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Everything posted by xoHeavenSentxo

  1. OK, so I just read through the entire thread and have not done a lick of work since Monday. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the starfish theme!! A BIG THANK YOU to all who contributed!!! XO
  2. You guys are a BLESSING!!! This site is absolutely amazing!! Im not even engaged yet and my whole wedding is almost completely planned!! THANKS LADIES!!!!
  3. Hi and Congratulations!!! Check out the "Moon Palace 2010 Brides!!" thread. There is very useful information in there!! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...-brides-47883/
  4. Ok, so I just finished reading through the whole thread and I am seriously considering MP for my wedding in 2011. I originally was gung ho for Dreams Cabo but the plane tickets alone were over $600!! No one would have shown up!! Thanks for all your post and info ladies!! XO
  5. I REALLY, REALLY dislike the Gazebo!!! I want to book DRC but I am quite concerned about privacy during the wedding ceremony. My initial choice was to utilize the Gazebo wherever it is I choose to have my wedding but not at DRC!!! (I didnt want the ceremony on the beach.) And the fact that I would I probably have to walk between vacationers lounging in pool chairs doesnt sit well with me at all!!! I'm sad...!
  6. I am SO SORRY you had to go through that!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! It is reviews like this one that save people time, money and agony!!! THANKS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Thank you for your review. It was very helpful!! I am especially concerned (and turned-off I might add) about the location of the wedding ceremonies. This may sway my decision to choose this resort. Thanks again.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by MsShelley I have merged your thread with another thread asking the same questions. *Sorry!!* Thanks!
  9. My soon to be FI were thinking about having our legal ceremony in April and then having a wedding a year later in Mexico. The reason for the delay is strictly financial. But I dont want to be married for a year because I dont think it'll have the same excitement. I just text my FI and told him instead of having our legal ceremony in April 2010, Id rather wait till the actual wedding in 2011. I let you know his reply.
  10. Ok, so I have been wondering this for awhile; what day of the week should the actual wedding day fall on? Friday? Saturday? Also, are your guest flying up for the whole week? I was wondering if I should have the wedding on Thursday and let the guest have the next few days to themselves? I DONT KNOW!!!!!!!!! Your help will be greatly appreciated!!
  11. Burn after reading:George Clooney
  12. You guys stories are GREAT and so inspiring!! Ill be glad when I can share mine!!
  13. This a great thread. Please lets keep it up. Thanks to you all, I now have a better idea of what I want our monogram to look like. THANKS AGAIN!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by RonNMel Well, though I've known it's coming for the last couple of months, I think I will be surprised when it actually DOES happen. At first it was a bit hard, always wondering if it was just around the corner. But known I'm back to my comfortable routine and got more used to the idea of waiting, so I don't expect it anymore. Though I'm guessing I might start to be more on the lookout for clues he will do it once the Christmas Holiday rolls around. And if he doesn't do it then, then the next big time would be Valentine's Day. So basically, as long as he strays away from those too obvious times, I will for sure be surprised. YES!! That is exactly how I feel; every move he makes, Im like "oh whats he doing?!? Where did he go?! Oh, I see him digging in his pocket...!!" Every move he makes is suspect!! I think I need to back off. I dont say anything to him, but my facial expressions say it all!! Thanks ladies.
  15. Opps, sorry! I guess i got my threads mixed up!
  16. OK, I'm glad I searched to see if anyone had seen this machine before. Its looks pretty good but I have to check out the ratings. You can screen print shirts bags, towels, etc. Here is the website: YUDU I'm curious to hear what others think....
  17. Since we know a proposal is coming soon, do you ever feel like you may be less surprised compared to if you were not expecting it?
  18. Love (I have a 5lb Maltese!!) Networking Websites??
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