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Everything posted by xoHeavenSentxo

  1. I passed the test!!!!: pregnancy test (u said 1st thing that comes to mind...)
  2. Like (especially ham, turkey & roast beef) Like or dislike: Facebook
  3. Look who's talking: Kirstie Alley
  4. Hi Veronica!! I feel the same way!! I dont know how I would be planning a destination wedding w/o BDW!! My wedding would probably be so screwed up... Congrats and welcome!!!
  5. Hi Jess!! Congratulations and welcome to BDW!! Everything you need to plan your destination wedding is right here!! Happy Planning!!
  6. Hi!! Congrats and welcome to BDW!!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by audoucity I am nothing but a procrastinator, but have been so proactive regarding the planning it is crazy. I guess that's what happens when you are super excited about something. Thanks for all the congratulations! YES!!! YOU ARE RIGHT ABOUT THAT!!! Planning this wedding, has TOTALLY consumed me, and Im not even engaged yet!! God forbid, things dont happen as planned becuz if I have to, I will marry myself!!
  8. Hola!! Congratulations and welcome to BDW!!!
  9. Let me the first one to officially welcome you to BDW!!!Congratulations and HAPPY PLANNING!!!!
  10. I know what you mean!! OK, being on an island w/ my ex and new husband, not a good idea but pics on FB are a must!!
  11. Thanks Cassie and Yencie!! You guys are great!!
  12. I was wondering that also and needed clarification even after reading the thread. Thanks ladies!!!
  13. Hi Jessica!! Congratulations and welcome to BDW!! Happy planning!!
  14. Congratulations and welcome to BDW!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by xoHeavenSentxo Im not engaged yet so when I mentioned to my mom that we were considering getting married and if we did, it would be in Mexico, the complaining began. Im TOTALLY ok with my family not showing up becuz im not that close to my family.. I take that back...I would like for my mom to be there because she only has 2daughters and my younger sister passed in 08. So I guess Ill be willing to accomodate her in some ways but Im still not changing the location.
  16. I feel your pain!! My wedding isn’t planned till April 2011 and I know once the STDs are sent out, ALL HELL IS GONNA BREAK LOOSE!! Im not engaged yet so when I mentioned to my mom that we were considering getting married and if we did, it would be in Mexico, the complaining began. Im TOTALLY ok with my family not showing up becuz im not that close to my family, but soon to be FI is close to his family and when they start b*tching, it is gonna stress him out. Im pretty sure he is gonna try to talk me into changing the location but NOPE, I’m not. This will be his 2nd marriage/wedding, my 1st. Hell, they went to the 1st one he had, what’s the big deal?!?!
  17. CONFESSIONS!! You want confessions!! Here you go... 1. Ive been thinking how great it would be to invite my ex-boyfriend/ sons father to the wedding just so he can see how beautiful I look and how happy I am with my soon to be FI. 2. Im pissed at my soon to be FI because his soon to be ex-wife is prolonging their divorce and ofcourse, we cant engaged till its final. 3. The reason for the DW is because I dont want to have it in the states and ex-wife try to crash our wedding. AND LAST BUT DEFINETLY, DEFINETLY, DEFINETLY NOT LEAST... 4. My FBIL is my ex-FI from 5 years ago. (ex-FI/FBIL doesnt seem to happy about our relationship but ex-FI/FBIL cant say anything becuz his wife doesnt know he was cheating & lying to both of us when they were dating, nor that he was engaged during their relationship. Thats why he's an ex!!) More to come...
  18. First: **CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR PROPOSAL YENCIE!!** Second: Am I SOOO HAPPY I found this thread becuz I thought I was the only one planning for a wedding that hasn’t been made official with a proposal yet. I will be a 2011 bride and like some of you, I also am waiting on a ring/proposal. My soon to be FI went and picked out rings the first week of October, which was also my birthday week. Getting married is all HE talks about but we are waiting for his divorce from his 1st marriage to be final before we go any further. But in the meantime, I have been planning away!! This will be my 1st marriage so I am crazy excited!! Since he has done the whole traditional wedding at home with hundreds of guest, he has left the ideas for our wedding up to me since it’s my 1st time. By the time he proposes, I will probably be done planning!! This board is God sent!!! Reading you alls post has made me feel so much better!! THANKS LADIES!!
  19. Hi Patrice!! Congrats and welcome to BDW!! I was considering a cruise ship wedding and it would have definitely been Carnival but I go on a vacation cruise almost twice a year so I decided against and chose Mexico. (Needed something new.) Take care and Happy planning!!
  20. Congratulations and welcome to BDW!! Dont worry, you will catch on easily and the next thing you know you will be hooked like the rest of us!!
  21. Ok, so I am getting married on April 1 also but 2011; what are your thoughts on getting married on April Fools Day? When I tell people the proposed wedding date, the first thing they say is "Eww, thats April Fools Day!!"....
  22. Congrats and welcome to BDW!! Happy planning!!
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