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Everything posted by maddox96

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenny84 Hi Everyone, I have been to the Barcelo Palace before so please feel free to ask any questions. I am new to the wedding planning part but would love to help answer anything I can. Happy Planning everyone I was wondering if you knew what building is best to get for a group coming down for a wedding.
  2. Sorry for all the questions. Has anyone heard if you can use for Ipod for the dancing portion. It used to say it in the old wedding packages.
  3. We are going to down to RM next weekend for my friend's wedding. We have an appointment with Victoria to see the resort and find out about questions we have. Anyone have any good questions that they would like answered.
  4. Someone wrote that you can book the reception for dancing after the 3 hours for $9/10 more an hour. Wondering if that is per person or a flat rate?
  5. We are getting married April 15 at the Barcelo Maya Palace. Does anyone have info on what we can expect from the hotel. Also, how does the music work for dancing. Are we dancing at the disco or at a reception hall area? Any other advice anyone has would be great
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