also thought I read somewhere in here that they will charge extra to put flowers on it, unless you bring your own? Is that correct or am I totally making this up? I am going to send a picture to Yessica of what we wanted, do they charge extra if you want a specific cake or do they still only charge per piece? [email protected] Thanks!
  12. Hi Jackie, Can you send some of the pictures of the Himitsu Terrace to me? It's hard to tell what the terraces really look like from the pictures they send you. [email protected] Thanks!
  13. Congratulations Eliana!! I hope you have a great day today!! Thank you for the info, I've already sent an email to Yessica asking her to switch us, so hopefully no one else already has it booked that day!
  14. Thanks Girls! Congratulations Lyndsay! I would also love to hear how things worked with regards to what happens when you get to the resort/planning the wedding. We have 36 including us booked right now, but with two more months there still could be some last minute people so I wasn't sure if it was better to go with another terrace. We are booked at El Patio right now because I thought the capacity at Bordeaux was 40, and I figured we might go over that, but I would prefer to be at Bordeaux instead of El Patio.
  15. Hi Ladies, Just have a question about the capacity at the Bordeaux terrace... in the wedding guide it says 40 people max capacity, but then Yessica told me it was 50? Just wondering what you girls have been told who did book or are booking that terrace? Thanks!
  16. bump! Any other good ideas? If someone is looking for those resort chairs I found them online here (Canadian Site): SALE Resort Beach Chair Cover - $49.28 - Weddingfavours.ca
  17. Hi Ladies! We're getting married February 7 at Dreams Punta Cana. I have the dress, picked out bridesmaid dresses and should be ordering them next week, invitations were sent out a couple months ago. I just got centerpieces and now we are working on welcome bags for our guests.
  18. Hi Girls, I haven't had a chance to read through the whole thread to find pictures yet, but for those of you who have already gotten married at Dreams, do you have pictures of what your wedding cake looked like? I just want to get an idea what the WC means when they say the cakes are iced and simply decorated in white. You can email me at: [email protected] Thanks!
  19. Hi Ladies, I am new to this forum and have been reading it for the past couple days, and I just have to say thank you for all the info you all are posting here! I would be lost without it all!
  20. I was wondering if anyone has used Weddings by Oceans? We are thinking about using this company but would like to know what other people who have used them think. Thanks!!
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