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Everything posted by Ashleyciv

  1. Im about to order lanterns for the reception on the beach. Auroura said to bring about 30..does this sound about right to you guys? ANd...what size do you think i should get? Thanks so much!
  2. Hi Ladies! Im looking for some white paper lanterns for my July 2,2011 wedding. If anyone has any they would like to sell I would love to take them off your hands!! Thanks!!
  3. Wendy, Wow what a beautiful bride you were and amazing wedding you had!! Everything looks great!! If you dont mind me asking...Where did you get your orchid garlands and flower for your haiir??
  4. vlynnw, Are you also getting bamboo for your canopy? How much if you dont mind me asking did she quote you to have this done? Thanks
  5. Thanks so much for this...i have been searching the internet for this coupon to print out and couldnt find it...i never thought to look for it already printed out!! I already ordered 10!! Thanks!!
  6. Im waiting for Dreams response to that question myself..ill let you know as soon as i hear!!
  7. Wow thanks!! Yeah they are telling me all these ridicules prices..but i will not be happy with just their basic "fabric" set up!! So i guess ill just bring my own tulle and deal with the price they make me pay to decorate it!! Did they quote you a price to do it if you brought your own tulle???
  8. I asked Dreams what it would cost do this set up and this is the response i got...I understand about the bamboo being extra but what the heck are the other charges?? DId you past brides ask for something different for your canopy set up and get charged a ridicules fee?? ANy suggestions or ideas would be helpful!! Is possible to set up a bamboo canopy for the ceremony the cost is $300usd+tax+set up If you want it with the same white tulle decoration the cost is $650usd+tax+set up (the tulle cost $350usd+tax+set up) If you bring the tulle the cost for set up is $150usd+tax+set up
  9. We did not hear back from alot of people from the stds..so we are including rsvps in the invites so i can have a definite number! I am not sending invites to people who responded NO.
  10. THis isThis is my bridesmaid dress...The color is off in the picture..its a bright aqua in person!! I love them..they are soo perfect!!
  11. OMG!! Your dress is amazing!! Too bad i just bought mine because i love your dress!! Congrats on finding "the one!!" You look beautiful!!
  12. Oceanwonderful, Wow what a beautiful bride and wedding!! I hope my wedding at Dreams Tulum turn out just as good!! Can you tell me where you did your ttd? The beach location looks sooo beautiful!! Also, where and what color were your chair bows? Thats the exact color im looking for!! Thanks so much!!
  13. Ivan, I asked my photographer about shooting our ttd at the tulum ruins and he said he looked into it and it is not allowed??? Is this true? Or is there a way to be able to have a photo shoot on the ruins?? My fiance and i are really interested in having our pictures there!!
  14. July 2, 2011 at Dreams Tulum! Haha I am way behind on what i have done!! I just purchased my dress..and yes imo its a beach dress!! Have you ladies gotten all your rsvps back yet? Because im still clueless about if a bunch of people are coming because they didnt want to send the save the date rsvps back!! Ugh!!!
  15. Hey girls! Im looking for lanterns, aqua sashes and orchids if anyone has any they would like to sell!! I want to make an orchid background for our ceremony but ive found that orchids are sooooo expensive..so i thought getting them second hand would be more budget friendly!! My colors are Aqua and Pink so anything is those colors could also be useful!! Thanks!!! Pm me or my email is [email protected]
  16. Hey girls! Im looking for lanterns, aqua sashes and orchids if anyone has any they would like to sell!! I want to make an orchid background for our ceremony but ive found that orchids are sooooo expensive..so i thought getting them second hand would be more budget friendly!! My colors are Aqua and Pink so anything is those colors could also be useful!! Thanks!!! Pm me or my email is [email protected]
  17. Hey girls! Im looking for lanterns, aqua sashes and orchids if anyone has any they would like to sell!! I want to make an orchid background for our ceremony but ive found that orchids are sooooo expensive..so i thought getting them second hand would be more budget friendly!! My colors are Aqua and Pink so anything is those colors could also be useful!! Thanks!!! Pm me or my email is [email protected]
  18. Hey girls! Im looking for lanterns, aqua sashes and orchids if anyone has any they would like to sell!! I want to make an orchid background for our ceremony but ive found that orchids are sooooo expensive..so i thought getting them second hand would be more budget friendly!! My colors are Aqua and Pink so anything is those colors could also be useful!! Thanks!!!
  19. Hey girls! Im looking for lanterns, aqua sashes and orchids if anyone has any they would like to sell!! I want to make an orchid background for our ceremony but ive found that orchids are sooooo expensive..so i thought getting them second hand would be more budget friendly!! My colors are Aqua and Pink so anything is those colors could also be useful!! Thanks!!!
  20. I finally decided on my dress.it ended up being nothing like what i was evlooking for..but i love it Its so unique and perfect for the beach!!
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