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Everything posted by futuremrsgoodrich

  1. Are you having your reception on the beach? I think heat lamps are so romantic
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by kelly1214 Hi all! We're getting married May 2010 at Beaches Turks and Caicos too. I am really considering doing Trash the Dress photos with Tropical Imaging a day or two after the wedding. Has anyone compared prices with other photographers? Their pictures are beautiful but are they reasonablely priced? Does anyone else have info on the additions for the wedding? I know they are going through the whole Martha Stewart change but I'm starting to feel a little stressed because our wedding is less than 6 months away and i want to know how much to budget for all the extras we want to book... i'm mostly concerned with flowers and what the wedding locations choices are and what additions we can do that isn't the Martha Stewart stuff. Any help is appreciated! Kelly I am a Beaches (Negril) Feb 2010 bride and even though they dont have the per table price out yet, I have seen the wedding flowers pricing which (unless they have changed it since 2 weeks ago) was between 2500-6k. The Preston Bailey stuff was 500 per table additional and i imagine the MS stuff will be comparable. I did see that this year the table size is 8 guests rather than 10. I am pretty sure they are rolling their prices out after November 30th (or at least how that has been explained to me) For Beaches Negril the locations are free and there is no competition for a spot, since they only do one at a time- I imagine this is the same for TC...
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by futuremrsgoodrich found it.... VerseIt.com you go to the category "post wedding reception"
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by TonyandTricia I need opinions on a couple of things.... First, do any of you have any wording for the invite for the AHR (one month after ceremony)? Secondly...Here's my situation...parents are divorced, both remarried for over 20 yrs., mom and stepdad just divorced a few years ago. So I have 3 groups of parents. Dad and Step mom helping to pay (the majority) of the AHR. When I send out invites should I... A. Just put my fiance and I's name announcing the marriage...then feel bad that I'm not acknowledging dad and step mom's generous contribution B. All parents (4)...seems silly to list them all since really only dad and step mom paying for the reception. C. Just dad and step mom announce the wedding of ect. ect. ....then feel bad because I'm not acknowledging my other 2 parents. HELP! found it.... VerseIt.com
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ Here is your laugh for the day! I am rushing getting a shower last night and in the panic of shaving legs and trying not to cut myself... I step on the stupid little plastic cover and jump in pain and I kick the tiled shower wall, well snap goes the big toe nail.... OUCH!!! oh did it ouch... few curse words.. I am now staring at a very very short toe nail and I am about to cry... NOT FROM THE PAIN... I am freaking out about how short it is and if it will be long enough for french manicure in time for the wedding....Total Drama Queen!!!!!! How do we get so twisted and absorbed? lol Have a great day ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, OUCH! I cant laugh at that! All the way off Owwwww... Im sure if will grow back by Feb! Ouch Re. the wording on the invite for the 1 month later AHR party, these is a topic on it in the forum and one person posted a link with a ton of wording suggestions that are cute (I would link you to it but cant remember the name)... maybe do a search top right ? This week I am working on luggage tags. Office max has the plastic laminated kinds (I am going to attempt to iron them). They were 12.99 for 25 and I thought I would send one to each guest in their travel itinerary before we all leave... getting so excited. I learned yesterday that we can have our reception on the beach at sunset in Negril. Fabulous..
  6. Are you having one? yes- we have 60 people joining us in Jamaica and probably 80 in Florida (where we live) Formal or casual? medium.. rented a beach side reception hall and re-wearing the wedding clothes (no groomsmen bridesmaids will be there), but doing a Caribbean theme (rum punch, jerk chicken etc) and having a DJ What made you decide to have one if you are? FI and I didnt want one to begin with but initially the parentals were kind of sad to have a DW, because a lot of their local friends would be unable to make the journey... thus we started out... We thought we'd have something really casual at my parents house but then that became too much "work" and so I just rented somewhere (and am trying do keep it simple causal and our style (as opposed to my moms)
  7. Shellk, Im with you on not being that into in a drunkfest style bachelorette party... maybe in my 20s, but I dont have the alcohol tolerance anymore..lol (well does wine count?). I dont have a whole lot of girlfriends where we live now and all of my best buds will be with us in Jamaica, so my MOH is throwing a lingerie shower on our first night and I am really looking forward to that - so nice to see everyone.. Finally talked to our WC today... and got some prices and the atmosphere in the house is much more relaxed this evening:)
  8. Hope you guys all have great weeks... tick tick tick, vacation soon!!
  9. I agree, its a challenge to register, our house is pretty full already.
  10. Congratulations and welcome to the forum... there are lots of Riu brides here (you can do a search for the name top right)... best of luck! Alison
  11. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. You may find what you are looking for by doing a search (on the right side of the screen)... Happy planning! Alison
  12. HI Sarah and congratulations! I hope you will find this website a good resource as you plan. LOVE Hawaii, Im sure it will be beautiful! Alison
  13. I have no experience with either photographer you mention, but the one thing people say to me about what the spend the wedding money on is photography/video... its what lasts as a visual memory after the big day.
  14. Hi Carla! Welcome to the forum! I am sure this website will be a help, dig in!
  15. Congratulations and welcome to the forum.. lots of great info here
  16. A little late but congratulations and welcome!! Hope your planning is going well!
  17. Hi Holly, Congratulations and welcome to the forum!!
  18. vday bride- love your dress, Im sure it feels gorgeous Let's compare details: Age: 35 Children: none yet Sign: Sag Favorite colour: pink Favorite food: cookies with ice cream Favorite drink: wine/ water/ diet coke Car: baby blue scion tc Pets: a lovable mutt named Felix and 2 kittens that were strays born in our backyard, Tabitha and Jett Job/Career: Pediatric occupational therapist Status: single until 2-6-10 Music: eclectic with a leaning towards modern rock Fav. Show anything TLC Siblings I have 1 younger brother
  19. Congratulations and welcome to the forum! Happy planning!!
  20. beautiful job! I am looking for ideas for our itineraries and need to get cracking... maybe I can do passports ... hmmm
  21. Hey there, congrats and happy planning.... we live in NSB and absolutely LOVE it here. We are having our AHR here... if I can answer any questions for you about the area, please feel free to email me
  22. We found a place that doesnt have corkage fees... My advice would be to call your local chamber of commerce and ask for a list of local reception sites and then cross your fingers that you find one who doesnt charge a fee... Corkage fees stink, I agree!!
  23. Our save the dates were by email, though we sent out our (true) invitations to the DW 4 months early (which we had to do to because a few people didnt have email)... In our invitations we included a card that announces the AHR and then the response card had 3 lines _ wouldnt miss it to Jamaica _ wouldnt miss it to the USA party _ Can't make it (but we'll be thinking of you) Thats how we handled it
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