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Future Mrs. M

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Everything posted by Future Mrs. M

  1. WOW!!! It looks so pretty!! I see they have a bell too:) AW I love it already! Did they ring the bell for you guys? I love the picture of you guys by the doorway!! LOOKS AMAZING:)!
  2. Hi Girls - I've had a bit of a stressful week. I feel like Luis completely lied to us to get us to book our wedding. Basically, when we visited back in December he told us that the catholic chapel they had onsite would be registered and opened by November (our wedding month). He told us they had already submitted the paperwork to get approval on getting the church registered by the Catholic church. When we called him last week he gave us a completely different story and told us to start looking at other chapels because they're still waiting for the owners of the Tres Rios to even decide if they want the chapel to be opened and then they will seek to get approval on registering the chapel from the Catholic church....THis would have been nice to know back in December and before we booked!! So now we're scrambling to find other chapels at other resorts because the two downtown don't have any good openings left (they have 7pm or 10am)....honestly so stressful to be dealing with this 6 months out. ARGH I'm hoping Becks comes back with a good review if not I'm seriously considering switching resorts.
  3. 75 guests confirmed already?!!! Wow that is amazing!!! DId you tell them to rsvp with the Save the Date? We sent ours already but I don't think that many people have booked their travel yet....how did you get them all to do it so fast! I need tips!! !
  4. Great thanks for the info! I will reach out to them. I am looking to get two limos and two big buses to transport our guests and we got quoted about $2.6K from Lomas. That is for two lincoln navigators and 2 45 pax buses.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by finleys7 It was hot in there, but it's May in Mexico. November will be cooler and less humid. The chapel was absolutely perfect for us. The beach was crowded with a lot of on-lookers and Speedos everywhere. We preferred the privacy. The Iberostar really does a nice job. I agree with you about the privacy you get from doing it in a chapel. I'm so glad you had a great time!!! I can't wait to see the rest of your pictures. Is the chapel seperate from buildings or is it attached? I've seen pics of the inside but have no idea what it looks like from the outside.
  6. Congratulations!! Sounds like you had an amazing time!! The pic of the chapel looks beautiful and I can't wait to see more!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by finleys7 We actually did a 5:00 ceremony that started late so it was really 5:30. It depends on the time of year as well...we went to the internet to the projected sunset times and went from there. We did the legal (civil) ceremony and the paper work is expected in 4 months. If you do it at home...then it's just a blessing ceremony. Either way it was beautiful. No air conditioning though. We are visiting this chapel at the end of May. We would be having our ceremony at around 3pm also....was it really hot for you guys at that time? I had no idea there was no AC in there...
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by EmenGeeRoxx Sorry for the concise message, real busy but just wanted to respond quickly Limo = 400 USD for 4hrs, Lomas Transportation Van = 71 USD per van (fits 12 people comfortably or u can squeeze in 14), sorry no pics, but they are clean and have A/C, Playa del Carmen info English speaking Priest = Father James Hogan: 984-116-3373. He is the best one from the feedback I got. Here are others. Bernard Quinn: 984-876-3327. Jorge Cataneda: 984-804-8870. Mariachi = Coral del Caribe, [email protected] 350 USD for 45 minutes playing, 4 piece band This is so so so so helpful!! Thank you so much!!! Seems like we're going to be needing a lot of the same things you guys used. I'm so glad I found your review! Did you guys get your pictures back yet?
  9. Wow what an amazing review!!!! It is so obvious that you guys spent a lot of time and effort planning your wedding! CONGRATS! =) Can you please let us know how much your Limo and vans pricing were? Also - would you happen to have any pics of the vans? We are also going to be needing transportation for our guests from the hotel to the chapel. Church - were you able to get an english speaking priest? What was his name? Mariachi - how much did this cost you guys for 45 minutes? I'm dying to get them but trying to find a good group at a good price! You guys did great work with your wedding planning! SO happy I found you!
  10. I may have to use a limo service and buses as well. What are the prices you guys have been finding in Cancun and the Riviera Maya?
  11. It sounds like she's realized how immature it was in the beginning and the fact that she's willing to work it and put it to the side for your wedding is really great. I have the same issue with my 2 best friends. Basically the 3 of us were best friends, luckily I have a sister so she is my Maid of Honor because if not I would have been stuck between my 2 friends. They had a bad falling out about a year ago and so I was really worried on how that would work. IT sounds like your friend really cares and wants to make a step in the right direction now. I agree that it can't hur to sit them down together and talk to them about it. Or both of them seperately and then together that way you don't catch your MOH offguard. Good luck!!!
  12. I just wanted to say that my Fiancee and I visited Secrets Maroma back in August 2009. We stayed for 5 days just for a getaway....we fell in love with Secrets Maroma!! The water is just amazing. I usually like bigger waves like the ones in Cancun but the color was perfect and it was really peaceful. The food was amazing! The service was fantastic! You and your guests are going to have a great time. Please let me know if you guys want pictures and I'll send you a link of the pics we took while we were there. We got engaged a month after leaving there and I kept thinking how awesome it would have been to have gotten engaged there!!!
  13. Congrats!!!!!!!! Looks like everything went great, Dreams Cabo looks amaaaaazing. I can't wait to see your proffesional pics!!!! Did your guys use tuxes? Were they hot in them? I'm still debating on what we should do for the groomsmen - tuxes or suits.
  14. sorry for the duplicate posts. I can't see the edit button on the past 3 now for some reason. I did this from my blackberry this morning and it kept telling me that my comments did not post and that there was an error but I guess all my 3 attempts did work.
  15. Sorry for the duplicate posts everyone. I was using my blackberry and it was saying my entries didn't post. I'm looking now and it looks like all 3 did.
  16. Graciela your wedding looked amazing. The valentin was our first choice but they don't accept children and we have 3 flower girls. Ivan do you have any pics of the iberostar paraiso chapel? Thanks!!
  17. Graciela I love your wedding pics. The valentin was our first choice but they don't accept kids and we have 3 flower girls. Ivan do you have pics of the iberostar chapel??!!
  18. Everything looks great!!! I'm like you - I said no lace, no frills, nothing haha and then I ended up with something completely different than I envisioned! Your dress is gorgeous and you did a great job planning. Congrats and have a great time at your wedding:)
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