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Everything posted by Bunny121009

  1. I think the set up is elegant but I'm a little disappointed that there is like little or no room for a centerpiece or much of anything else. I wanted to be able to put some personal touches into the reception dinner. At this point I may just go w/ some tea lights. Did anyone try to incorporate some small cylinder vases w/ floating candles? I was originally going to use those.
  2. I thought it was just me, the first words that came out of my mouth when I saw him in the interview were "he looks terrible!" almost like he was on something he was just so sweaty and looked jittery and out of it. I think he's on something...either that or had too much to drink. Soon supervised visits will be in order, I wouldn't be surprised.
  3. LOL @ all the peeves... I have a 3 way tie: 1. When he leaves his dirty socks from the day under the bed 2. When he leaves the babies clothes in her crib, just changes her out and leaves them there (sometimes a diaper or two too). One day I said to him "Do you crap where you sleep? So why should she?" 3 Last but not least pronouncing words that end w/ "T" w/ a "CK" sound. Like when he will say "WalmarK" instead of "Walmart" and sometimes even "ThroaK" instead of "Throat". I think he gets it from FMIL though. I correct him almost Every time. Other than that I can't complain, he's fairly easy to live with, goes over and beyond call of duty at times, very affectionate and nurturing, and is really good w/ our daughter.
  4. I think its a great idea and don't think its strange at all. When you get married you do leave your parents and your spouse becomes your provider/caretaker for lack of better words. I wish I had both parents to walk me down the aisle but unfortunately I won't be able to. My father passed away a little over a year ago from Cancer. And my mother just for whatever reasons (none good enough) has decided at the very last minute not to get her passport nor book the trip. I had already planned for my God father to walk me down the aisle, he had been my father's best friend since Junior High School and he had known me before I was even born. And adopted all of my brothers and sisters as his "honorary God Children".
  5. This is an old thread but I wanted to bump it b/c there is alot of useful info in it for ROR brides like myself. ~Happy Planning To All : )
  6. We will be having a weddingmoon/ staying at the same resort. We are staying longer than our guests. Getting there 12/7/ and the Wedding is 12/10 and we will be staying until 12/14 possibly longer. All of our guests will not be staying the whole time, with the exception of 3 who will be staying the whole time but out of those three 2 are at a different resort. I don't think it will be much of a honeymoon though and we will have to make up for it later but I'm glad that the guests are leaving after the wedding and will only be staying the 4 nights, arriving on the 9th and leaving on the 12th. I'm concerned about a couple of guests though b/c they can be a little on the intrusive/invasive side. I wish and hope we will have a little more time to ourselves though. An extra week would be the best but don't know it would take a miracle.
  7. I did not include my FMIL when I went dress shopping and I don't see anything wrong with her not being included. To each their own but I think it is unnecessary. Tell her you wouldn't feel right having her go with you while not having your own mother in attendance (which would be awkward).
  8. I thought it was bad and hard enough that they are getting divorced. I'm sad to see the show turn out like it has (I don't think its been the same since they've been having problems this season was hard to watch not just b/c I have a new baby and hardly have the time these days but b/c you can see alot of big changes its not the same and you can see the hurt, pain, and stress in Kate's eyes while Jon is just like "whatever"). Although, I think the show "Jumped the Shark" when they got that million dollar++ house. I'm even sadder to see it go, it still hasn't hit me that "This Is It!" I have watched them since the first special "Surviving Sextuplets and Twins" and have always thought they were the cutest little kids and have watched them grow up. Although I think Jon's motives were out of order as well as Kate's I still think its for the best and will miss them : (
  9. Though they seem quite popular and common I really liked the submerged flowers and floating candle centerpieces too. I think they are so beautiful and am considering using them for my centerpieces too. But I will incorporate different flowers.
  10. Hi Laura, Our weddings are only 2 days apart : ) Congrats and Welcome to the BDW forum. ~Happy Planning
  11. I want to do bubbles, I think they are fun and fitting to the beach. And more practical than My dream/ fantasy wedding which involved a butterfly release.
  12. I love this thread, it was such a great idea. I felt so lost as far as any kind of inspiration for my hair but after viewing this thread I have so many ideas. Also if anyone has any pics of updos w/ micro braids please post (esp if wet and wavy micro braids were used). Thanks again. ~Happy Wedding Day Hair Planning Ladies : D
  13. Pre-Wedding planning before we got our TA was so stressful, there was so much research involved in finding the right place for the right price, and we just didn't have the time. Once we picked a location/country I insisted that we go to an agency even if it would end up just being a "window shopping" type of thing leaving us disappointed b/c we couldn't afford it. But I'm glad I did because we found out it wasn't going to be as expensive as we thought, and we were able to finally book something (even though we didn't like where the TA had us at first we were easily able to change hotels no problem). We were also able to get on a payment plan which was a total life saver! And we were able to make a package deal for our guests and they were able to get on payment plans too, in order to lessen the burden. We won't have to arrange for airport transfers or anything of that sort. They even assisted w/ booking the actual wedding, searched for actual dates available for ceremony, although we had to go thru confirmations and things on our own once the date was requested. The TA even made us an info packet type Save The Date for our guests via email. Our TA even saved us an extra $100 on plane tickets. They were a big help. My advise to DW brides please get a TA. It will make The Wedding Planning Chapter of your life so much easier.
  14. I don't want a formal or expensive AHR when we get back (not that pressed to have one at all). I'd rather put the money into something else like buying a house. But as most aren't able to make it I know I won't be able to get away w/ doing absolutely nothing. So I would like to have a party (preferably on New Year's), nothing fancy, where we just have some finger foods (like wings, sandwich and veggie trays) etc and some music, and show off the wedding pics and videos for all those who were not able to attend. Some women dream about their wedding their whole lives, some dream big while others dream small, and some don't dream at all they just go with whatever kind of ceremony and particulars they are feeling and or can afford when the time comes.
  15. Hi Ladies : ) I'm a DMV bride. I live in Bowie, MD (in Prince George's County). We just have 18 days to go. Only minor particulars such as decor and OOT bags and packing remain on our "To Do" list : ) ~Good Luck to All and Happy Planning
  16. Hi, I'm getting married at ROR on December 10, 2009. I am going to have the resort's free wedding package and may or may not get a few upgrades when we arrive. now is this held at one of the all inclusive restaurants? Yes, dinner is held at one of the all inclusive restaurants. I know the free package covers dinner at the Mammee Bay Steakhouse (although it is not private but semi-private). I haven't read any complaints from anyone in this forum who had the semi-private dinner. The private dinner is a separate add on/ upgrade and there is a per person charge. Or will I also have to pay seperately for my guests dinners? A private reception will require a per person charge. It is true that 80% of your guests are required to stay at your resort to avoid cancellation of your wedding, so most guests will already be covered for the meal since the restaurant is on site, as for other guests who do not stay at the resort they will be required to purchase a day pass to attend the wedding and reception. Also, did the pricing of the rooms for your guests seem resonable, was there a discount for multiple bookings? The pricing was very reasonable and one of the reasons that we booked. If you book at least 5 rooms you can get a free wedding package. However, I am unaware of any other discounts as far as multiple bookings are concerned. Here is a brief listing of some rates that we were given when we decided to create all inclusive airfare included group package for our guests through our TA's at Liberty Travel For a 3nights/ 4 day stay December 9-12, 2009 Double Occupancy $898/per person Single Occupancy $1.070 Triple Occupancy $885/per person Child rate Under 12 $494 Prices may have changed and may vary depending on which agency you book with but it gives you an idea/ ball park figure. ~Good Luck and Happy Planning
  17. I know how you feel and its not acceptable. It just stresses you out. My FI's best man just booked about a week and a half/ 2 weeks ago. And our wedding is just weeks away on December 10th. My mother still has not booked and may or may not today depending on her mood although she says she will, she also does NOT have a passport. She's late for everything, I refuse to entertain her drama and have shrugged it off for my own sanity, I just stay calm and have reminded her at most twice that there are time constraints to these things won't be easy as going down to the DMV for a license or ID. And that you just can't have that time back as far as being there for my special day. Why do people act so crazy, out of sorts, and slow when it comes to a Destination Wedding? OMG!
  18. Bunny121009


    Hi Michelle, Congrats and Welcome to the BDW Forum. Punta Cana is a very beautiful place. ~Happy Planning
  19. There will only be 15 of us (I believe, possibly only a few more than that) and our guests are also not arriving until the day before the wedding. We may have a welcome dinner and give out OOT bags at the same time. However, FI and I have already discussed that we don't wish to play "Camp Counselor" on our Weddingmoon or be tied down to our guests and vice versa our guests tied down to us. We're open to doing a couple/ few things/excursions together but its their vacation too so they will be on their own for the most part and free to do as they please. Besides, our wedding is on a Thursday, all of the guests (minus 2) will be flying in on that Wednesday, and will leave that Saturday.
  20. I'm a mother to a 5 month old so I know how it is for everyone esp when you have multiple responsibilities and commitments. There is a wealth of info on this site. I feel fortunate to have found it and wished I had found it alot sooner but am grateful to have found it. I've been inspired by my findings. I try to search first and haven't asked/posted any direct questions per se b/c I often find them in a previous thread. I'm a noob too, I've browsed the rules while exercising common sense and care not to post something offensive or rude. I become even more familiarized with the rules through posts not unlike this one. I find that one of the helpful things to do is when you first log in check out Unread posts and threads first to lessen being overwhelmed. I don't know its helped me somewhat in navigating this forum. When searching, and taking care to your limited time, limit your search criteria make it as specific as possible type in your resort or the specific subject matter that you are seeking info on. Try befriending a senior or full member or a member who is getting married at the same resort as you (etc) who you can PM or may not mind helping you sometimes. While you are an individual I think what occurred seems to be of a repetitive nature and has sparked what comes off as bluntness...sometimes you just feel like a broken record and it makes you feel worse when you go out your way to put things in extensive writing on your limited time. With all of this said, I really wouldn't take what you felt as chastisement too personal, don't let it ruin your entire experience w/ the forum I'm sure you have gotten some good out of it. Every forum has mods and rules. We all make mistakes as a noobie not just in this forum but in life in general. ~Good Luck and Take Care
  21. Great job. I love the colors of the bags, the organza sacks are cute. Blue is one of my favorite colors : )
  22. I really like these I was considering something similar but with tall ones and a deep blue iris or white lily.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by [email protected] Thanks for all the inspirations. I'm freaking out now cuz I only have 4 weeks and don't know if any one can make the bouquets for me in such a short time. I wish I received the bouquet information from the wedding planner at the resort earlier so I can decide. She just sent it to me and the samples are not what I expected. My last attempt would be to run to Michael's and try to make one myself but before I go this route, I'd like to hear all your advices on what I should do at this point. Please help! Hey Wedding Day Buddy : ), Kind of in the same boat and I'm a little frantic. I haven't received any info from Chandlyn aside from some questions I asked about the reception venue and the price on huppah (it took 2 weeks to get just that). I have seen the Free package flowers from others reviews and its just not what I had envisioned either (the birds of paradise). As a result, I am also going to DIY and go to Michael's and hope for the best. I have decided on a deep blue Iris and a White Casablanca Lily. Before you go to Michael's you can check out Tai Flora Services Ltd. - Jamaica's Full Service Florists I believe that is the florist that the resort uses. ~Good Luck and See You There : )
  24. One of my biggest stressors was getting people to book and to use our Travel Agents to book. We only gave 5 months official notice once every detail needed to book was set in stone and were told it was a squeeze but enough time/ notice. At first we had alot more people on board to go before we even had all the officials and particulars put together but once we gave out the booking info they slowly dropped like flies. We even shortened the length of the wedding guests stay w/ the Travel Agency to help lighten the expense. Now, we're only having a very small and intimate gathering of guests immediate family and barely that (FI's sisters and brothers are not going to attend and we were a little disappointed hoping that they could work something out and try to find a way to at least share the expenses with one another). My MOH (and oldest sister) refuses to stay at my resort and cancelled her reservations w/ our TA at the last minute and has booked in a another city on the island over 3.5 hrs away claims she did something this extreme for money issues and it was cheaper but even before that was an issue she threatened to book there regardless (said because my resort was too bourgeoisie and expensive and she didn't want to be stuck babysitting anyone's children or having to take others sight seeing things no one even asked of her). She also has my younger sister staying with her. My mother still has YET to even get a passport and we fear she's just not going to make it especially with only 3 weeks left to work with, she has a rather unenthusiastic attitude about it all and I don't know why. She has also threatened to bring an uninvited and unstable guest that no one in the family has been getting along with as of late. My advice to all DW Brides Stick To Your Guns! If you want something done do it, and if you don't don't. Don't go overkill as far as being accommodating to your guests, do what you can but draw the line somewhere (because you may go through all this trouble for people who may or may not even show or cancel at the last minute). The show must go on so don't entertain your guests drama, take it with a grain of salt, don't let it ruin your day or plans and remember that its your day (you and your husband to be). ~Happy Planning to All
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