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Less is more

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Everything posted by Less is more

  1. Thanks that does. We definitely have the funds so why not pay it off and be done. I set aside $ for extras that may come up. Thanks we will be paying here soon....wow within the week!
  2. Congrats murmel on the upcomming wedding and your new house. Once you get back you'll get carried into your house by your husband!! SOOOO happy for you.
  3. Hey ladies when did you pay your final payment for the wedding. Did you pay it in full or leave some to pay once you get down there. My TA said pay part of it but not all meanwhile Wc said pay it all. Also i really don't want to buy and carry sand for the sand ceremony. Did they charge you for the sand if you bring your own kit? I also just assumed i could add the ceremony at no fee if i bring the kit this is true right? ( its not included in my package- Pearl) And did they have alot of colors available? Thanks trying to decide if i should add it now or not. I hope all the January brides have the best day of their lives and all the happiness in the world! Can't wait to hear what youa ll have to say when you get back, plus all the photos!!!
  4. I thought the same thing. I decided to buy my own chair bows and table runners.....they were much cheaper! Plus another bride on the forum with the same color scheme offered to go half on them. I just love these ladies!!! Anyway they were $0.69 ea the table runners $3 somthing which is very cheap and they are nice. I did check with the resort about set-up and they said they wouldn't charge me for it but i needed enough for ceremony location and private reception which was still cheaper than thier $4 chairbows. We saw pics of the chairs without covers and just the bows and loved it. So checkout the link they were very nice, speedy delivery and good quality! www.weddingslinen.com I had questions about colors and fabrics and they were very fast about replying and making sure the items were what i wanted!
  5. I totally agree. Sorry if this is way late but just playing catch tonight during the big game. Anyway like she said know your family. All 7 of my fathers brothers and sisters are coming with their family and none of my moms side (9 sibs) is coming. Do you know my moms sibs had the nerve to tell me that I made more convenient for my fathers side to come and not them. We gave everyone 1 year and 3 months to plan. And do you know my moms sibs went on cruises and trips and splurged all year. Plus, there will be someone who drops out guaranteed! We had 3 couples for good reason and sad to say very close people. But it happens. I to try to keep the low expectation profile too and so far so good! Good luck and don't worry about the list! Oh you'll also have those who want to book the last minute when the resort is all sold out lol!
  6. Wow I didn't know that! Just told Fi and he is mad. I guess I overlooked that. It that still the case for the civil/ symbolic wedding?
  7. Thanks so much for posting the info. I called them and the first man i talked to said no and that i had to order atleast $100 worth and i didn't need that many. So me being persistant i emailed them. I finally got a response and it was good! I asked to 2 dozen and he quoted me $2.25ea with out shipping. So i said yes! I will call them during business hours and give my card info. Thank you so much for posting avong1228! Let me know how yours turn out please!
  8. Congrats barbiegirl_27. Happy New Year Ladies!!! Can up believe its our turn now!!!! Good luck murmel with the to do list! I am right behind you and my list is huge!!! We will make it!
  9. Don't worry about it. I went through them as well my TA was cool but i did have to let her know several times how to cater to my family. Especially with the older crowd that was not web savy. Stay on top of them and let them know that your business and satisfaction is their most valuable asset. I had to let my mother loose on my TA and amazing enough her attitude changed and everything I wanted seemed to start happening. So put your foot down...or else get your deposit back!
  10. At this pace i will have no time to get off the noob status. so how do i post pics as a noob?
  11. Mzgillis316 Thanks for posting the sand ceremony kit info. Did your sand shift on the trip home? your photos are amazing. I think I've said that once before but man.....I hope mine are that beautiful. I didn't think about a sunrise session. Our TTD is a couple of days after the wedding. Again thanks for all the info Ladies....I did have a mini breakdown yesterday worrying about how I will get all together. I have scheduled to take my last board exam the end of Jan. I still have a lot to do for the wedding and keep up my study schedule. By, Gods grace it will all work out.....matter of fact I know it will but its hard. I say all this just to let ALL you ladies know you have been a blessing. All of your ideas, suggestions, and information that i just didn't and still don't have the time to find on my own. THANK YOU!!!!! You all have helped sooo much. Happy New Year and Blessings to the newly weds of 2010 and the soon to be mrs. of 20111!!! Yeah soooo excited!
  12. Love these shoes! Fi and I are very close in height so was undecided on wearing a small heel. But these inspire me too keep looking.....running out of time tho
  13. Thanks murmel for the map! That was just what i needed. FI didn't want a cocktail party so i wanted to atleast direct our guests of a bar/lounge near the Zavas Plaza. You ladies are so wonderful.
  14. I was just about to shut it down......and noticed the sand ceremony in both rkf1046 pics and mzgillis316 video. Where did you guys get the sand ceremony kits. I love them!!! Did the sand mix and shift alot on the trip back home? I was worried about.
  15. rkf1046 , Thanks for those answers. I will definitely spend this break printing everything. Beautiful pictures! Love the signature drink.....how did you coordinate that? Did you have a cocktail party before the reception? Super excited to see the planning thread and more pics!!
  16. Ohhh wow! That is great to hear....that extra $500 is not alot but the thought of makes me cringe. I'm going to have him watch it now. I was out voted on the video since I chose the TTD. FI is still not sold on the TTD lol. FI and my mom both voted for my uncle to videotape. I love my uncle but he loves to add commentary and zoom in on butts lol. So hoping I can convince everyone to do the video.
  17. Thanks for sharing. i was not totally game for the sew-in. I will have to try it out soon!
  18. Absoultely love it!!!! I am giong to show FI now so we can add it! Did you have to pay $500 for them to come onto the resort or was it an approved vendor. SOOO Happy for you guys....Love it and can't wait til its my turn! You looked stunning!
  19. Sounds like a wonderful time!!! i love a well thought out plan...let us know how it goes! When are you doing the vegas trip. My cousin is doing 1-1-11 at 1 am in vegas. I thought that was really cool!
  20. Have any of you ladies used bridalgownsonsale.com website. Not sure where i should get dress from? would like the maggie sottero Cassia. It will be my second dress so definitely looking for great price and quality more importantly.
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