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Everything posted by mrscheeze

  1. congratulations and welcome to the forum
  2. mrscheeze


    congrats welcome to the forum
  3. conratulatins and welcome to the forum
  4. congrats and good luck with you planning!
  5. i love this thread everybdys dresses are beautiful! im gonna have to figure out how to postpics and put mine up
  6. congratulations and welcome to the forum
  7. congrats and welcome to the forum
  8. congrats and welcome to the forum!
  9. this is the funniest thread ever, my biggest pet peeve is when he is eating, and all i can hear is slurping and breathing it completely grosses me out. he pretty much knows not to sit anywhere near me when im trying to do something and hes eating lol. and then to make it worse he chews in his sleep like he has food in his mouth!! i have no idea why it is the strangest thing. needless to say he has been punched in his sleep plenty of times!
  10. im sorry you are going through this but im sure your wedding day will still be the best day of your life! good luck
  11. i know that must be frustrating, i hope everything works out
  12. lol its not that i cant sleep but i cant ever drag myself away from the computer researching wedding stuff! congrats
  13. mrscheeze


    congratulations and happy planning
  14. we are having photo coasters which we got for $.30 for a set of 2 and plan to seperate them so about 65cents a favor and they are super cute i dont have a pic but if you google 4 seasons summer glass coaster thay are blue with seashells
  15. i have seen really nice white guess wedges with rhinestones before i think somewhere on this site i will try to find them
  16. mrscheeze


    congrats and happy planning!
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