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Everything posted by JuneWeddingDreams

  1. Looks like I'm the only Vicky fan I really think Vicky tries to make sure that all the housewives stay close - you notice she isn't the center of any of the bickering...besides with Simon. I felt really bad for Vicky on that girls trip gone bad...I am with Vicky in the fact that its really sad these women can't leave for a weekend without their husbands...are they that insecure. I find it pretty funny that the Simon on the last episode was telling Vicky that his marriage is perfect and she is jealous of his marriage...look whose getting a divorce now and look who just renewed their wedding vows...to me that says a lot! Go Vickiy...woooooooooo whooooooooooo
  2. My favorite picture slide show by far on this forum! Beautiful! Does anyone know the name of the artist that sings Heaven (the female version in Annie's slide show)? I Love it!
  3. WHAT? Tamara and her husband got a divorce! Actually that makes me happy I cannot stand Simone! I'm actually a huge Vicki fan...I know I know. I think its her drive for success - I am the same way so I feel like I relate the most to Vicki.
  4. You are an absolutely gorgeous bride! I love your pictures!!!!
  5. Stephanie - thank you for sharing. I just ordered the white one with a black sash for my AHR - I cannot wait for it to come in. It wasn't priced bad either. It was only $120 and no shipping charge! So I am really excited! Thanks again for sharing.
  6. Nbills...WOW 190 people! We invited 60 people and about half are coming. With just the 10 extra that we have coming we are spending a fortune for the few extra...I cannot imgaine what it will cost if you have almost 100 people come. Remember anything over 20 people and you start paying almost $100 per person more. Everyone has a different budget and in the end it will be cheaper than a reception at home. We split our guest list up - some of the people we are just inviting to the at home reception and we didn't invite to Mexico. Hope this helps.
  7. I am interested in your starfish charms...I will PM you now
  8. I too have kicked my workouts into high gear. I have a personal trainer that has be doing combat cardio bootcamp. It is really tough but I have lost over 10 lbs of fat and have lost over 6% body fat since I started. I'm hoping by June I am bikini ready and the lowest weight I have been in years! I hope you ladies all reach your goal weight as well! Keep up the good work!
  9. nbills- I just sent you a PM with his info...you cannot beat his prices...he's the best!
  10. Well I am busty and a little hippy - I'm going to pass as much as I hate to pass I am going to Good luck with selling it - its BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
  11. Thanks ladies...however from what I'm hearing is that the film is no longer being made and the film that is being sold is more than likely expired and won't work. I'm so sad as I really wanted to have one at the reception for people to take pictures...oh well. I guess I will have to come up with another idea.
  12. Sammysgirl...I am seriously thinking about it - however I'm a size 12 right now but making my way down in size with all the working out I'm doing. Ughhh this is so pretty its hard for me to pass up but I am afraid it won't fit What to do what to do...
  13. We are using the Ipod Nano. As far as being worried about someone stealing it. I would think you would know if someone took it if the music stopped playing. Or are people worried about having them on vacation in general. I think I'm missing something Please fill me in if I am missing something - I don't want to be that naive girl that ends up getting her stuff stolen.
  14. yes i just tossed the extra piece! it will make a lot more sense once you have it in front of you! Let me know if you have other questions!
  15. I was thinking the same thing...how are you? I can't stop thinking about how you are doing! If you need anything feel free to PM me!!!
  16. We did something similar - we sent pre-travel packets to everyone and we placed a nice note in there that said we do not want gifts that their presence is present enough. We asked that they please respect our wishes and that we will enjoy having them there with us to help celebrate. We figure our guests are spending a lot of money to travel we don't want them purchasing any gifts for us. Hope this helps!
  17. My heart goes out to you...I feel anxious for you! I went through this with my first marriage...although he was doing similar things with one of my good friends. In the end, he needs to give you what you are asking for (passwords, work out of a different location, etc) until he has built your trust up again. If he isn't willing to do those little things he obviously is hiding something and/or doesn't want to change his ways. Have you asked him how he would feel if he saw similar emails that you were sending to another man? I am sure he wouldn't like it at all. Out of respect for you he needs to do what you ask to build that trust back up! Hang in there! I feel like I am going through this all over again with you...it is truly the worst feeling in the world. Your heart sinks...in the end...you need to do what you are comfortable with and what is best for you! You know him better than the rest of us do...trust what your gut tells you! I will be saying a few prayers for you tonight! Lots of hugs!
  18. I purchased the Umbra frame and bought clear gorilla glue from walmart that is meant for glass. I took the 2nd and 4th pieces of the glass frame out and ran the glue around the edges of the frame and slide it back into the base of the frame to ensure that no sand would seep through the glass during transportation. It worked great and you cannot tel that I glued the frame in at all. The glue dried completely clear. The bottle of gorilla glue I bought had a nice small pointed top to it so it was really easy to use on the glass without getting it all over the place. Hope this helps.
  19. Yes - I just did it last night with the clear gorilla glue I bought from Walmart...it worked great... I tested it with some sand and the sand didn't get through at all. It works out pretty well.
  20. We thought about this as well until we went to every camera store in the area looking for a polaroid camera. We ended up finding one but the store owner said it would be a waste of money to buy the camera as they have stopped producing and making the film for polaroids. There is film out there on ebay but it is all expired film. They did say that polaroid is looking to launch a new camera in the future with the polaroid feel to it...however don't waste your money on one as you won't find the fill right now to support your purchase of a camera. I almost found out the hard way because you can buy the cameras online...
  21. I got mine on Amazon.com below is the link...it was only $25 Amazon.com: Umbra Ether 10.5 X 8-Inch Frame, Espresso: Kitchen & Dining
  22. Very weird...but as you and I both know Carolina24 this isn't the first bit of info that is contradicting I'm sure it won't be the last which is why this forum is so great!
  23. We are getting married in June and are getting married at 6pm because the sun sets at 730 - this should be perfect for pictures in the background and we wanted to allow our guests to truly enjoy their day without it being too hot by having the wedding too early. Hope this helps!
  24. There were a couple different style P's so its hard to tell which one you have.
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