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Everything posted by Jackie22

  1. Hi Ladies, I'm getting married in May at the Aventura Spa Palace and have purchased a wedding package with the Civil Ceremony (Legal). I'm looking for input as to if I should stick with the legal civil ceremony or change to a symbolic ceremony and go to the courthouse in California to make it legal in the US. My concerns with the Civil Ceremony in Mexico are: How much does it cost to have your wedding license translated to english? Has anyone had difficulty with having a legal ceremony in Mexico and then making legal in the US or was it fairly easy? I understand I need to have my blood drawn and bring the appropriate paperwork to Mexico in order to perform the Civil ceremony. I'm more concerened with the process when we get back to the US to have it recongized as legal in California. Thanks!
  2. Thanks Rach220 for all the info! I came across some photos while doing a google search that I think are from your wedding. They were beautiful. Did you have Mexican Maracas at your wedding? If so where did you get them they were a GREAT idea!?!
  3. Jackie22


    Thanks everyone. Look forward to getting some great info from everyone!
  4. Hi Everyone, I'm new to the site and just planned my wedding at the Aventura Spa Palace for May. Were are having a small wedding aprox 12 people. We chose a 5pm ceremony. Can anyone tel lme about the bloodwork that is required, do they come to the hotel to draw it, how was the process? Did anyone have the fireworks? How were they? I chose the Diamond Package, did anyone choose this package? I'm trying to find a photographer, I'm thinking of using Del Sol but the want me to puirchase them a room for the night. Since our wedding is so small I'm looking for like a 3 hr photographer package. Does anyone know a photographer who will come just using the day pass? Thanks!!!! Look forward to hearing from you
  5. Jackie22


    Hi my name is Jacquelyn. Just booked my wedding for May at Aventura Spa Palace!
  6. Hi, Just booked my wedding at Aventura Spa Palace for May! Very excited but have a few questions for you brides that just got married there, hopefuly you can help me out by answering them. Thanks in advance! -I booked the Diamond Wedding Pacakge, it come with Photography package A, 36 photos are not enough for me and I'm concerned about the quality. I found a great photographer in the Riveria Maya area but just read on the Aventura Spa Palace website no outside vendors? It looks like a few of you booked outside photographers how did you go about this. Were you able to take advantage of the photography package that was included as well as your outside photographer? -Blood work. What was the process of getting blood drawn? Did you have to go to a Mexican clinic? Did they come to the hotel room? How was the process? -We are only have approx 15 people at our wedding, what did you do for the reception? We are not booking a private function, so I guess we get dinner reservations. Did they set up a special table/location/menu for your dinner? -Fireworks? I see there is a firework show included in my wedding package can anyone tell me about this? -Did anyone do a sand ceremony? How did you set this up? Thanks so much, I'm sure I will have a lot more questions. I appreciate your help!
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