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Everything posted by latoya1908

  1. What an awesome post!! I just ordered RSVP cards from Vistaprint but think I'll redo them to the postcard format. Too cute!
  2. I'm actually working on finding some bulk Jamaican seasoning (at a decent price) as we speak. Has anyone had luck at Sam's or Costco?
  3. Hello all! I'm looking for a cake topper of the letter "S". It can be made of silver or crystals. Anyone have one they're selling?
  4. I can't wait to order mine soon! I plan to attach our programs to them.
  5. I hope everything works out for you! My FI's grandparents won't be able to make it. We're considering doing a quick recap of the ceremony at the AHR for them.
  6. Thanks for this info. Maybe I'll contact Jan's for a quote for my bouquet.
  7. I, too, will be having an AHR just TWO days after we return from Jamaica. My issue is...WHAT IN THE WORLD DO I PUT ON THE INVITE lol I'm actually working on a separate invite for the AHR as we speak and I've found some really cute sayings, poems, etc. What I find confusing is how I should refer to my FI and I on the invite. I'll be sending them out and they'll be received BEFORE we leave for the DW so it seems kind of crazy to say "please join Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Thomas..." because that's not what we'll be at the time they receive it. On the flip side, it seems weird to just have our first names on there as well.....HELP!!!
  8. Great review! One question, why did you have to pay $13/pp for food and drinks after the ceremony if you had more than 10 rooms booked?
  9. Well, for me, I'm going ALL out....LOL! I love dogs, but I never had one as a pet growing up so I'm not exactly all geeked about owning own. My FI, on the other hand, has always had a pet and would like for us to get one sometime after we move in together. Till now, I've been dodging the conversation. When I saw how hurt he was when he had to put his dog down back in November, I decided to get him one as a wedding gift. Given that I can't take a dog to Jamaica (LOL), I'm going to wrap a purple dog collar and give it to him along with a card that's written as though it's coming from our future four-legged family member. We can pick it out together when we get back.
  10. I have a HUGE duffle bag that I've had since my college days. I plan to fill that with as much as possible and just check it. It's made of a soft nylon so when it's empty, I can just fold it up and bring it back in one of our suitcases.
  11. These are really nice! I've been contemplating ordering hats from vistaprint for a few of the guys also.
  12. For those of you purchasing flip flops for your guests, how did you find out their sizes? Also, did you get flip flops for the men too?
  13. Everything looks great! I'm sure you're VERY excited! What are scentsy travel tins?
  14. ...which brings up another great question....WHEN WILL THE FINISHING TOUCHES CATALOG BE AVAILABLE!!?? I keep hearing the end of January but I'm not sure...
  15. Those are super cute! I just ordered some postcards with our monogram from vistaprint that I plan to use for my OOT bag tags.
  16. When asked, I tell people we simply have a tropical palette of hot pink, orange, green, and yellow. Whatever looks good at the time and depending on the item, that's what we're using.
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