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Everything posted by HereFishie

  1. Hi I'd like to re-introduce myself. I'm now Cheryl Scott!!! We got home early this evening to a little bit of snow and a lot of cold wind. What a shock to go in a few hours from +35C to +5C! (95f to 41f). So far this evening we've started the laundry, did some light cleaning, watched a movie, started uploading photos...all on top of panicking because DH managed to lose his Dr Lic and Military ID somewhere between Edmonton and Cancun. Oy. Please keep your fingers crossed we find them... soon! The wedding week. Really surprising to both of us... EVERYONE GOT ALONG! REALLY WELL! Wahoo!! The whole time was insane trying to watch over, check on, visit with as many people as we could. It was like having a week long reception! We checked facebook a couple times after everyone left and there were friend requests flying everywhere! The wedding itself. It was incredible. Crazy. Busy. Overwhelming. Perfect. Everything ... well other than security making our wedding late because they stopped the Mayan couple doing the ceremony and our marimba band we hired and wouldn't let them in until our wedding coordinator Eugenia saved the day! It made everything run a little later than it was supposed to so we kind of got gypped a little there but all in all... it was amazing. It was an incredible ceremony. I'm waiting for the video of it because honestly I don't remember too much of it! It just seemed to go really fast and then really slow all at once! It was so hard to just focus on remembering everything. A few memories that I do have.... The Mayans were throwing all these beans at/around/near and on us... one went down my dress. LOL. I whispered that it had to DH and we both started giggling away in the middle of the ceremony. MOH snugging me into my corset dress! I didn't have a pole to hang onto like they did in the old days so I kept losing my footing! DH crying his eyes out when we had our "First Look" photos done. Made me cry seeing how happy and in love he is with me Throwing our basketful of beans/seeds and flowers out into the ocean & our own personal private moment on the rocks before we did Our first dance and him whispering all the while to me ... slow slow quick quick... I'll have a bunch of pics to share tomorrow and I'll do a full resort review of both our wedding/reception as well as where we went for our honeymoon!
  2. A quick pic... we just got married last night!! Will have a review in a couple days
  3. Met Wendy last night at the Daquiri bar after her wedding! Looked amazing!! Sounds like everything went off without a hitch and they were having a great time! Its SUPER hot here right now and Im completely rethinking not using a 2nd dress for after the wedding. It was so sweltering in the disco last night... I might lose 20 lbs this week just from sweating!!! We are all having a great time and everyone is getting along really well. We are sooooo very happy with this resort and our guests LOVE it! Congratulations Erica... hope to see you down here!! I get married in a couple days now!!!
  4. We made it legal last night! We both got a little teary eyed even though we tried to make it as non-emotional as possible. I'm legally Mrs. Scott! I can't wait for my wedding next week!!
  5. We fly out tomorrow morning!!! I have a couple hours work to do and then we're off this afternoon to Calgary for our flight at 7am! WAHOOOOOOOOO
  6. Erica, we're not concerned. The ash is just hitting NFLD... it won't make it all the way here!
  7. Fellow Edmontonian here! I too am not close with my dad. He assumed he was giving me away as well. I explained to him that I am a grown woman and I don't need to be "given" to anyone. However, in order to make it a nice day for him since my mom is no longer with us, I decided to ask him to simply walk WITH me. I sent him a nice card I found online that said that I'd like to walk with him... nothing more. It made him happy and I figured.. frankly, what harm was it REALLY doing me giving him that small part of my past. I am honouring him as a person who gave me life... whether he'd been in my life or not. There's not always that opportunity to mend fences... if this is it for us, then it was worth it for a few minutes of discomfort for me. To each his own but I wish you luck with however you choose to handle it.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Erica_Bellerive HereFishie what day do you fly out of Edmonton? I fly out on the 25th! You must be getting so excited, I know I am. My to do list is getting smaller but I still have a few things to do. QUESTION ladies what songs are you using for your bridesmaids to walk down the aisle? I have my song but that’s it. We fly out on the 21st! We're so excited. We just want it to get here already! 3 more sleeps!!! We're doing a mayan blessing so they provide music. We're not concerned with the walking down the aisle music really.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by swankster77 AAAAHHH! My boudoir is tomorrow and I'm freaking out! Any last minute advice/pointers!!?? I would say to make sure you bring several different options for outfits. Also bring lots of props! Something of your FI's (necktie, jacket..) also bring things like .... fans, feathers, gloves, hats, pearls, boots, hell.. even a lollipop! I was soooo nervous. If you want to see my pics please pm me and I will send you the link with password. I don't want it out there on the www for just any unregistered guest to see so I didn't post them but its got more than just my pics on the link and it could give you ideas for poses too! It was SO MUCH FUN. I'd bet anything that you'll come back and say the exact same thing!
  10. My boudoir photos are ready!! I got a few teaser pics and I'm so happy with them!
  11. I never take my rings off. As long as they fit properly, there shouldn't be any concern that they'd fall off?
  12. I got my teasers too! They're on a password protected link so if you want to see them, please PM me. I don't want just ANYONE (non registered users) coming on here to be able to see them!
  13. Welcome fellow Edmontonian! Congratulations on your engagement! You'll find BDW a wealth of information!
  14. Those are great! I used a jersey in mine too but instead of wearing it, I walked topless to the bed (camera behind me) and dragged it with me. I can't wait to see mine!
  15. We're bringing ours. But ours aren't that expensive. His is a tungsten carbide from Ebay for $18.00. Mine is sentinmental since its his great grandmother's bridal set but its not worth very much.
  16. I was going to get the same dresses for my bridesmaids until we found some similiar ones here. Very nice!
  17. If you haven't already, don't get a facial now. It's too close now. Facials are notorious for overstimulating your skin and causing breakouts. You never ever want to do waxing or facials too close to any major event. I was extremely nervous last week before my boudoir too. Believe me, it all goes away. And as my photographer said when I told her I was self conscious about my tummy.... that's what photoshop is for!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by -ballerina- Oh, squished? My dress has lots of pleats on it. I wonder if I manage to iron it after thise squishings.. Anything can be steamed out with a lot of steam and a little time
  19. The Cozumel restaurant/Premier Lobby bar is a great place to do that. There's a nice quiet outdoor patio with live music every night. It's the most mellow place on the whole resort I think. Although, we didn't spend much time at the Tulum side so there could be something similar there...
  20. I was there over NYE this year and even though the various websites say you aren't allowed to eat everywhere, you are. They don't care. Only thing you're not allowed to do is go use the computers at the Golden lobby unless you're a golden or VIP customer. Although... when we were there, we didn't really notice them checking all that hard. It was just a little room with 3 computers in it. When you have free wifi in all the main lobbies, it doesn't matter too much unless you didn't bring a device.
  21. Mine are supposed to be by the end of the week now. I'll give her that extra time since its her birthday and all... lol. I'm so impatient too!! She said there's over 200 images and barely any editing needed! Wahooo!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by -ballerina- Hey, girls!!! I have also ordered the wedding dress from gianinarbridal on February 23. It took them 46 days to make it. They have sent me the pics of my dress and I asked to make just a couple of tiny alterations, otherwise I LOVE it. Can't wait to receive it and try it on =)) BTW, question to the ladies who already received their dresses. Was the packaging alright? One of my friends ordered a custom dress from some chinese shop, everything was fine until she got it. There were some spots of mold on the fabric =( Mine came folded and squished from them in the tiniest black plastic (think garbage bag) package. It looked fine when it came out. No mold. Just squished.
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