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Everything posted by RonNMel

  1. like only tomato sauce, but dislike the actual tomato. Hibiscus flower
  2. OOhhhh, Fidji. I'd love to have the money to go there!!!
  3. I really have to stop reading all those great ideas about new ways to spend money I don't really have.
  4. I love how caring my FI is. When he's on the computer, he often turns around to ask me if I'm ok. Or he'll get up, give me a kiss, then go back. He always thanks me for the littlest things I do, and does even more little things himself. He shows his affection openly, whether it is by touch or by saying I love you several times a day. He truly makes me feel like I'm someone special.
  5. Nice rings ladies. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsLewis Your ring is absolutely beautiful, and is that much more special for you I have to comment because I have the engagement ring of my maternal grandmother (although it's not what I'm using as my engagement ring) and it looks almost EXACTLY like yours, it's just yellow gold. Kinda freaky lol Thank you. Wow, kinda cool (and yes, freaky too LOL) that your grandma's e-ring is the yellow gold twin of my grandma's e-ring!!!
  6. That's actually a pretty reasonable wedding package (price + things included), considering we decided to go for the more expensive Cuba wedding package (1000$). Who knows, maybe if I had found your wedding package earlier, I might have gone for it. But now we feel like we've spent enough hours searching for a good resort and we want to focus on other things. As for complaints, I feel like people who really want to complain will find a reason no matter what, so I'm not going to stress over them. LOL
  7. That's great that you got a free package. You're right, it makes the price about the same as if you were getting married in Cuba. I'm sure you'll enjoy Jamaica, looks like such an awesome place. Good choice on upgrading your room, it's your wedding after all. I love love love Cuba so much, I agree the beach there is amazing. And though the food can be bland, it is by no means bad. I know most weddings are often about the food, but to me I view destination weddings as a bit different. In this case, location becomes more of a priority for me. Unfortunately, we are both divorced so we are in for a LOT of paperwork. :S
  8. Just remembered another reason why we chose Cuba over the Dominican. It seemed like all the wedding packages in DR were very expensive. Not to mention that the reception dinner were for a limited number of people, having to pay extra for every guest over. Since we might be a big group, that can increase the price quickly. Just out of curiosity, how much are you paying for your wedding package?
  9. Yeah. I've been to Cuba three times and I know the food isn't the best. But at least apparently the Iberostar are known for having better food than other resorts. I prefer Cuba to DR for the beach, though I'm not sure that's such a good reason anymore because both Iberostars really don't have the best beaches of the area. I guess I just found it easier to choose a resort in Cuba because I feel like I "know" the place a bit better...
  10. Such a touching story! Brought tears to my eyes.
  11. We are hesitating between Iberostar Varadero and Ibersostar Laguna Azul, both in Varadero, Cuba. What made you choose your resort and the Dominican over Cuba?
  12. She will be 12 at the time of the wedding so probably more of a Junior Bridesmaid than a flower girl. Well, actually the choice will be hers, if she prefers to throw flowers and carry our rings, or have her own bouquet.
  13. My FI has a daughter, and we want children of our own, so in a few years it's the Beaches we'd like to visit. It looks very good for the children and has some awesome waterslides! But if it was a trip just the two of us then we would definitely go to a Sandals.
  14. Sounds like an awesome idea!! From what you are saying of your FI, I think he'll love it!!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by jstar83 hey thats what i wanted to do...but fiance wanted family n friends there..so....we comprised on the DW but with family n friends.... where in laval are you? im in chomedey I'm in St-Vincent-De-Paul. Quote: We originally booked Jamaica, but then soon came to the realization if we wanted people to come Jamaica wasn't going to be the place as it's more expensive,but if we were doing what your doing we could have So here we are getting married in Punta Cana. Congrates!!! We too would've liked Jamaica because it looked awesome, but we can't justify the price for us or our guests. My mom got invited to a DW in Jamaica and she said no because of the price (that was before I got engaged, now she has a double reason for saying no. ).
  16. Welcome from a fellow Laval future bride.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie doesnt that show simple happiness Yes it does, and I use it, I was just saying it'd be nice to have an actual smiley associated with it, kinda like the one you see in MSN. Quote: Originally Posted by carly If you click on the [more] link under the smilies, there is a whole screen of additional ones you can chose from. At the bottom of that screen, there is a section called "generic smilies". I look at the [more] link, but didn't find what I was looking for. While I do like the , to me it expresses more teasing than just simple happiness. It's not a big deal, just a suggestion I thought I'd bring up. I'm just so used to having the in every message board I've been to and use it a lot, I'm having a hard time here finding a suitable replacement. LOL Morgan. This is exactly what I mean.
  18. Wasn't sure where to post this. All the smileys are great, but would it be possible to add just the regular smile? I've seen sad, angry, excited, rolling eyes (twice actually, rolleyes and :: ) ), but nothing to express simple happiness. Thank you!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Tifuhhknee YAAAY! Good news, I emailed the resort we want and they can already let us reserve our date! Just need to pay the $100 deposit. I am so excited ) That's great!! I got so worried when I emailed the wedding coordinator of one of the resorts we want and she told me my week was already full!! Turns out she misunderstood and thought we meant 2010. They are not taking reservations yet for 2011. I've talked to my TA and she said she has called both resorts to put in a note for our date so the moment they take reservations she'll know.
  20. I'm glad I found this thread! I'll have to find out how much of the ceremony I can write myself and how much is already "set" since I'm using the legal person provided by the resort.
  21. Congratulations and welcome to the forum!! I got engaged on Christmas morning too, except he had put the ring in his stocking.
  22. I have four tattoos, but three are in the same place so it looks like I only have two. On my right shoulder blade I have a ladybug I got done 6-7 years ago, then 4 years ago I got two hibiscus flowers representing me and my late grandma, as well as both our zodiac signs (aries & lion). And finally about two years ago I added a hummingbird representing my grandpa. He was alive at the time, and actually even came with me while I got it done. It made it all the more meaningful. Unfortunately, I think the guy who did it did just an ok job so I'll have to have it retouched by the girl who's done my two favorite ones. My fourth and most recent one is on my lower back (didn't know at the time it was the "tramp stamp". Oh well, I love it anyway). It's a phoenix and it's there to remind me that no matter how bad things can get, I can always get a new chance (since the phoenix is reborn from it's ashes). My FI has a tribal looking tattoo of his initial, and now he wants to do the same with my initials. You really can't tell that they are initials unless you know what you are looking for, so it's not as bad as a name. But I am terrified nonetheless, as if getting a tattoo to represent our love will jinx us.
  23. Well, while I'm sure the next few months will be a whirlwind for you Cassie, I kinda agree with your FI that waiting until 2011 is too long of a wait. LOL
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