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Everything posted by mrscheeze

  1. i cannot wait to get married now! this definitely brightened my night at work thanks!
  2. i only invited family and close friends and gave only people i wanted the TA info to book. well my TA emailed me a list of people who booked and there were 2 people on there i didnt even know! it turns out the were friends of my Fi aunt who were on a bowling league with her!!! to say the least i was pissed. i didnt even know these people enough to recognize their name and to top it of i had met them one and they were obnoxiously drunk and said something really innapropriate and rude to me! i have no idea how to hadle this situation and i feel bad because it has put my TA in an awkward situation as well. i think we have basically decided that we cant stop them from coming but they are not welcome at the wedding or reception
  3. i think that anybody who is flying that far to be at your wedding should be able to bring a guest so that they could be more comfortable and enjoy there time there, because other than the wedding day you will probably want alot of alone time with your FI/husband. and also it is cheaper for people to have double occupancy. good luck i hope it all works out
  4. congratulations and good luck planning!
  5. welcome and good luck planning!
  6. congrats and hope you find lots of ideas here!
  7. mrscheeze


    congrats and have fun planning!
  8. i hope everything works out for, as if just planning the wedding isnt stressful enough! this may be the only reason i am glad we are paying for everything ourselves
  9. the dress will look more beautiful on you than it does in the bag and im sure he probably didnt get a good look at it so i wouldnt worry about it
  10. congrats and have fun planning!
  11. congratulations! im sure you will find lots of helpful info here!
  12. mrscheeze


    congrats and welcome!
  13. congrats, that was one of my options when looking for a place but we went with dreams. but i hear that its beautiful and you will love it!
  14. cant wait to see the pics i havent found totes yet but that sounds like a good deal!
  15. i would like to do the same thing but unfortunately im not very crafty so im looking forward to seeing the advice that you get lol. good luck
  16. i have a MOH and he has a best man and thats all. some of my friends were a little hurt and my sister even told me she was but in the end its your choice. i think that if i had to pick bridesmaids there are too many people i would feel obligated to pick and feelings would end up getting hurt either way. my daughter is my MOH and even though i know she cant really help me with too much I think its the best decision ive made! good luck!
  17. congrats and welcome to the forum, you will find a ton of great ideas browsing through these threads! as far as advice im new at this also, but remember just stick with your guns and do what makes you happy because after all this is your wedding! good luck
  18. that is so sweet, i bet she felt so special to be a part of such an important moment in your lives. congrat!
  19. i would like to do a BD book and i found a photographer in the pittsbugh area who willl do a 2 hour shoot and a book with 25 photos for $350 which seems pretty cheap to me, nobody else has gotten back to me about pricing yet. how soon bfore the wedding should the shoot be done, and how many pictures did you other girls get?
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