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Everything posted by pamphilia

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by MBBride Good to know, thanks Pam! I just wasn't sure if they looked different at all? have you seen the Majestic Picasa page? this could help you: Picasa Web Albums - Weddingbymajestic... there are tons of different photos there. i have also gone through about 3000 pics of the Majestic Colonial on the facebook page and posted a few to my personal blog to help me make up my own mind. you can check it out at: barefoot wedding: Reception - Parrot Bar? barefoot wedding: Reception - Wet Bar? they look similar. hope that helps!!
  2. kickass kanadian - thanks for your review! i am so glad to hear that things went so smoothly! congratulations!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by dpitre Pamphilia- It's a Angeline Faccenda style #1086 (this is a sub-set of the Mori Lee line.) Oh and it has pockets too! i thought it might have pockets! i am currently in love with Priscilla of Boston - Vineyard Collection "Sophia" which also has pockets and is very simple. thanks for the designer info!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by christinak82 Thanks girls, yeah I agree with you pamphilla, it looks very short on that picture but somehow photobucket stretched it so much that it looks very "disadvantageous" (looks like its made for a heavy midget girl :-D). But I have to admit, even the original picture looks like the dress seems to be a little short... I just hope that the picture is misleading... in fact, one of my bridesmaids is only 5.2 feet tall.... maybe thats her dress they sent me... hahaha! i can see how photobucket probably played with the dimensions! it very well could be for your vertically-challenged friend ....i am only 5'5", so am not one to talk!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by MBBride Pam, I wouldn't wait too long to order a dress- some designers can take 6-9 months to get in, plus you want enough time for alterations too. I'm sure it'll all work out though. You'll have so much fun shopping for your dress! MediPea- Do you think the Parrot bar or the Wet bar would be better for a private reception? I'm so glad you enjoyed your visit, can't wait to see it for myself! Lisa i am thinking of getting a knockoff from asia, and they take only about 45 days...so that is why i am waiting a bit. risky - i know!! ...as for the Wet Bar/Parrot Bar, i think it is just a matter of how many people you will have. they usually suggest the Parrot for under 40 people, and Wet Bar for 40+ guests
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by kmc636 I am a January 14, 2011 Elegance bride. How many days before your wedding's are you arriving at the resort? The wedding will be on a Friday, and the flights will either be on the Tuesday or the Thursday before the wedding ( the flights havent been released yet ) I was wondering if they came in on the Thursday ( day before the wedding ) if we would be rushed? i think the day before might be a little rushed. but i guess it depends on what time you get in and if you have a lot of stuff to take care of (putting together OOT bags or something?).. my wedding is a thursday, and i will probably be arriving on the monday (based on current flight dates - but this could change)... ideally i would like to be there two days before. congrats!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by dpitre After stalking this thread, I finally went dress shopping and found my dress (and purchased) in a day! I love the simplicity! Please don't mind my face in the pic of me...my mom could not figure out how to push one button and take the picture...hence it being so blurry! I'll post more when the dress actually comes in! I'm thinking about taking one layer of netting out so it won't be so poofy. In my super blurry pic below, I have most of the netting actually tucked in between my legs. [/img] [/img] [/img] i love love LOVE this dress!! it looks similar to one i am coveting. who is the designer? love it!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Oryx Totally agree! It's often called the "what the hell effect". Like after eating that first cookie, the diet is already ruined, so might as well eat the box. Very dangerous! Every moment is a new opportunity to start over and do better. this is so true, and i struggle with this as well. but i always try to reiterate this to myself: if you are baking, and you drop an egg on the ground - do you throw the rest of the dozen on the ground as well? NO! you clean up the egg and carry on. that is the same thing as having that first donut. no need to finish the dozen when you can just put it away and move on.
  9. christinak82...your dress really is beautiful! i think the bridesmaid dresses are nice, but i agree - the frill should be the length of the dress (which by the way, looks super short?? maybe it's just me)..
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by MediPea I'm getting married at the Majestic Colonial on January 4th, 2011! Went for a site visit last week and LOVED the resort!! awesome MediPea! i have never been but have heard and seen awesome things, so i have no qualms at going there site unseen!
  11. they are both beautiful, but i like the first one better - gorgeous!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by MBBride Thanks Pam...but it was stressful making sure everyone put their deposits in on time. I'm just glad that part is over and now the fun part of planning begins. I'm trying to give myself a deadline of May 1 to have my dress picked out and ordered (not an easy task)! How many people are you expecting? in all honesty, i don't know! we didn't do save the dates, but the word spread quickly to those who are close to us (good old facebook!).. we will invite probably about 120 and expect maybe 50? i have a heap of weight to lose and don't want to try on dresses until i am down a bit, so i will be cutting it close for dress ordering...i hope to have it done by the end of july. eeek, the stress!
  13. i am so glad i caught this thread in time - i am SO in! i have a LOT of weight to lose (70+lbs) and i need all the motivation i can get!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by justgotengaged...nowwhat? Hi everyone - quick question. I am leaving for the Majestic (yay!!) in a week. Back when I had Maritee, she quoted me at $50 per day pass (which I am fine with, we have DJ Mania as our DJ and I know he brings an assistant). Maritee, as you all know, is now gone. Today, I emailed the resort asking how I was to pay this fee and I mentioned the $50/person. Yadilis wrote me back and said its $100/pass. Has anyone else had a problem with this? I was prepared for $50/person and to be honest, I dont want to have to fight this when I get down there. We are already paying a lot for the presidential suite, open bar, buffet....you get my drift. If any of you ladies could let me know, I would greatly appreciate it! if you have proof (a printed email) of what Maritee quoted you, i would take that with you and say you will not pay $100 when you were quoted $50. i am sorry i don't have any other info for you...good luck!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by MBBride We are getting married Jan.13/11 at Majestic Colonial. I am also looking to share Phil Steingard for around that time (excluding Jan.12 and Jan.13). Feel free to PM me if you have any questions. As for invitations, we opted out of sending actual paper invites and our Travel Agent actually set up a website (like an e-invite) with an online booking form/resort info/travel details for guests. I either invited people beforehand via Facebook or by phone. So far we have 35 people booked and are expecting about 10 more. We are only sending invites to family/relatives for the formality sake. For those getting married at Majestic...are you doing a private reception? If so, which location? I was thinking about doing it at the Parrot Bar. i am doing a private reception either at the Parrot Bar of the Wet Bar depending on how many people we have. wow, you already have 35 people booked? you are on the ball! i don't even have my invites out (they will be out by the beginning of May).. i am getting married a few weeks after you, but good luck getting phil. i am sure there are lots of brides who would love to share him
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by barbiegirl_27 Here's the dress on me.... I'm going to start looking but won't do anything with this dress until I know for sure what to do. i think it looks lovely! but the most important thing is how you feel in it
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by *Nadine* Hi girls We totally had fake certificates to sign at the ceremony to make it look more official. Even though just the two of us signed adn then the 'minister'. Noone has ever questioned anything. The lady I used that Meaghan is talking about is really affordable and nice. I definitely recommend getting in touch with her! wow! i never even thought of faking the certificate! so sneaky! Nadine - what was the name of your commissioner again? I remember reading it a while back...
  18. we are doing it here first as well - it saves a lot of headache in translation and what have you. i am a terrible secret keeper, so i don't know how successful i will be at keeping that secret from my parents and family. what do i say if they ask why we didn't sign a marriage certificate?! we have looked at the list of commissioners in calgary and think we have chosen one who fits our personalities. Here is a list of commissioners in Alberta: Service Alberta: Marriage Commissioner Listing This is who we might be leaning towards: About Blair
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Oryx Hey MajesticPC2011Bride, Maybe I'll see you there! We'll likely fly in that weekend of January 29th. ...and i will be there probably from the 24th - Feb 1! Quote: Originally Posted by MexicoBeachBride2010 Anyone doing parasols? If so where did you get them? we are doing parasols, but haven't purchsed any yet - if you find any good deals, let me know!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by MajesticPC2011Bride Hey Pam!! So exciting that your invites are almost out the door!!! We just sent ours last week!!!!! Whew, that was a big task I was happy to have done! What type of invitations are you doing? Color? DIY (print through Vista then put together?)? they are very simple. mostly white, with some orange and fuschia (our colours) abstract dot-like design. simple but pretty! we are just doing the invite card, and a supplement card with travel info and ordering matching envelopes. we are doing an online RSVP. we have made our own website with mywedding.com for people to RSVP to. easy peasy!
  21. hi ladies! i am a January 2011 bride as well! we are getting married at the Majestic Colonial on Jan 27th. i am sharing a photog with MajesticPC2011Bride up there! we have decided to skip STDs and go right in for the invites. we are hoping to get our guest list finalized this weekend and get the invite order off. we are going through Vistaprint. i will be so excited to get those off so we can have an idea of who is coming!! happy planning!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by cwelch I will have plenty of stuff after my may wedding I have orange and fuchsia chair bows, parasols, and much more. what are you looking for exactly oooh, i am orange and fuschia too - i will definitely be on the lookout for your may post! i will be needing parasols and chair sashes for sure!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by BeachBrideSoon Hi ladies! I've just come accross this forum and I'm super excited to see Calgary Brides! I haven't started too much, as I thought the TA was where to go first before starting the planning but nope, that's not the case. I will be contacting resorts now to narrow down my choices of countries(Dominican is what I've been leaning towards). I am wondering how to pick a date if you have people travelling there from all over Canada(Calgarians will depart a different day then BC or ON) or do you just pick a week? Also, November they say is hurricane season and so much can be pushed around(flights, cancellations etc.) any experiences, my other option is January 2011. I know this forum will be super helpful and I'm looking forward to it!! Thanks! hi and welcome! echo covered a lot of good points there.. i just wanted to say that i am going the Dominican in January 2011 as well. it was just a time that worked best for the guests (trying to save $) and my wedding party (as we felt them out before committing to a date). we live in calgary, but most of our guests are coming from toronto and ottawa - and i have no problem with us all not arriving or departing on the same day. when you tell them what day you are getting married, they can work around when they want to plan their holiday. i am a travel agent, so i knew a lot of the basics already - but yes, you should try and narrow down a destination and a resort before heading to the agent to price things out. you will find this site full of awesome information!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by theend903 I need advise. I'm so confused about what I want to do for the reception. I want to have a private reception with a DJ so that all the speeches and first dances can happen, but I'm concerned about the price.We are having around 30-35 people come. If we have the dinner at the Steakhouse, which is free, will that be too many people to have in the restaurant? I was thinking about renting the Wet bar or Parrot bar for after dinner with the DJ. Do you think this is a good idea? you can have up to 60 people for the free dinner at the steakhouse, so i think this is no problem. you can then have a private reception at the parrot or wet bar (i am doing this too). this is $500 per hour including open bar and sound system - and then you will just have to rent the DJ on top of that (i am not too sure what that rate is).. i think it sounds like a good plan!
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