Hello all,
This info might help. Todos Santos is a small town and around here things get around by word of mouth. Also everyone does 2 or 3 jobs in order to get by so that is why you don't see a lot of professional advertisements. The best thing to do is contact the venue your interested in and they can help contact the additional vendors. You need a bartender; they know a guy, you need a cake maker; this lady has been doing it for years, you need chairs, the church will lend some for a donation; Waiters; easy.
There is a lot of local people who earn a living from events such as this but often times don't have computers so they lose the business. My best advice is that the owners of your venue know and work with people that are trusted and can communicate with them daily. They're like the ambassadors to your big day. I live here and have learned that my wedding can be a lot cheaper then I thought and there are plenty of options out there. Best of all you will have a more authentic Mexican experience.
Good luck and well wishes!