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Everything posted by latoya1908

  1. Oh no! I hope my ladies appreciate their pashminas a bit more. I'm really excited about them!
  2. Right now the plan is to hand them out at a "meet and greet" the evening before the wedding, but some people would have been there a couple of days already. I'm also toying with the idea of meeting people as they check in. Who knows...I guess I'll figure it out when we get there.
  3. How did you like the food at Mammee Bay? That is where I want to do our wedding dinner. I had just planned to make reservations for ourselves and our guests.
  4. I'm sorry to hear about the cancellation. I'm sure things will work out for you. Keep your head up!
  5. I am one of those people bringing my photographer with me. She'll be staying on the resort as a guest. Please note, however, that the resort photographer WILL still be present.
  6. Sounds like you all had a GRAND time! I swear...I just don't get enough of reading these reviews....my resort or NOT! LOL
  7. Okay ladies....here is my dorky idea of the day....let me know what you think: I'm sure I'm going to use that "To Have, To Hold, To Sheild You From The Cold" saying on the pasminas for my female guests. For the men, I was going to suggest to my FI that we put a bottle of rum in their bags. How would it look if we tie the same quote to their bottles as well??
  8. By the way, what else do you need from me? Will you be sending me a paypal invoice to pay for my portion of the order? How exactly will this work?
  9. Great! I just sent you a message regarding the 20 I need.
  10. Always wait for the free stuff and if you have time, select "slow" shipping. You'll find that you'll still get your products relatively quickly.
  11. What kind of messages do people put on the door hangers for their guests? Just "Do Not Disturb" or are there other fun things to do with them? We've decided to do jamaican jerk seasoning for our favors so I printed a receipe for Jerk Chicken on business cards I got from VistaPrint. I've also decided to do my AHR invites and RSVP cards thru VistaPrint as well.
  12. This is an easy one....DO WHAT YOU WANT...and forget everyone else! Simple. My thing is, I don't particularly care to have everyone's opinion on my dw and all the things that come with it. For example, I didn't solicit the advice of my fi's sister on my dress until I had narrowed my selection down to two I could live with. So what they weren't there for the initial try-ons. People kill me thinking they have a say in your life decisions and even worse....YOUR MONEY!
  13. I'm interested! I need 15-20. I can have a better count by the time we order.
  14. I think I'm going to go ahead and order mine from oriental trading as well. I'll probably order a couple of extra packs so I can pick out the big ones. Now that I think about it though, as to not waste, I may use the small ones on the centerpieces at the AHR. I'm having some tropical bouquets made so maybe I can prop them up on the vases to add to that "tropical flair".
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